Republicunts just introduced a bill to make any "rate-of-fire increasing device" a federal felony with 5 years in...

Republicunts just introduced a bill to make any "rate-of-fire increasing device" a federal felony with 5 years in prison. No grandfather clause, no definition of what such a device is.

Rev up those phone lines, boys. And remember, always kill traitors before the enemy!

Other urls found in this thread:

Whelp, its about that time fellas!

is it time for underground railroad shit? WHERE ARE THE SAFEHOUSES AND BUNKERS

the stupidity amazes me.
if you can't even define the thing you want regulated, don't try to regulate it, retards.

So many boating accidents are going to happen soon.

Just emailed Senator DeSantis!

>water spic """Republican"""

Why am I not surprised. They need to go back. Every single fucking one of them.

>powder temperature increases gas pressure and cyclic rate
>indoor heating banned because it a artificially elevates the departure

If there was ever a time for mods to sticky a Sup Forums thread on /k/, it is right now.

Oh gee whiz I hope it doesn't include rubber bands because my roommate has a rubber band ball and I'd hate to see her get locked away for the rest of her life

>making my crank trigger, a device which has existed for over a hundred years punishable by a felony
When can we string up politicians and lobbyists to trees?

>mfw i u accidently pull the trigger twice in a minute
>mfw the atf breaks down the door to my outdoor range and shoots my dog.
>mfw i go to prison for life without parole

Unrelated but captcha is "End of Valencia"? Cant wait for those arabs to blow up Spain.

Recall election possible?
Is this fuck up in 2018?
Always kill a traitor before an enemy

Line needs to be drawn in the sand that if you support any form of gun control you are going to be removed from office.

Is an SKS gatling gun now a felony to have?

So anything that's sole purpose is to increase RoF is getting ganked? So rubber bands and fingers are still allowed then.

Fuck it
I'm just going to write trump

This would literally ban even simple shit like Apex triggers.

No, this has to be killed in Committee.
Contact Paul Ryan and also try to find out which committees it will go through.
Have them amend the bill to just target bump stocks at the very worst, or, kill this bill altogether.

>Contact Paul Ryan

you people are utter fools

>doesn't know how the legislative process works
Speakers create the schedule and the committees bills go through. A Speaker can literally kill a bill just by having it go through a landmine of pro-gun committee members.
You dumbass.

Great lakes about to get a mineral deposits

>not even putting the damn thing in the NFA registry at least
Fucking RINO scum

Anyone who doesn't wear sunblock is arrested by the ATF

Primary them out in 2018.

What is even the point of voting Republican now?

and just what makes you think any of your messages actually reach the speaker

Actually do this and trump
Just ping everyone

>That pic
>My sides

just tape it onto his door

Speakers' jobs are to make sure that they keep their position. They can't do that if they lose their majority in the House of Representatives.

Death to traitors
Red States with representatives and senators up for reelection need a MAGA Challenger to kick these neocon faggots the fuck out of office. Just like the Teaparty.

Primary out of 2018 is too late. Do that later. Try to kill the fucking bills now rather than wait for them to snowball.

I'm screaming

>tfw you realize congress is redpilling the new generation of voters that the republicans are just as stupid and useless as the democrats are

and how are a bunch of messages sent to his secretary going to make him lose anything?

do you think paul ryan listens to his constituents? the sole reason he's in office is because he plays games, like a typical neocon mongrel, he couldn't give less of a shit what you think

It's going to never see the floor, but those 10 coconspirators need to be marked for political death.

"Traitor to the Constitution" needs to be their black mark. "TRAITOR" shouted at rallies like pepe was at the hilldog. Their primary opponents calling them traitors in debate. Grass roots organization to troll the fuck out of them and their campaign office. Presinct picketing day of to let everyone know that ______ is a gun grabbing neocon faggot.

Primaries and interim elections are always safe for incumbent politicians due to low voter turnout, but the double edged sword is that if people actually show up to vote you out you're fucking fucked.

>and how are a bunch of messages sent to his secretary going to make him lose anything?
IF the Speaker's office starts getting a shitload of calls about his members being in danger of being voted out (and hence, him losing his Speakership), then he will respond.

Fuck off, you political amateur.

Just because you're not speaking to the person themselves, doesn't mean they're not getting a list of people contacting them about this shit. What kind of retard are you? You think elected officials actually decide on things just on things they personally talk to people with?

Letters sent to them don't get read by them personally. And yet they affect their asses just as badly.


1. sportsmen (IDPA and 3gun tournaments)
2. hunters that use semi auto rifles or people walking in bear country and using a Glock
3. people who want to protect themselves but have weak trigger pull strength

And at the very end, tell them "Why the living fuck did I vote for a Republican if they're going to make a bill worse than Democrats can?"

