I want to go live in the woods because I can't stand this shitty society

I want to go live in the woods because I can't stand this shitty society.

Ever since I started reading Ted Kaczynski, Jacques Ellul and Daniel Quinn my world vision has shifted and I'm not able to see society through a ''normal'' lens. I'd like to start leaving social media, phones, TV and all kinds of shitty artificial stimulation. I'm tired of being a mere clog in the machine. I'd still go to town for healthcare and basic supplies, but I don't know how I'd maintain myself and having an online job seems counterproductive towards my goal.

Have you ever had a similar experience? How did it turn out? If you know about any community of people on the internet who feel the same, it would be useful too.

We are making a brit/pol/ compound in finland, fully of the grid and with everything a modern man needs. Machining tools, electricity and gfs.If you are white and have some money you can come I guess.

>I'd like to start leaving social media
>like to
just leave it.

>le modern civilization is so le bad

ok have fun coming crawling back to it once you get your first tooth infection

kek you live in spain... The might as well call it lazy fuck town... You know nothing about stress, work etc

I did this, kind of. Moved up into the mountains/small town of about 3k. Could get a place 15mins away and be in total solitude. I do work online, you could feasibly support yourself doing shit like cutting and delivering firewood and odd-jobs or a job at a gas station. I plan to eventually purchase a lot and build a home set up to be off-grid. Kind of easy for me though with the online gig, my gf also gets a disability check. You'll probably be fucked unless you have a job lined up or some savings desu.

I don't use social media per se, but I still have my profiles open. Next step is deleting everything.

Good luck user. See you tomorrow.

Sounds nice, good luck on that. What kind of work do you do? programming?

And you sir, know nothing about Spain stop believing what you read without questioning it

I have never had any social media of any kind. I live on 5 acres outside of a town of 500 people, nestled in a rainforest. The internet is pretty good, but most people around here don't have it.
Not a single non-white in the area. Plan to buy more land and build a homestead.

I'd be in.

I plan on building a house on a piece of land here in ontario you can find land for 10 000$ -20 000$
I can't stand people man

Why did you make this thread OP?

Keep this stuff a secret, else the normies will un-plug and we'll have to deal with them and start putting lethal force man-traps and deadfalls to defend our abodes.

That's not big enough for a family, user.

OP, you are actually a "cog" in the machine, not a clog. Or maybe you are actually a clog. Could probably go either way.

I live in a 720 square foot log cabin on the edge of tens of thousands of acres of state forest in Wisconsin three days a week. It has its challenges. I am completely off grid which requires me to truck in large amounts of fuel for my generator. There is no data service and the cell service only works long enough to make a phone call until my phone starts trying to execute broadband apps.

I un-ironically want to do this in Britain and declare independence from Parliament. I figure NOT using money and there's not much (they) could do to stop us. Would be a Long first couple of winters mind.

" I am completely off grid which requires me to truck in large amounts of fuel for my generator."

Why don't you just live in a RV LMFAO

I think you're forgetting the essence of Off Grid.

Luckily you live in a forest, so there is hope for you.

>Ted Kaczynski, Jacques Ellul and Daniel Quinn

You forgot Randy Weaver.

If you live on 1$ a day for food, that means you pay 365$ for a year.

People are paying ~500$ per MONTH for rent in a shitty city, and want to sudoku.

Think about it.

$500 p/month won't get you shit anywhere in the U.S.

Most families paying 70-80% of their income on shit apartments in black ghettos or white trash workforce housing.

>live innawoods
>nearest town is 8 miles away
>pop. 584
>no niggers within 40 miles any direction, as the crow flies
>nearest “city” is an hour and a half drive in good weather
>pop. 60,000
>have a spring with a well for backup
>not on the electrical grid
>got our first snowfall of the season about a week ago
>canning is done
>15 cords of firewood put up
>deer hunting in 2 weeks and elk in 4

Pretty comfy here.

What do u do for work Niger?

Oh, you think the woods are your ally. But you merely adopted the woods; I was born in them, moulded by them. I didn't see the city until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but disgusting.

