
Can you sense it?
He has returned.

Other urls found in this thread:


If he isn’t here already I think he’s coming soon.

Yes. And he is Jewish

Francis and Him will create the empire of feet and clay when the Catholic Church, the final holdover of the Iron Legs called Rome will fuse to create the final empire during the End of Days. It is a great beast that will consume itself with antichrist intentionally leading mankind down it's road.

Imagine a figure like Christ showing up, however his intentions is the death and destruction of mankind instead of salvation.

Those who lived in the time of Christ were truly blessed to witness Him walk the Earth? What are we when we must bear witness to the coming of Revelation's antichrist?

Iron and clay that do not mingle, fragile. Like a society being deliberately filled with migrants


Feet of Iron and Clay*

reinforced concrete

What's this?

the jews want to fake aliens.

It's not literal, Nebuchadnezzar's dream and God's revelation to Daniel is very deliberate about how they represent empires of history and noticeably how authority, or whatever the proverbial "torch" that is being passed from empire to empire ends at the feet with the dying Roman Empire fusing itself into the World Empire with the two feet splitting to represent the division that is within this empire, on top of being mixed with two things which should not mix.

The power of this state may be unrivalled by its the other nations but it will be very weak on its foundations and will require brutal repression and control to maintain it's authority, even though it is weak, it shall be destroyed by God, as it is the feet that are destroyed in Daniel's prophecy with the rest of the giant becoming ash, and vanishing from time forever. The Roman Catholic Church is the last remaining force from the Roman Empire, both Eastern and Western Rome have vanished and it's weakened state will be the foundation of doing away with Christianity and fusing it with a religion that proclaims antichrist as the World Saviour, predicting by Enochian Religions telling of THEIR messiah. Christians will have to abandon this heretical institution that claims to speak of Christ while demoting Him and any meaning to his worship. Spirituality will play a major role in this coming empire, scientific materialism, atheism and all religions will be crushed with a world religion being ushered in as the foundation for the state to come.

Nothing will remain, those who gave their souls to establish their legacy will have squandered it as nobody will remember in the World to Come. I laugh at the arrogance of some people, the only thing that is eternal is the Heavenly Father God and His Word.

He's been here for a while now

Remember, that "anti" does not mean "opposite of" in Greek. It means, "instead of". Anything which offers itself as a substitute for Jesus Christ and his Church is Anti-Christ. The mainstream media, the economy, the political system, Scientism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Marxism, Freemasonry, racialism, secular humanism, are all pillars of Anti-Christ in the modern world.

He's an antichrist, but not THE Antichrist.


Fuck off Ian Paisley.

I agree to an extent as our society is the very thing you speak of and will keep getting much worst, but one must not also forget that man of sin, the son of perdition will be the physical incarnation of antichrist, He will appear as if he is a Christ, but his works and insides will be as hollow as his claim.

As above so below as they say, it will come to define all things. antichrist is also very clearly described as a man as well.

He's more akin to the False Prophet methinks, or at the very least someone who serves the false prophet in the Jesuit Order.

Science fiction.

i wasnt saying its literal. its just something that made me go hmm

Ah, really activated those almonds if you will.

God keep you brother.

Why? To (((unite))) the world against a threat?
Are they going to point to Christians as alien worshippers?

Thats a minus sign right next to Anti.

(((They're))) trying to force my hand. But instead, im forcing their (((hand))) because theyre fucked and (((they))) know it and in order to save themselves theyre going to desperately appease to us. The timing of podestas ayylmao conference this morning is evident of this.

The last few days the shills have been coming out of the wood works to undermime me, rather, to undermeme me. And sadly its not working.

And lastly, regardless if you think im trolling or not, i created the perfect facade to further confuse any opposition to our plans. In order to break through the conditioning and brainwashing, we can only do it through subversion and reverse psychology. By not being direct we are forcing people to realize the redpill on their own accordance.

An idea is like a seed, once planted in someones brain, itll take root and grow and dictate a persons life regardless if theyre aware of it or not.

Im playing a decpetion to force an inception.

Deus Vult.

It's the pope. The Roman Catholic Church is the beast.



is the anti-christ a nigger?

According to this video, he's multicultured.
He's Jewish, Syrian, African, and Catholic

So yes, he'll be a nigger.

Catholic Church is the Synagogue of Satan.. Towrahless One("Anti-Christ") will come from Macedonia like Alexander.. Is probably one of their 2 main politicians.. Will be pc socialist with catholic and muslim parents.. I think Trump might be the false prophet

no, there he is

>science fiction
>long range accoustic device
>voice to skull devices
>mob excess deterrent (((SILENT AUDIO)))
i'm not able to find anything on the internet that mentions them, but they have this shit out there already, it's branded as high end/cutting edge medical care, but they have nanosphere constructs that they can put whatever they want inside or attached to them and control them with sound at frequencies way beyond hearing to achieve (((DRUG DELIVERY))) and (((ECHO IMAGING)))
there are people walking around today who have had these 'contrast spheres' as they're called put inside if them along with god knows what else
any of these individuals is liable to be a walking massacre when the right frequency sound is generated at their little gifts of designer chimpout drugs parked conveniently in their brain which makes them able to be used to image your almonds, in real time
i'll probably be hunted for divulging this but this is the real scary shit, the rfid shit wont ever fly because its too spooky and too old hat, doesn't even really do anything these lipid/protein nanoconstricts can't while not having all the features they do, especially the feature of being discreet which is the most important when it comes to selling the dumb goy on it
anyways for whoever nigger is going to be tasked with coming up and getting me, good fucking luck, i can read minds just by passively reading EM fields, i'll know when you're around

>Catholic Church is the Synagogue of Satan..

when there are actual jews running riot never mind what the verse says.

>believing Christkikery
Women are stupid enough to unironically believe this shit, you have no excuse.

>Memeflag nigger thinks he'll be taken seriously

Synagogue of Satan = Jews

>worships a shitskin kike
>thinks he'll be taken seriously

digits and im the antichrist

Parroting memes validates nothing memeflag nigger and only shows you don't know shit.

>doesn't address the fact he worships a shitskin kike
Apply yourself Schlomo.

One of the Nixon tapes features a discussion of this passage from Revelation between the President and Billy Graham.


>When all you could do is parrot.

Have fun

Jesus Christ.

Why are Jews so evil? And why are they going to see the Antichrist as their messiah?
Why are their souls so wicked?

Not an argument, rabbi.

It's kind of reassuring listening to the tape because it reflects a time when mainstream people were not afraid to tell the truth about the Jews.

Jews wanted a conquer to take over the world and establish the Jews as the rulers of the world. But instead they got a peace maker that loved everyone, so they rejected him. That's pretty much it.

The Anti-Christ is the USA

I know that part.
But why do they think they can take humans as slaves without a care?
Jews are like the spoiled rich kid of the world.

USA is the end times Babylon

The AC is "the man of sin". It's a person. The USA/EU empire is set up to recreate the Holy Roman Empire. It has to be rebuilt. The Third Temple is soon to be built in Jerusalem. It's time soon, really. I guarantee it. Everyone's fucked up in the head.

I'm not the one hiding my country flag.

What is this?

He’s been here for years. Stay woke.

anti- can also mean opposite of

In the modern vernacular, yes.
But long ago, anti meant "instead of" or "in the place of"

lets teach him Greek

hes here, and hes pretending to be a good little goyim.

Have any clues?

David mayer de rothschild

I just googled him.
Are you saying him just because of his appearance?

Has he behaved in such a way that makes him seem like a messiah to any?