What is the most dangerous ideology?

What is the most dangerous ideology?



Ultimately? Progressivism.


Islam without question

Define "dangerous"

Define this word immediately or never post again, Amerifats

Anything I disagree with.

Gotta agree with these. Progress for the sake of progress is a proven civilization ruiner.

>is a proven
Proofs needed


The best example I could think of on the top of my head is now. You progress so far you fall right off the cliff and into the abyss

What? I'm not falling anywhere. Life now is better than ever.

Yes! Life is amazing! I LOVE living in a bloated corpse of a country stricken by constant war in the middle east because 5 people stand to make a profit! I LOVE having any semblance of culture steamrolled and capitalized upon! I LOVE the fact that drug usage and hyperpromiscuity are ingrained in society! I LOVE LIFE!


Take your head out of your device and take a look around you. Our democracy is broken, race relations are higher than ever, extreme demographic shifts, terrorism, social issues that plague every part of society, overpopulation, resource dwindlement, pollution, the list horrifyingly goes on

American exceptionalism.

Every ideology is dangerous as they are ultimately just caricatures of reality. Great stuff for amassing power though.

>Life now is better than ever.
>I'm younger than 25: the post

Any type of utopian thinking.


...and it's still better than it was before.

I'm exactly 25. Tell me about your perfect times when there was no diabolical progress to ruin everything.

Man, look at these whiny bitches.

How is it better? I can only think of Modern Medicine that has TRULY made now better, and even then, that has brought it's own scourge.


>I have an opinion so I'm a whiny bitch

I grew up in the 80s and 90s and the 90s were markedly better than now in almost everything, unless you're a Russian or a Yugoslav.

>that has brought it's own scourge
Like what? Having your family alive and healthy?

Mountains of prescription drugs that have pacified the west, the enormous population boost that has come from it which has brought it's own problems, and the fact that it's being abused in it's own right.

I was mature enough to admit that there are good things to come from Modern Medicine, I would have thought you could have done the same thing

>constant war

Lol, get the fuck out of here. The """war""" isn't real. It's a military playground for great powers. There is no homefront, common citizen in the West does not experience this war in any way, there are no drafts, no bombs, no shortages. If news were not reporting on it, no one would even know it exists.

>any semblance of culture steamrolled and capitalized upon

How is culture being steamrolled exactly? Probably the first time in history even the most obscure and niche tastes can be easily satisfied by a never ending stream of content. How the fuck is that steamrolling culture? And what is wrong with monetizing it? No one is forcing you to pay for it. Don't like it, don't participate.

>drug usage and hyperpromiscuity are ingrained in society

Yes, and? Are you sure you're not mad simply because you're too limp-wristed to get any?


You're a fucking clown, I can smell a typical /pol9k/ loser from a mile away. Fix your shitty life before you try to change the society you live in.

So it's the modern information technologies ruined everything for you? Or was it modern medicine? Or maybe you just being nostalgic.

Probably capitalism, since it is based on the idea that we have infinite resources. In the long run, not a very wise system.

Ah so instead of warfare that has an actual reason and results in something tangible, we bleed ourselves in some shitty corner of the world instead?

Or maybe it's the stagnant wages, skyrocketing terrorism, increasingly unstable world, mass migration, and cheap Chinese goods flooding the market. Definitely not the crumbling state of US democracy, skyrocketing suicide rates or literal Nazis fighting literal communists in the streets.

Believing anything else can be dismissed as mere nostalgia, why would I need a real argument?

>the enormous population boost that has come from it
You mean in developing countries? It will settle down, just like it did in first world.

Culteral Marxism


stop being a Last Man pleb user

When it settles down, will it then require the resources of first world countries? Because that's the only way the population will stabilize

>we bleed ourselves

No one is bleeding, you useless dipshit. Not me, not you, no one. There is no "we" in this. This "war" is a business, and western participants are there voluntarily. No one gets dragged from their beds to Middle East. It's also fun that you failed to address everything else I posted.

>No one is bleeding, you useless dipshit. Not me, not you, no one. There is no "we" in this. This "war" is a business

stop being retarded and hiding behind vague Russel Brand tier sophistry user.