When I LARP the scenario, a small group, say Dunbar's 150, set up a "village", and food production determines the site/location and is the focus along with housing/shelter. Thus we aim at being self-sufficient for the essential stuff.
Meanwhile we live stream the whole thing, begin adding to the (pre-agreed) "basic law", to attract as much of the rest of the country as possible, and use the General Election as the membership process, thus leaving the lefti and their (supporters) to have their diverse multiculti socialist paradise (and the entire national debt), probably in a few of the largest cities.
Once they all starve or kill each other, we re-build.

> If you know about any community of people on the internet who feel the same

That's called a "self sustaining" hippy commune. I think they still exist here on some level.

Big groups irl are going the way of the dinosaur. All it takes is one nig nog to fuck it all up.

Keep solo. Maybe extremely small group IRL, and use internet too build community online, far far away from IRL.

>deer hunting
30.06 or 270win ? And what for the elk ?

You could have the same outcome if you just buy a place in the city, and never open your blinds.

Only the internet connection is better and you can get pizza delivered.

You forgot the constant nigger chimp screeching right outside your door intermittedly 24/7.

Don't forget getting ass raped by rent.

I can see it. But sometimes a bit of modernity is what I want. There are just things you can go in the city you can't in the mountains. I would prefer a detached home with a lot of trees.

PS. Does that seem like a flood zone to anyone

Mountain view Oregon.

Forests are one of the BEST!

If responsible, you have FREE unlimited fuel and building materials.

Me too user, but I still want access to the rest of the world.

It's too bad that there isn't a community in the middle of nowhere that still has decent internet/good job market.

ohhh NICE!

Work from home.

How can people join?

Looks like a fucking cell block in a prison and you can probably hear your neighbors fucking at night. Might as well live in an apartment.

>Have you ever had a similar experience? How did it turn out?

I got super disillusioned and depressed about the state of politics and the world and ended up losing sleep, then I started taking sleeping pills which made me more sleepy then I got in a car accident and lost my job because car took too long to fix and layoffs, jobs going away and my depression i didn't want to beg my boss for a job and then i got kicked out of my apartment for missing a payment and went to live with a friend and was so depressed looking for a job without a car and no money that I yelled at my friend one day and he wasn't having it so he kicked me out on the street and I was homeless for 3 months and lost every physical posession that I had and eventually got rescued by another friend who cared enough to not let me sleep in bus stops and he helped me get my car fixed and find a new job and get back on my feet and now I'm really appreciative of good friends and a warm bed at night and I don't take everything for granted anymore and I don't lose sleep over politics because life is too short and it should be fun, not depressing.
Would be nice to live in the woods, but I don't know how you could afford it if you didn't have a job or an income.

Glad you're doing okay now user.

Me too, brah. Already have a few 10s of thousands put away for the land. Saving now for the cabin itself. Cant wait for that freedom. Waking up to birds chirping and leaves rustling. Fuckin a


>tfw society killed most of the wildlife so living in the woods in a sustainable way is now 1000x harder if not impossible

so you don't want to work with the machine but still want the goods the machine provides.. mm really makes me think

I built an ISP and sell service locally.
Network covers about 1000 sq mi.

>30.06 or 270win ? And what for the elk ?
I'm using a .300 Savage for both.

Wasn't always this way, but at least I can fully appreciate everything I now have.
I'm figuring out plans on what crops I can grow and how to set up plots for each animal. Plan to have a lot of children too - go figure.

Britain is a pretty small island with lots of people and not much space between. Food production alone rules it out long term in the least densely populated bits (Scotland basically).
In short, it's more unrealistic here than almost anywhere else. I'm willing to try it, but whenever I try to think it through (without knowing anyone else who'd be with me), I can't help think that if well thought out, more people would want to join than not, so why not try to use it as a "completely un-related" catalyst to, say, an English Independence movement.
Daydreams, I know.

tells you all the accounts you have registered to a certain email. delet fagbook, hit the gym, lawyer up

You have the right idea, but i'd stay solo, or max 3 people. Big groups IRL are doomed.

>I built an ISP and sell service locally
That sounds real neato, what does that sort of thing entail in a general sense?

Waste of trips.
You know it's looks like any home on the inside?

