How pissed would Disney get if Sup Forums turned Mickey Mouse into an alt-right meme...

How pissed would Disney get if Sup Forums turned Mickey Mouse into an alt-right meme? Do you think they'd attempt to sue Sup Forums?

Sup Forums would not use such a mascot as the "pedophile in chief".

Mickey Mouse is the mascot of MKULTRA fyi.

Mickey isn't relevant anymore Cuphead is the new symbol of the alt right.

You want a new mascot? Use Bonbomme Carnival: a symbol of white nationalism; albeit francophone.

*Bonhomme. Goddamn it.

>bonhomme de neige

Mickey Mouse is the mascot of this entire plane of existence?

Walt Disney would approve

Why not pic related?
>toxic masculinity
feminists and nu-males on suicide watch



I wouldn't put it past Disney to attempt to track down everyone who has Disney logos, characters, or anything that's copy write protected fined and jailed for sharing the images.

>That swastika in the third panel

I love old Disney. Things went downhill after Roy sold to the jews.



>what is elsagate?

Back in 1989 they sued daycare centers in florida for having mickey mouse painted on a mural. So yeah, good chance they would sue.

walt disney was hated jews all for the right reasons

Then again, I don't think that the threat of legal action would stop people on here.

Disney lobbied to change public domain laws just so they could keep control over Mickey when their time was almost up and he would have gone into public domain.

The ones that I see with him are usually shitty, I want moar betta!

>Nazi pilots love him!

That Mickey is 100% Sup Forums

Mickey was the voice of reason in the later comics I grew up with. He's a detective type who always faces the hard truths. He saw first hand what the jews did to the world throughout the 20th century and knows that to build a future requires sacrifice.

u know the drill...

Disney was pretty redpilled. Shame his empire got taken over by (((them))).

Oh shit! That's my boy Adolf Galland!

Mickey's been a jihadi in the Middle East and a pervert on youtube. Disney doesn't care.

This unironically