Go call them now.

Contacted my congressmen and senators. Good luck guys.

That would require opening the registry wouldn't it. I'm ok with treating them like machine guns, provided the machine gun registry is re-opened.

You don't need to reopen the registry for this. You can buy suppressors without opening up any registries through NFA.


Yeah but these things are compared to machine guns, and I want that registry re-opened.

It's a fucking accessory to a gun, not the gun itself. How is it a violation of the second amendment?

>buy gun with 2lb trigger
>buy gun with 4lb trigger
>turn it into 2lb trigger


you're only allowed on this board if you have 23 chromosomes.

Because it's a slippery slope, and we know they won't just stop with these, shit the anti-gunner have said so themselves. We're heading on the NRA for backing this stuff but anti-gunners don't see it as going nearly far enough.

>all i need is a barrel, chamber, and trigger
>rifling gets banned because it makes bullets for accurate and dangerous by spinning them at incredibly hihg speds

>but muh NRA 4d chess guys they're doing this to keep it out of Congress hurr

I hope every NRA dick sucking faggot has to literally eat a pile of shit

All of you kill yourselves. I told you so.

I can bumpfire right from my shoulder, do I ban my forearms now?

>implying it wasn't actually because the nra thought they could trade bump fires for national carry

Email your congressmen. It only takes 15 minutes to copy paste an email to all of them. Go to their websites, they all have email portals.

Pre written email for your use:

Congressperson SoAndSo

I am writing to voice a simple concern. I do not support any further gun control legislation, as any and all regulatory legislation regarding firearms at this point constitutes a further infringement of an already terribly neutered 2nd Amendment right. The 2nd Amendment as originally intended, to provide for a balance of powers between the government and the people, is fundamental to the freedom and prosperity of the people of this country. Please remember that, along with my vote and voice regarding the issue.

Thank you for your consideration.

T. user

That Breitbart guy is trying to run maga primary challengers in every state we should shill for them

What are the chances that Trump vetoes the bill?

If it passes he won't veto it.

>The anti-gun, big fed democrat with a bad media image
Veto wouldn't even cross his mind, he'd pass it be it out of principle to deal another blow to the right of the people to keep and bear arms and ergo keep the federal government from interfering in their lives, or just for kicks and media brownie points as "the republican who stood up to the NRA and their evil baby killing nazi assault weapons".

>Fuck off, you political amateur.

says the guy who thinks he's gonna sway king neocon second only to john mccain by sending his secretary messages

this stuff works with lower level congressmen, not dopes like paul ryan

Whered did this "XD DRUMPF IS A DEMOCRAT HAHA FUCK YOU ALT RIGHT" meme come from?
Donald Trump is not a Democrat, and what a man did 20 years ago should not affect your opinion of him now. People change.

So what would happen if this passed and you bump fired with your finger? Would the ATF issue a letter stating that fingers are "machine guns" like what they did with a shoelace?

>Would the ATF issue a letter stating that fingers are "machine guns" like what they did with a shoelace?
this is literally the end of the trail with their description of "trigger mods" or whatever. the trigger finger falls into that definition. which should be a glaring proof to everyone how retarded their argument is.

Literally fucking shills concern trolling
These same faggots are the ones saying "we need to compromise and give up bumpfire to save the second amendment" for the last few weeks

You would have had to have been an absolute retard to think that the Democrats would ever willfully agree to that. When have they EVER even ONCE agreed to losen firearm laws?

>t. alt-kike shills
Reminder that Donald Trump supported the first AWB 20 years ago. Reminder that politicians do not change.
Reminder that trusting a big-fed Republicuck traitor is a one way ticket to totalitarianism city and no guns for nobody.
Nobody gets a pass for being a grabber at any point in their lives. You grab, you get stuck with it. Nothing can redeem that, no matter how much you shout your slogans and gibber about "making america great".

If it hits his desk he won't veto it. That is politics.

The NRA has been obsessed with national carry for a while and has seemingly made it their only cause (see how they've never made a peep about HPA and SHARE despite them being popular). They probably shat a brick when it was no longer going to be scheduled for a vote and thought they could make a deal with the devil to get their waifu, National Carry-chan, back for a vote because they're utterly obsessed wight it.

Trump supported the first AWB and said after the Sandy Hook Massacre that he supported Obama in saying we need to ban assault rifles.

Trump does not own a single gun and doesn't give a shit about your gun rights. Go back to r_thedonald if you can't accept reality

>If we give them just bumpfire stocks, we might get suppressors or national carry!