>Dude ignore the trillions of dollars we racked up and the countries we've destabilized leading to international terrorism

Well fuck, if your above arguments are as retarded as this one, there's no point

Unironically Atheism.
Whilst Fascism leads to conflict, Religion to intolerance, Communism to repression, and Liberalism to isolationism, Atheism eats away at the fabric of society causing apathy, depression, and suicide on an unprecedented scale. Even the most ardent existentialist of the 21st century struggles to deal with the postmodern disconnect man has with spirituality. Can society function properly if the majority of its population abandon the notion of objective ethics and truths?
Man now will do anything to anyone in order achieve his purpose and yet has no purpose in which to do all the things he does, merely extend his longevity at the expense of others.
Where once he had some notion of morality but lacked the power to act upon it, now he has the power to bend the world to his will but lacks the virtues and sense to do it for good.
Man needs faith and spirituality in the same way he needs food and water.
>Inb4 bible thumper or Spook

As Molymeme would say, not a fucking argument. I am stating that you "concerns" are simply delusions that you experience due to your failure and refusal to grow up and integrate into society.

>worse job security
>higher unemployment
>higher inflation and more stock market volatility
>less stable relationships, higher rate of single mother households
>less national cohesion, societies busting at the seams
>NSA watching you take a shit and knowing where you are 24/7
>more terrorism and war (in the west at least)
>urban areas are all non-white
>trust in the media and in politics at all time low
>higher rate of children living in poverty
Those are all objectively quantifiable things, I'm not even getting into subjective categories like art and entertainment. If you think modern era is better than the 90s because we have more shitty useless gadgets then you seriously lack some perspective.

Are you kidding me? What is vague about this? You have a melodramatic manchild babbling about "bleeding ourselves" . I am stating that this is not the case at all.

>skyrocketing terrorism
If you mean Islamic terrorism then it's like the most anti-progressive movement you'll find on our planet.
>increasingly unstable world
World was never stable. All that shit happening in your country (I'm assuming you are an american) is caused by flaws of your society, not some evil progress.

>stagnant wages
If one adds in various non-wage related elements then stagnant wages disappear, overall earnings are rising
>skyrocketing terrorism
A few big events happen every once in a while, but the amount of people who die in them is miniscule. The number of people who die violent deaths around the world is constantly in decline
>Increasingly unstable world
The world could have ended in a second in a nuclear holocaust for 30 years, some shitholes fighting in the middle east is nothing compared to that
>mass immigration
your concern
>Cheap chinese goods
good for consumers
>Crumbling state of US democracy
And how do you propose to fix that?

>Skyrocketing suicide rates
only point on your list that is valid and logical

>Nazis fighting communists
a couple hundred people brawling in Charleston or the people's republic of Berkly does not mean a civil war

youre engaging in sophistry because youre a typical last man pleb and your argument boiled down to "its fun and youre just jealous!"

Theres no war in the middle east user? California saying its okay for HIV positive people to fuck people without telling them is totally fine and youre just jealous? Weekly terrorist attacks or minority riots over nothing is totally fine?

kill yourself user

>atheism causes apathy, depression, and suicide on an unprecedented scale.
Maybe if you're a huge pussy it does

>f objective ethics and truths
Like that universally agreed upon vision of Allah?


>Islamic terrorism isn't progressive
Maybe progressives should stop encouraging it, defending it, acting as apologists for it, and importing hordes of muslims.


>let me comfortably talk about how bad progress is on the internet

>then it's like the most anti-progressive movement you'll find on our planet.

and yet, progressives go out of their way to make EVERY fucking excuse for it possible while encouraging its growth because of "muh diversity"

>melodramatic manchild
So namecalling without addressing the argument?

>Change for the sake of change is progress if I call it progress

>people comfortably talking about society in the public forums in Rome
What's your point?

>I am stating that this is not the case at all.

and you are factually wrong you dumbass.

What kind of resources? That population growth is caused by lag between modern medicine and human mentality.

>Man now will do anything to anyone in order achieve his purpose and yet has no purpose in which to do all the things he does
We've got to come up with a new word for these people. These anti-fedoras.

The entire worldview of "progressivism" (right side of history, linear progress, etc) is predicted on the long debunked Whig view of linear history.

>California saying its okay for HIV positive people to fuck people without telling them is totally fine and youre just jealous?

They changed it from a felony to a misdemeanor.

>Weekly terrorist attacks or minority riots over nothing is totally fine?

People don't riot over "nothing". They see it as a worthy pursuit, and most of them don't riot anyways. Terror attacks are a concern, but they're literally designed to be headline-grabbing.

The fact of the matter is that the world is healthier and wealthier than it's ever been. The deadliest war occurring right now is chump change compared to even 15 years ago with the Second Congo War. Hundreds of millions are being lifted out of poverty. Is it perfect? Of course not. Humans are imperfect and our achievements are thus also imperfect. But to say that the world is worse off than it was even 20 years ago is insane.

How is capitalism based on that idea?

>the world
And we reach the crux of your failed argument, the concept of an "average person". Average people do not exist. Life is getting better if you're a rural Chink or African farmer. But if you are, you aren't on Sup Forums. The developed world is suffering for the benefit of nignogs, and on Sup Forums you're discussing pretty much exclusively with people from the developed world.

