Why is Alex giving Paul such a hard time lately?

Is there an anime break-up coming on? Alex has been getting really frusterated with Paul lately.

You can see Alex's temper flairing at Paul at 6:10


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Alex prolly losing his mind cuz he's a ZOG puppet.

PJW is a literal faggot scared of being killed by muzzies and a cuck on literally everything else

som brit nazi probably fucked pjw's asian wife and he has been triggered ever since.

Who the fuck is Paul?

He goes hard on niggers though


Anyone see the guy just call in trying to get alex to talk about jewish satanism? He was honest at the end.

paul means dick in brazilian


Btw alex has been making comments like this about pauls article titles all week, i like when he passively shits on people like pjw and joe rogan

PJW is a cuck?
Emagin mai shuck

>o-okay I like Joe, we're good friends Joe is a good guy, BUT COME ON JOE YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON HERE OK JOE? OK?

it's how you pronounce Sup Forums dumbass

Paul Joseph Watson mayne

He's an infowars writer

I hope so, PJW is a snivelling faggot that is basically normie tier. I tuned out of Alex Jones when he was full blue pill civic nationalist. Seems like he’s turning around. I wonder what this means.

He's directly associated with PJW so I understand some criticism but Rogan has completely flushed Alex numerous times. Alex needs to stop pretending that he and Rogan are friends. Call him out for his bluepilled leftist cocksucking.

Link, dickbag.


Paul just doesnt write sensational headlines

>*shuffles papers*
>I love Paul its just
>*overdoses on neutropics

Holy shit is that stat a shock to anyone? If you read the FBI crime stats that come out yearly you can come to this conclusion on your own easily. Holy shit we are fucked as a country if people can't think on their own.

PJW is a (((cuckservative)))
Thus, his videos are some goods approaches for redpilling.
I mean, this guy is kind of pragmatic on muslims and libtards, it's a good way to begin a redpill.
Then u might go for Alex Jones. That's still the good goys tier, but Alex Jones >>>>> PJW.
Then you can get to something more extremist.
Like Stefan Molykek.
To finish on Red Ice TV which is the ultimate redpill to this. (to me)

Then gas the kikes race war now on Sup Forums, and videos like The Lion.

That's a big gun.

>Alex Jones

This is a politics board. Post this garbage on the Donald or /bant/

You start at Mein Kempf and end on this video

The final redpill


>52% of crime is by blacks
>45% is white
>3% is every other race combined
Why do you guys think mexicans are the criminals we need to worry about again

Because the government considers Mexicans white.
3% is probably chinks/pakis/etc..

Top kek.

Fucking burgers, we could recognize you even from the other side of this god damn universe.

We don't

I don't even know why Trump said that "THEY'RE RAPUSTS". Most of them are just harmless fucking roofers who send their money back home to abelita

The only problem is that they are low-IQ and drive wages down. Niggers are domestic terrorists

Alex Jones is making up shit all the time.

Because they are barely behind blacks.


Alex was upset about the content, it was hardly directed at Paul. OP is a fag.

Lmfao I noticed that the first time I saw this video

"ALRIGHT lemme stop you, we've got breaking news just texted to me...ok...guys don't put the camera on the phone...ok now I have to delete this so nobody can ever see it"


White=White Hispanic

>magically browses phone without using thumb
>has never once checked his phone mid broadcast but this one time he does its game changing news
>delete this

Dammit the disinfo is coming in hard and fast nowadays

He didn't really seem very angry
I saw a video of him getting way more mad at PJW over him disagreeing with Alex's Vegas shooting nonsense

The majority of AJ's show is him trying to justify how the media took him out of context and him having sources he cant reveal.

Throw in 1.5hrs of ads, 45 mins of him talking over his guests, and 20 mins of batshit crazy callers and youve got infosharts


>Why is Alex giving Paul such a hard time lately?

Becuz the reptiliians are steeling his water filterss and bone broth pwder bisness. Prase Kek LOL!!

When this comes out to be 100% accurate and proven will you pudds come here and apologize? I doubt it.

Yes, I want Alex Jones to not be a shill cause I actually like the guy.

But I remember watching that live and thinking how coincidental he has his game changing info like that. Then starting gunning SUPER hard for the Antifa angle. I'm with him 100% on multiple shooters though

The FBI counts spics and arabs as white

Nigga in 2007 he said Russian subs were ready to nuke California. He flings shit on the wall and 5% sticks

You have to go beyond him, you have to cut the cord and do your own digging. He's a gatekeeper of knowledge

Hispanic != Mexican

Shill faggot

Also, lots of Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and other Hispanics are significantly black, they are not really Mexican or Hispanic, they're black/mulatto

Paul does a lot for Infowars but not enough for Alex. Alex probably wants PJW to do his own show like David Knight and Owen Shroyer do but it's somehow hard for PJW to come on other than like once a week.