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Why is Uncle Sam represented as a white man? That's racist. He should be a proud obese black trans Muslim cripple fox-kin


America was founded on racism lads, accept your racism let the hate flow through you. take back what is yours =D

America is not going to have any state. Soon

Shut up little rocket fag

OP is literally a faggot.

you guys are so pathetic. thank GOD you'll end soon when the goyim know

no pls stop, nuking california would upset us soooooo much

godspeed you crazy nork make those burgers glow

Antifa literally supports the USSR you dumb liberal faggot.

Who knew Kim Jong Un shitposted on Sup Forums

trump said that he bets that north korea wont nuke south california. he says kim jong nuke doesnt have the balls to nuke south cali

How would Kim Jong Un be woke and based?
Only on Sup Forums

Lefists are the most anti-american pieces of shit youll ever find, they just use their false patriotism to push their agenda and make them seem like the good guys. Fuck them

I snapped Antifa fingers in Berkeley. I collected human teeth in Charlottesville. You're not going to "stop" shit. Come and try it so that I can slice your belly open.

Why is it bad to support the USSR?

>The SIMS 3 sprites
You faggots sure are hilarious

I sure would hate it if cali got nuked. oh boy i would be mad. i would be even more mad if Portland OR got nuked as well.. sure would suck

>Russian flag
>Nazi flag
>Confederate flag

Can you get any more contrarian? The Nazis murdered millions of Russians and the Confederacy would hate them both for being hyper-centralized governments.

>Hates America
>Doesn't have the right to bear arms, can't protect his/her freedoms if it doesn't have'em in the first place.
>Risks it all to post one comment hating on US

and yet the liberals just can't stop losing to him. Trump defeated the NFL. Trump defeated the news media. Trump is defeating hollywood. Trump defeated the RINOs.