Has anybody on here ever read any actual communist/Marxist theory?


Yes and fuck communism.

I actually just got "The Communist Manifesto" book in the mail, I can't believe this whole time people have been basing their governments on such a thin book. Millions dead, for a theory that isn't even 100 pages

>Retarded inbred neckbeard redneck hillbilly autistic malchildren learning something outside Infowars videos and e celeb social media


>reading toilet paper

spoiler alert: the ending is total shit


You underestimate newfriend

I did as a must subject in University
But it was the Stalin version heavily alternated by the party to fit their agenda

so after the manifesto yall need to read wage labor and capital and then state and revolution

stalin's practice is just Leninism applied to post revolutionary Russia

There's a lot more to Communist/Marxist theory and philosophy than just that one book. That's like saying you read an introductory algebra book and you'd figured out all of math.
So in other words you haven't read it and can't actually know anything about what you're critiquing, you're relying entirely on other people to make up your mind?

Yes. You shouldn't be posting here or claim to be redpilled if you haven't.

For example, this tard is probably from t_d

No cause the manifesto is shit

5 books to read after the manifesto
1 wage labor and capital by Marx
2 state and revolution by Lenin
3 on practice/on contradiction by Mao
4 socialism: Utopian and scientific (about the difference between that two) by Engels
5 imperialism by Lenin

Marx was basically a lazy bum who didn't want to work

Jewish communist here. AMA.

how does it feel to be an anti Zionist and support the PFLP

He was also had genetic diseases/disabilities and was in chronic pain all the time

Yes. Marx successfully identified problems and proposed the most ridiculous solutions.

yes Marx was a giant neurotic with end of world predictions

yes, I have

this is true

Can some commie answer this for me.
Let’s say you’re right and the labor theory of value should reign supreme. What happens when a labor saving device is invented? If such a device increased my efficiency as a worker by 50%, should I be paid more, less, or the same?

Hahahaha try reading Walter Benjamin

6. The German Ideology - Marx/Engels
7. History and Class Consciousness - Lukács
8. Tailism and the Dialectic - Lukács
9. Prison Notebooks - Gramsci
10. Dialectical Logic - Ilyenkov
11. For Marx - Althusser
12. Lenin and Philosophy - Althusser

"Zionist" is a useless word.


It was part of my college curriculum, it was trash.

>Read every volume for historical research
>analyzed it for pseudointellectual horseshit that it is
>commietard brainlets can't understand that a genocide occurs every fucking time they try to make their retarded utopia

>There's a lot more to Communist/Marxist theory and philosophy than just that one book

True, however, you only need to read this one book to know that his solutions were shit.

honestly it's pretty easy to judge something by it's fruits. What are the fruits of Marxism?
>Bolshevik Revolution
>Spanish Civil war
>Chinese Civil war
>Korean Civil war
>Vietnamese Civil war

I was fucking taught it when getting higher education in USSR. Helicopters FTW

kind of identified problems, that sorted themselves out. Regulated markets under republics did fine, unlike his predictions

yes. it's a lot of whining and putting feels above reals. kant and marx are cancer that only appeals to rich faggots who have too much time on their hands.

people who actually work, rich or poor, they're the true ones to listen to. even the fucking depressed folks who are nihilist and depressed. that's better than thinking anyone deserves anything for simply being introduced into the world. we must all work for what we gain.

honestly i would just read wage labor and capital to save me from just quoting form it, the pay is relative to your surpluses value you will always be payed under it so if you become more efficient all that means is your employer CAN pay you more

i think the Palestinians would disagree

>Read every volume for historical research

Palestinians have zero merit to be involved in Jewish theological discussions.

Yes & it's a salad of nonsense & weird grazing rhetoric
No wonder it failed

pol is teenagers, they dont read, just vidya

it could be argued that Marx literally invented capitalism, since before Marx, the capitalists really didnt know what they were doing, he explained it for them. his analysis of the problems remains largely correct, just his prescriptions are fucked.

give the workers the means of production, and guess what, production stops, duh

nothing good came out of the Spanish civil war.

the fruits of communism in all these countries came in the form of independence industrialization, workers rights, social services and civil liberties

Everyone but me gotta learn you manchild

Have you ever eaten a shit? How can you say shit tastes bad until you try?

