Give me ONE (1) good reason why this initiative is a bad thing

give me ONE (1) good reason why this initiative is a bad thing

protip; you can't

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Men aren't represented it's more sexist than humanist it doesn't bring the community together it divides them half the picture is such a narrow focus you need to go broader and reach the mainstream viewer

am I done here?

women aren't leaders.
they're specifically designed to follow a man.
that's called nature.

It is sexist.

not an arguments. you can fuck right off.

You did good user.

So leap years are for transvestites, right?
Or you only care about VAGINA GIRLS?

You are so fucking sexist omg u chauvinist pig

How about the fact such thigns will make women miserable? Men don't want "powerful" women and by the time those women hit 38 and have no kids they will realise their lives will be empty and sad.

not an argument. fuck off.

Men's Day wasnt promoted in this leftist shithole

The feminist agenda treats our sons like second class citizens.

Fuck being led by something that bleeds for a week and doesn't die.

Nemoj da šitpostuješ anone

women have been the caregivers since the beginning of time, both from and evolutionists pov and a creationists pov. women are ruled by emotion, are less practical and ruthless than men, making them awful leaders as they'd generally struggle to fire underperforming employees and would suffer with favouritism. on top of that, feminism is toxic. thanks to it, the divorce rate has grown as well as the male suicide rate. feminism isnt a fight for equality, women undeservingly gained that decades ago. its a fight to the top, women are now smothering men and this should be clear to anyone.

It's pretty much just feel good bullshit, so I really don't care about it.

These initiatives usually don't actually change anything since there's a whole variety of reasons for why women choose different jobs than men. They just exist, so people can pretend they're "doing something" about the wage gap or whatever.

This is sexist as it assumes woman can't be leaders everyday

>token hijab
Every single time, without fail.

Fucking croutons. Your country is as irrelevant as your argument.


>Today's boys, tomorrows leaders
Could you imagine the meltdown that would ensue if it was that instead.

Because imagine literally the exact same picture and initiative but replace every instance of "girls" with "boys".

Do you have a problem with that?

Isn't there already international women's day? Why do we need another day for them?

false archetypal structuring of society

Women make terrible leaders. Single women are even worse.

The standard lib response to this is "white men get every other day of the year." How do we respond to this?

>wants opinion
>but only ones that he likes
Let me guess, Pula?

So, you spend every day of the year thinking about and celebrating white men?

Prob anti family propiganda

Ask them how it is.

Give me ONE (1) good reason why we should care?
If they wan't to try and lead go ahead. startup a franchise get some investors. Just don't be flashy about it

How about an impending anti-women class warfare logicly flowing out of the situation in your picture?

Why are all the girls on that image overweight?

Honest question. How many "International Womens Days" have there been this year alone? I'm counting 4.


we're running out of days

why are they purple? is that a new antiracist thing?

So they don't show anyone with wh*te skin.

they just dont know anymore

With laughter. Here in Clown World, every day exists to celebrate evil kikes and worthless nogs. FUCKING WHITE MALES, the creators of all that is good, are treated like dilth.


Initiative? So I see is a fluff image and title. What's the actual initiative?

yes but vagina women only.

>What's the actual initiative?

Virtue signaling.

Ask any middle-aged, "empowered" woman how this sentiment played out in their lives. Many of them end up single, childless, toiling away in some unfulfilling "dream carrier" they never really enjoyed. Those who are fit to be leaders and thrive in competitive environments should be encouraged, but for the typical woman this whole grll power shit is a dead end.

>uses facebook
>defends shitty things
I'm sure this thread is ironic, but the jokes on you kiddo.

why the fuck do most of them look cold and dead

Day of the social construct

fifth from the left is a tranny

it's bossy, that's why