So where the fuck are these fucking faggot ass retards now?

I want to know where the fag who called me a Reddit shill trying to divide and conquer is now.

These retarded assblowers deserve everything they get, it's just too bad all of us have to suffer because of retards.

Here's one.


That's what you call living with your mom now

>a bill to make any "rate-of-fire increasing device" a federal felony with 5 years in prison.
So if I start bumpfiring with my finger are my hands a ROF increasing device? Bill is too fucking vague, sounds like shenanigans.

I'm afraid you need to go back, hick. Still, fuck him because I voted him for this NOT to happen.

>Trump is a politician
>Drumph is antigun goy! Just let us pass gun control so we can show you he won't veto it
>The man who ran on national concealed carry recipricocy is antigun because 20 years ago in an interview he didn't call for the writers of the Clinton assault weapons ban to be lined up and shot. You should have elected Clinton to avoid a second Clinton assault weapons ban goy!
>The one true libertarian candidate being an antigun cuckold who threw a presentation pistol into a fucking trash can was the one true champion of gun rights!

>Florida will turn anti-guns because of retarded Cuban Republicans in the state government.

Our best hope is still Trump jr. Of course. Guy's an actual competition shooter who uses ARs.

>hurr durr implications
>hurr durr muh big-fed democrat isn't really a democrat
This is what you sound like right now.
The absolute state the the Alt-Kike, honestly. It's hilarious, you faggots claim to be redpilled while being statist, federal government dicksuckers who will bend over backwards to justify it.
So when're you going to admit that Donald Trump is, in fact, an anti-gun NRA cuckold who will fuck us over if this passes to his desk? Or are you just going to go "oh no, it wasn't REALLY his fault that he put his name on that bill! the [neoconservative shills/ctr/democrats who don't even have a majority/fake news media] MADE him do it!"?
Fuck off back to /r/T_D, statist cuck.

His daughter seems to have more influence on him.

Little Marco is wise to not touch this bill because all the Brigade 2506 vets in Miami will claw his eyes out for it.

Petersen threw it in the trash because of who gifted it not because it was a pistol.

Tired of retards not knowing what they're talking about baka

Jr. is for the ban too. you retard.

>Trump does not own a single gun and doesn't give a shit about your gun rights. Go back to r_thedonald if you can't accept reality
He owns like 8 bro

>calling your congresspeoples
i thought you guys wanted the happening of all happenings?

That's what I call being in college and not giving a fuck about what gender someone is as long as they pay rent and don't fuck with my shit

>Linking tfb after what they did during the SA/RRA incident

Do you have any sort of evidence to back that up

>all he owns is CC pistols
Oh boy, another Feinstein tier hypocrite.

Trump owns them because he has money, not because he believes in the right to defend yourself.

My deepest fear is that the WASP american of the South is all talk and no walk. Only a few would go out guns blazing.

>American South
The south is rednecks who see no reason to rebel while the Republicans are in power. After all, ah got muh durr rifle, who cares what Trump does with all them 'salt weapuns? MAGA, son! *tips baseball cap*

No because he's a paid shill concern trolling

>i only threw it out a symbol of Goodwill from the opposing faction of my party because I'm a passive agressive faggot, not because it was a gun. Ignore my antigun running mate plz
>Weed lol what is an a leppo?

The antigun running mate was Johnson not Peterson you uneducated faggot. So was Aleppo.

WASPs exist in the South as much as they do in New England. Most of them are baptists while the northeast has more catholics.

>Paid shill concern trolling
Can you say anything other than this? Are you capable of actually putting up an argument that proves your favored candidate is pro-gun beyond something as empty as an election promise?
Because that is all you have, is 'duh, he owns guns!', which would make Feinstein "pro-gun" under that criterion, and "duh, he said he was pro-gun during the election", which is utterly fucking meaningless. Meanwhile, there is documented evidence of him being pro-AWB out there in the forms of interviews with him.
And I'm just gonna head you off at the pass before you say something to make an even bigger fool of yourself;
>duh, interviews dont count dumbass he just said it for good PR!
If you even think that sentence while thinking that something like an election promise is solid evidence of anything at all, you need to get on the short bus and go back to school.

>northeast has more Catholics
user, I...

Do you even know what WASP means?

That's my point. They're all catholic crypto-paddies pretending to be WASPs.

/k/ mods are fucking assholes

Time to die with our boots on?

Sup /k/ how are you faggots today?

Fucking faggot /k/ mods. Neck yourselves.

Why isn't a violation of the Constitution a high crime? Because look at the only people capable of doing so.