This is the first problem when facing the elements of nature folks.
Did you fucking pack antiboitics? Do you know how to actually take care of your body? Please tell me you at least have text books so you can sack up and learn if you need to.

The amount of elements, or properly termed as situations you're not thinking of is quite literally astronomical.

Civil society is amazing, don't bullshit yourself. Being able to walk around the amazing architecture of the human coop peacefully among humans is phenominal, don't belittle it.

One can easily maintain a far off property in proximity to large city centers, and remain in contact with large masses of humans (it's healthy to remain in conversation from a psychological standpoint, especially with those that disagree with you).

My first bit of advice is dip your toes in for a few days of real rough camping first. Give it a week. Then set yourself a time in the near-far future, a good year you plan to cultivate a plot of land on. ITS NOT EASY WORK. But if you sack up, I think you'll find it's quite rewarding.

But please, please don't be one of those nut jobs who becomes a fellow country man because of your fear of people, your fear of society at large. You're just spreading the problem. Do a little soul searchin, forgive the fucking evil in you and in others, then think about how you can actually be a better creature in the mess of it all. Even if it means a'lil hut inna woods. Last thing a fellow man in the woods wants is some fucking nut job setting up shop a few kilos or miles away just armed to the teeth always afraid of "trespassers" and the animals themselves. That's just more ego-boosting and cockwaiving over the planet. Not anti-gun, just pro-situational intelligence.


Learn some more than do it. Go for it. I only encourage the growth of our species.

Sounds good, but why Finland. Is the land cheap and will we be invaded by kebab. Why not Eastern Europe Bulgaria , Romania you can but huge amounts of farmland for fuck all.

Sage copypasta

To be honest it's not "Off the Grid" i even want. I fucking love the grid, electricity, irrigation systems, waste management disposal systems. Fucking right on bud.

But the dream is, through half-assed observation I believe the systems in play are either shit or could be better, 99% closed and dealt with in a economical manner easy to maintain mechanically.

The fooking dream is boys, to build your own god damn mini-city-home with all of the knowledge at your disposal. Architect yourself up a bloody masterpiece of civil/physical/habitual design way off in the middle of no where. Complete with a god damn indoor toilet and everything.

Think there would be any interest in this as a General thread? I know different boards would be good for specific things, but depending on local environment, different people would go about this quite differently I think, and Sup Forums would definitly have particular ideas about aims and means.

Civil society is dead and riddled with STD's, bad memes, and normies.

Forums like this are the new communities. Digital cities.

Did you suck your friend off for helping you out?

You simply post on all your social media that you intend to quietly end your life, thank everyone and ask them to be kind to each other. Anyone that doesnt respond to you, you delete. Then just leave them taking up drive space forever.

thats me thinking the same thing everyday OP tired of ''modern'' society, social media and all sorts of degenerate bullshit we gotta live with in todays world but dont know where and how to start tho

Is satellite internet any good these days so I can work online?

theres no prostitues in the woods tho manolo, how are u gonna get pussy in the woods?

Dude what the fuck you might be an actual psycopath. You can't just tell your friends that you're going to kill yourself just to shittest them.

Your best bet is to look into programs that want to repopulate villages with a dying population to keep some dots on the map, then just shitpost all day once there and getting money. I would look it up for you, but I don't know Spanish, let alone Spain Spanish.


Just one dose of niggotry is too much. I’m so sick of this burgeoning 3rd world hellhole. Even if my city were 90% white there would still be too many people

>I built an ISP and sell service locally.
My old boss did the same thing, was American and drove a Jaguar. He was a real baller.

cities = poorly kept overrun human zoos

I once met a dutch who moved into a remote spanish village and did this. He was a leftie though so at the time I dismissed him as treehugging hippie scum. Which he was.
I think unless you're willing to actually plug out completely, you're just bitching out. It's everyone's right to do all this, but don't attach any political motives or pure intentions behind it. Because most likely you'll still leech off the system in some ways while not doing your part to change any of its wrongs.
But this is assuming a complete collapse won't happen. Which is my position. It will simply get progressively worse for whitey and technology will fill in the gaps to keep this nightmare running.
Varg's position might be admirable in theory, but I think it's wrong. As much as I might wish it wasn't. I too would like to delude myself into thinking running inawoods will actually be enough to secure the future. But that's not how it will most likely play out. I doubt you'll just be "left alone" as you put it. But by then it will be too late to do anything about it.