The constant population growth in Africa is attributed to the fact that the life expectancy is so low and therefore if the continent became first world, the population would stabilize, but the average resources i.e. food clothes gas etc. would rise exponentially

>its fun and youre just jealous

It's true, though. Modern society, and life in general, is incredibly fun and entertaining in the West, and you are indeed jealous, because you fail to participate in it due to your issues (social, financial etc.). This is an anonymous board, you can admit it, I'm just lines of text on a screen.

>Theres no war in the middle east user?

There is no war in the West, ME doesn't matter. You (I'm assuming) said that you are tired of constant war - this is not the case, because you do not experience it.

>California saying its okay for HIV positive people to fuck people without telling them is totally fine

Don't like it, don't participate. It's not like you could anyway, lol.

>Weekly terrorist attacks or minority riots over nothing is totally fine

We both know they're not even nearly that frequent. Anyway, some disgruntled Ahmed bin Saliami decides to blow himself up in Germany? What, like ten people die in a country of 80+ million? Drop in an ocean user.

Nothing I love more than sheltered 20 year olds telling oldfags about the world they never got to experience themselves.

Are we talking about same "progress"? Maybe it's something different for westerners, I don't know.

Sup Forums shit

"Progressives" don't make excuses for terror, they defend Muslims who don't approve of those actions from being tarred by people who don't like Islam. I have literally never seen a mainstream "liberal" (by the American definition) politician encouraging more terror acts unless you count advocating for the admittance of syrian refugees and the like as "encouraging" the committment of bombings, shootings etc.

In order for capitalists to create wealth, they need people to be alive. In order for people to be alive, we can't genocide the human race. If we don't genocide the human race, its population will grow too big and then we'll just shit on top of each other until we die.

t. optimistic communist

>politically incorrect shit is the most dangerous ideology
What a pussy.

>Average people do not exist.

Sure they do, user. I live in the West, I make more money in a month that I can spend, I own a car and an apartment. My ambition is docile at this point, political delusions are quenched. I'm average.

Are you sure you're not mad at society simply because you suck at life?

>they defend Muslims who don't approve of those actions
Also, those who do.

I'm talking about the social ideology of which Sanders, Trudeau, and Sadiq Khan are examples.

>progressives don't make excuses for terror
"Part and parcel of living in a modern city"

Trudeau gave convicted terrorist Sadiqh Khan millions of dollars.

>Heh, let me tell you about life in the 90s kiddo, I was born in '88, I should know ;)

Who? You will never be conscripted. Never.

Yeah, and your dad works at nintendo, right? Are you sure you don't lie on Sup Forums because you're losing an argument?

The state of liberals.

Being prepared for terror attacks****

Living in a modern city is punishment enough even without terrorism.

Maximum untermensch: the post. You're literally a lemming.

>Saying Islamic terror is normal is not normalizing Islamic terror
This is some high tier mental gymnastics.

Most dangerous if you take it seriously is anarchism.

Most dangerous in the real world is communism.

Guy who founded KFC?

'81 actually.

>The developed world is suffering for the benefit of nignogs

You certainly sound like someone informed who's struggling in this day and age in mommy's basement, go live with the 'nignogs' then, christ almighty.

>someone born in '88 didn't experience the 90s
>how do I math

yeah right

To my mind, Zhang Xianzhong's Seven Kill Steele is the ultimate koan of the cult of Progress.

>Heaven gives everything to man
>But man gives nothing to Heaven
>Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

>Yeah, and your dad works at nintendo, right?

Did you really reach a point where things that I described earlier seem unbelievable to you? I don't fuck 10/10 models everyday on my yacht, I don't drive Lambos. I simply have a normal job that allows me not to live from paycheck to paycheck, I bought a car with money I saved up, and recently got an apartment. My friends followed quite a similar path.

At first I was just baiting with this /pol9k/ bullshit, but come on man, don't be a stereotype.


>Trudeau gave convicted terrorist Sadiqh Khan millions of dollars.
Are you living in an alternate reality? Or is this Sadiqh Khan different than the mayor of London?

I'm obviously not talking about human lives, but the social and economic losses that come with it

I realize nothing would ever get done if you weren't melodramatic to some extent but "suffering"? You're just undermining these ideas at that point.

>heh, kiddo, life was simply better back then ;)
>what, no, I don't see how me being a careless teenager back then and not having adult responsibilities would result in a skewed and pink-tinted view of the decade

See You're a Mongoloid.


If multiculturalism and internationalism hadn't been such failures and Islam wasn't a thing, Nationalism wouldn't have skyrocketed.