You should still read the material, just for argument purposes. And think about it, most commies are probably kids who haven't even read the basic manifesto, merely bringing up that the that you have read it, while they haven't could shut down their argument, hopefully with witnesses

Yes. I used to be a socioligy tutor. I understand it. It sounds nice. Problem is, it's fucking wrong. It misunderstands human nature, it draws false conclusions, and it niavely proposes a new utopia that is completely wrought with issues.

this title goes to Lithuania, best place I ever visited.

as a communist i can say at least a quarter of people haven't read anything past the manifesto

oops wrong thread

Go be a retarded edgy NEET back on reddit or leftypol

what are the false conclusions and misinterpretations of humanity and in witch text can they be found

Explain to me how collectivism works?

"retarded edgy NEET"
>on Sup Forums
>nazi flag

Basically this. All of the problems have been quelled by simply adopting socialist programs (like minimum wage, safety laws, welfare, etc). You don't need to replace capitalism.

Anyone who preaches Utopia deserves fire.

>Has anybody on here ever read any actual communist/Marxist theory?
Many of us have, yes, and came to the same conclusions as many others. Marx was a jobless alcoholic Jew fuck that never worked a day in his life while concocting a failed theory based on workers rights, how ironic.

give me youre definition of collectivism explain how it works then explain why your interpretation of collectivism is a Marxist

All I read was the Communist Manifesto to give communism a fair look. Well worded rubbish.

the state takes everything from everybody, keeps practically all of it for themselves, gives just enough back to the people because no one wants to rule a nation of starving skeletons, except Kim Jong Un

when did i ever peach Utopianism? i literally recommended a book denouncing Utopian communism.

>Sup Forums

>as a communist i can say at least a quarter of people haven't read anything past the manifesto

If more people read Marx, we wouldn’t have so many dirty Commies right now.

Yes, a waffling by wankers who observe something from afar, looking for a evidence supporting their already made up conclusions, with a sprinkle of bad poetry on top.

hahahah I disagree, people should prioritize Lenin tho

Yeah, it's pretty cool.
Communist Manifesto ought to be read primarily as a historical document at this point tho; marxist theory accepts that a lot of the material conditions and form of production have changed radically since then. Capital and his essays are timeless though.

Going to be reading several socialist and communist books. Honestly it all sounds retarded so far, but I am reading about all of the larger ideologies to understand them better.

My definition is giving a collective complete authority on deciding what people should do ?

>wage labor under communism
You lost me. Do you mean during the transition period?


Commie cat wishs to seize the means of production.

transitional period is socialism, but he didnt specify


>false conclusions
Capitalism will lead to the proletariat awakening their "class consciousness" resulting in then violently overthrowing the bourgeoisie.

>misinterpretations of humanity
People will work without compensation. People naturally want to get along.

Find the page numbers yourself shitter. I have looked back on that garbage in years.

(((Critical theory)))

“Let’s dismantle antisemitism with concepts developed by an antigentile pseudoscience”

Yes. It looked good on paper at the time. Then I turned 18 and got a job and a life and realized it's unrealistic.

Yes, I've read the capital and the communist manifesto for college, along many other communist and socialist publications.

Not worth it, I only read it because I had to.

Why would they prioritize some state capitalist?

I lived with a girl who's father and grandfather were actual communists.. her father was what Michael Ssssavage refers to as a ;"Red Diaper Baby" he also killed himself after writing a book about blacks

>I can't believe this whole time people have been basing their governments on such a thin book
lel you do realize Marx wrote more right? the manifesto was basically a pamphlet so the plebs could easily digest some of the main ideas

nice buys, although you should know that Oxford down plays some parts of the Quran in order to make it seem less mentally ill and more peacful than what it really is. If you ever want to get another Quran for some other reading or whatever, it'll be fine though

Utopian society is literally the endgame Marx preached about in all his retarded books.