Who gives a shit? You are trying to escape the shitty side of society, not bring it with you.

realistically you need 100k for the first year until you figure out sustainable living

Like this?

typical city fag

>what does that sort of thing entail in a general sense?

Configuring and managing routers and switches, RF theory, Cat 5/6 installation, electrical grounding, Windows/Mac/unix support, digging holes, climbing trees, climbing houses, solar power and battery installation, structural engineering, local building codes, national wireless spectrum laws, etc.
I also run my own mail server, DNS servers, and file servers with multiple redundant NAS backups at different towers for data safety.

Recently, I've branched out into designing and installing off-grid solar systems and remote video surveillance--the local ranchers love this when they're calving.

No man is a fucking island. Unless you gather a group of like minded people to form a community and completely take over a small area this a bad idea. Balkan villages are utter shit, not at all what you might imagine for the most part.

There was a general on this topic some time ago, can't remember exactly what it was called.

We will solve American city problem soon. Permanently

Come to Portugal, we have lots of Woods and it's pretty comfy.

Come and we will start an White Catholic Ethno-State in the interior


This is fucking amazing. How did you get into it in the first place? If I was in US I'd pester you with questions and do the exact fucking thing somewhere else.

Live innawoods, take with you tons of nooks and start a community, you will live hard life if you dont bring more people there, you need lots of labor.

been to spain recently. compared to germany the spaniards are fucking lazy bums. compared to niggers they are japanese working drones.
french are lazy, too. even compared to niggers.


I would get so paranoid living in the forest alone. But thats my dream. I guess im just going to have to get married.

Moar please.


time for miniguns imo

That is comfy as fuck. What are those kinds of houses called? Is that a specific style? I've seen pictures similar to this before, its like a wood hut but clearly done in a modern way, its top tier. Post more if you have any plz.

Northern you and Galicia should team up and leave the EU
If you do, we'll do a treaty and trade agreement. Oldest allies 2.0, central banks BTFO.

>Is satellite internet any good these days so I can work online?

It's still pricey as fuck, but got a lot better this year.
Hughesnet now claims up to 25Mbps, but a 10GB monthly plan is $50.

>How did you get into it in the first place?
When I moved to the boonies, the only options for internet were Centurylink DSL which ran at about 384kbps, or satellite which wasn't much faster and cost more than 4x as much.
I didn't want to shitpost at Aussie speeds, so I built my own.

>catch squirrel
>instant fleshlight anus

We have Finnish contacts, they have pleasant gun laws, lots of space that is not used (or even accessible by road) for half a year and they are white so if someone wants to get a local gf, no big deal.
We think the same.
We are currently planning it, looking for land to buy and such. If there is any room or nearby land we will put up a thread on Sup Forums, although you will have to get along with us for a whilst in discord or something before we even think about giving you the address.
It will not be set up fully until 2 years time, when we have got enough money and everyone planning on moving is out of education or whatever job they are in at the moment. Someone should be living there next summer though.

I could ask you a hundred of tech related questions but could you give more details about how you got wrapped up in this? I'd be very interested in hearing the story of how you got there. Also do you have a family, what does your day look like.
And I'll risk sounding extremely ignorant and stupid, but won't stuff like 5G render you little business obsolete in the future?
Thanks for indulging me btw.

who needs a family when a round to the head means just as much in the long run

Fascinating, thanks pal. As an aside, you in the PNW? Those look like familiar comfy trees but I could be wrong.

Did you go to college to learn how to do that or are you self taught?

No one will leave the EU. It's the people who have to organize. You made your mistake. Portugal is whole inside the comfy EU.

>Open carriage

You would think a Portuguese leader would know better than that

It's called "fuck everyone buy land and go make it yourself" style. idk

It's the only pic of it I have but try doing an image search with it.

When did you guys start planning this? How many people are in it right now? Is it only Sup Forumsacks or people you met in real life? How many shekels to get in?
I always thought Varg was a retard for not doing something like this if he really meant what he said.