Quit Being White Nationalists

Start being Economic Nationalists, similar philosophy but does not require a centralized power to come in and deport/kill all non-whites

Self-segregate and start building white communities and spreading your ideas if they are so good.

i live in a 99.99% white town without a white nationalist country

If you want to seperate from blacks and blacks on average are poor, create communities with higher priced housing and you'll automatically filter out most minorities and if a few make it through oh well, they probably won't cause any problems if they are wealthy and want to live with whites

Teach future generations to not race mix but don't force anything on anyone.

if they burn the coal and pay the toll then so be it

Also, stop thinking all jews are left wing, most are probably left wing but theres a good portion that aren't and we can be allies with them

You don't have to like any jews at all actually, but calling for a regime to take care of them will be the same regime that takes "care" of you too eventually. Bannon doesn't really like jews either but he's not calling on the government to kill them in mass

Authoritarianism is not the answer.

Bannon self segregates. he doesn't like jews that much so he sends his kids to a different school. he doesn't become a nazi

We tried that kike. The HUD of the ZOG literally builds low income section 8 housing for nigs in nice neighborhoods.

Do you not understand that whitey will be a minority in 2042? The government already tries to put section 8 housing in all white communities. You will be stamped out by the mestizo government if you try this shit

No, Mr. Civic Nationalist. Niggers rob and Mestizos can't produce plumbing that lets you flush toilet paper. The segregationists were always right and you were always wrong.

so spread your ideas and get people to understand not to race mix and not to flood the country with so many immigrants, don't change your entire ideology from conservative/libertarian to fascism

fascism will eventually turn on you just like the GOP turned on us. difference is, they have a lot less power cause we aren't fascist.

it's too late, we've gotta play the hand we were dealt. we cant round up 100 something million minorities and deport/execute them. it will tank the economy and plunge us into a multi decade long civil war.

to be for fascism you have to have 100% complete faith in your leaders that they will never become corrupted for centuries to come, and that's basically impossible. governments ALWAYS get corrupted and you have to have a firewall incase it gets too corrupted. our firewall is the constitution and seperation of powers. imagine if mcconell and paul ryan had unlimited power, we'd be fucked

thanks to the founding fathers their power is limited

Bloodshed is coming whether you want it or not, Mr. Civic Nationalist. Big governments, fascist or not, don't give a damn about economics as long as they can print money. They'll force blacks to go to school with whites at gunpoint. What makes you think they won't march in thousands of blacks into white communities under tank escort?

fascism is only good when good people are in power

a constitutional republic is a safer option cause the power is restrained

just imagine if obama had dictatorial powers

yeah you all want fascism cause trumps in but you wouldnt be saying that if hillary was in

we need a government system that can survive massive corruption

You dont understand the white nationalist/separatist movement. Many in these camps want American to Balkanize and seperate into racial states. This may seem like a hail mary, because it is, but it is the only chance white people have. Like you said, cant feasibly deport non whies, so break away

i dont believe bloodshed is 100% going to happen in mass yet. theres still hope that trump could do something major and peacefully solve this. if it was hillary in the white house it would be 100% chance of mass bloodshed though

You need the people related to the Founding Fathers to have a government even close to the one they envisioned. That means whites of English and Scots-Irish ancestry. The Yankee Empire is multi-racial and multi-cultural. It is not a nation. Either re-draw the map or there's going to be decades of skirmishing.

It's too late no matter which way you look at it. If we let the blacks/Muslims/mestizos rule us, we lose. If we fight the blacks/Muslims/mestizos we probably lose or at least the bloodshed will probably kick off WW3. But it's better to die standing on your feet than on your knees.

I agree 100% bong. If white people are going extinct, I want us to bring about death and destruction across this planet like a wildfire before finally being put out. I want non-whites to look back at history and think whites were an incarnation of the devil

Killing or oppressing someone because of their skin color is dumb, but human beings are dumb and shitty to one another in general. You don't get a say in what happens.
A black majority with a white minority is South Africa. How's that working out for whites?
A Mestizo majority with a tiny white minority is Brazil. How does that help whites, a people that's always been a global minority and reproduced carefully, flourish?
Trump either doesn't know about historical trends, or he knows he doesn't have the political capital to do anything. Don't put your faith in Trump just because he makes the media lose sleep.

>fascism will eventually turn on you just like the GOP turned on us
And the current government has already turned on white America. Why would you worry about tomorrow's problems today when you have today's problems right now?

I don't think an authoritarian government is the solution to a government that uses section 8 etc. Because those exact problems would just come around again and we'll be even more fucked. Because this time, it's more authoritarian.

My opinion is just; take the economic hit, if there is any. Deport all scum of another race that has not proved themselves to be productive. If they contribute to the economy in terms of having a job and not just spending money. They get to stay(assuming they don't have a record or steals stuff, of course)


because once you go fascism you never go back

>i live in a 99.99% white town without a white nationalist country
Wait a few years. They will start moving in and there are no laws protecting your town. My town was over 95% white just 10 years ago. Went to 80% in just one year and just keeps getting worse. We used to be a really nice town but it's changing faster and faster.

100% of fascist nations currently have democratic governments so I'd say that's completely wrong.

>And the current government has already turned on white America. Why would you worry about tomorrow's problems today when you have today's problems right now?

Because yesterdays problem that they extended to today (1964 immigration act) has come around to fuck us all now. You want things to be worse in the 2040s? With even worse immigration? Fascism is great when the government is on our side, but they will not always be, and you'd be surprised how quickly you'd find that out.

All loyalty is to state. Citizen subject must submit total obedience.

>muh 93 billion

How do you get a signal from your bomb shelter, Kim?

>it's another leftypol cuck threads trying to character assassinate everyone on the right by making up shit

This is like the 10th fucking thread in the last hour

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Your problem with an authoritarian government is that it could possible be unfriendly so the solution is to live under an almost as authoritarian government that is currently unfriendly and has been for an extended period of time.

(((They))) are relentless, senpai.

>"If you're depressed, just determine be happy. Don't do anything different, just change your outlook, senpai."

k thx shlomo!

That is not my solution at all.
I am all for overthrowing or disposing of corrupt elements, even through force, if necessary. But my solution does not involve establishing an even more authoritarian fascist government. If anything, I'd return america to 1776, keep the Constitution, go back to how it was before (only white males can vote)
and by force, deport and/or kill certain people.

And not, it's not going to possibly be unfriendly, it WILL be unfriendly. The question isn't if, it's when.

op is a faggot and is mad he is brown haha

Well if your solution is to use magic and you have a council of powerful wizards at your disposal than I'm all for it. But barring that what you're describing requires a strongly authoritarian government at least temporarily. You don't even seem to disagree with that considering you're advocating for forcibly deporting, and killing people.

Not at all, your forefathers gave you all guns for a reason, and that's this reason.

A super authoritarian government does not allow for guns. especially among citizens. If you want an even more authoritarian government, key points of the constitution goes away, like the first and second amendment. This seems to be a trade people like you are willing to make, not seeing that there is another way. The solution is to not compromise key points of the constitution, mostly the stuff that was on there pre 1900s. It has nothing to do with powerful wizards. it's about not disarming people or compromising the old version of the constitution.

You don't want an authoriarian government because in 20-100 years, when the new authorarian government has been corrupted you're fucked. Just like we got fucked by the scumbags of the 1960s.
Lets not repeat history and do this right. Moreover, we need to give the next generations a way to fight back the same way we (theoretically) can do now.