>If you ever want to get another Quran for some other reading or whatever, get the Yusuf Ali translation.

Who's your favorite frankfurt, mine's probably Adorno

So some orthodox vulgar Marxist may agree with you but Leninism and the periods following show us that the only guarantee is that there will be tensions IE strikes, riots (we see this clearly) you need a vanguard to make people class conscious. and the second point is mistaken, Marxist-Leninist understand people dont always get along and right now are often prt antagonistic, so we want to change them through a process of educations and practice witch may take 100s of years (your interpretation sounds very anarchist)

>class war between boojwa and prolitariyit
wow sounds like a divide and conquer scheme that serves the elite ruling class
>dictatorship of the prolitariyit
wtf i don't want to live under dictatorship
>create a central bank, give the state a monopoly on credit and communication, the rest of 10 planks
wow that just sounds retarded

so no I'm not gonna read a bunch more marx books to find out why the theory gets better from there

hahah state capitalism was necessary in stabilizing the ussr during the civil war then it ended under stalin

Some Marx, some Trotsky, a little bit of Lenin and a but load of Fabian Tracts. I'm back onto reading some Fascists literature atm and a few Libertarian books I've had on the back burner for a while.

I'm kind of over reading Marxist shit these days, I feel like its a constant rehash and doesn't get me excited. There weren't many I actually enjoyed reading but I was both intrigued and terrified reading the Fabian stuff.

Not an expert on Communism at all so I still have to go a lot off of people's actual arguments rather than what I think Marxist intellectuals thought, which is I guess how debates are supposed to go but I haven't really been able to relate to Marxist books yet even though I can heavil empathize with almost everything said while disagreeing.

Any really good like top 5 recommendations you guys have to get us amped up over an author and their ideas?

The Karltural Marx Mang gave way too many ways for liberals to infiltrate leftist thought.

>Yes. It looked good on paper at the time. Then I turned 18 and got a job and a life and realized it's unrealistic.

-Everybody who has read Marx and doesn’t work at Taco Bell.

>Oxford down plays some parts of the Quran
After cross referencing some of the passages I can see this. But at the same time they are telling it how it is, going forward I'll be able to see through it

It still says kill where it should say kill

I plan to get the "Koran" by Tommy Robinson

>still can't counter genocide every time it's implemented without "not real gommunim" meme

Call me when you have an argument.

Walter Benjamin is the best by far, 'on the concept of history' is one of the strongest philosophical works ever written


what? when did i ever say that, i support the dprk cuba and china as examples of socialism

Yes. Marx is a bitter raving madman who despised Capitalism and wanted a return to "enlightened" feudalism.

Reading the words of Kim il sung and Kim Jong il was a real eye opener ,rather than try apply Marxism-Leninism to North Korea they created the juche idea to better fit the conditions and geopolitical location of North Korea.


I haven't read that one, I'll check it out. I just like how Adorno was basically a snarky curmudgeon who didn't like Jazz.


yeah iv read very little from him, but Benjamin is fantastic

Communism, offering the stalest of memes since 1917.

Bookchin isn't a structuralist though
I've really only read his art stuff

I have had to read not just the manifesto and excerpts from his work but personal letters to his family for multiple classes I have taken. The guy is totally delusional. He was describing what he perceives to be his present and what he believed the future would be. He was totally fucking wrong. Not an especially evil guy but the Marxian dialogue(oppressor class vs oppressed class) has spread division and evil throughout the world. Ultimately he was a bad guy Whose ideas have only brought more pain and misery into the world.

Why do they call it leftypol OP? It’s not politically incorrect because egalitarians are the establishment. Shouldn’t it just be called lefty hang out that’s a copy of pol?

Sure have. It's just as pretentious and stupid as you imagine. It assumes that human beings are capable of working as a collective with no outside pressure or reinforcement to do so, and will naturally fall into a peaceful hivemind collective if everything is reduced to a blank slate.