Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan

Pastor Anderson BTFOs Japan

This is the sermon that every Sup Forumsack manchild/NEET who still watches anime, plays video games and is obsessed with Japanese culture needs to hear. Japan is a wicked nation and should not idolized.

Least the japs don't support bastardizing their race & nation with the lowest animals of the earth

Pastor Anderson is going to hell tho....

time stamp nigger

>this same christcuck thread again
I'm started to think you are this retard. We don't want you here spreading your nigger loving nation-wrecking bullshit.

Can you christian mongrelized either by blood or soul subhumans just fuck off?

delete this

official pastor of Sup Forums
inb4 the kikes post the nigger pic


Japan actually shames people who have illegitimate children, cares for its poor, etc. and follows other Christian concepts more than more Christian countries like the ones in Latin America, etc.
Japan's problems are so fucking minor that it's insane that we actually focus on them when places like America have to deal with insane minority crime rates among other things.
Japan's problems are pretty much limited to NEETdom and some other minor things.

Lol what a picture. Amen brother preach the good word!


But i don't care what he thinks

>tfw he has more white children than all Sup Forums convine
>they thing they are helping the white race by shitposting on the internet
u g h

fuck em both

also who cares, japan will eventually just go back to killing each other with swords, and it'll be sweet


Fuck off.
Japan's problems are more complex social problems than an outside observer can easily grasp so it's easier to make up other shit. Mostly things like insane work culture, women in the workplace, the question of remilitarization. But it's easy to say "haha, look at these random losers and these overblown statistics, this country that's doing really well is totally fucked".

show your flag

Maşall*h Sup Forums's favorite pro-miscegenation preacher has finally seen the light and come to Islam.


This is the worst wrestling promo I've ever seen.


>replacement theology
more like demographic replacement theology
>we all are g-d's chosen people, both an above-average IQ white and a sub-gorilla IQ nigger

((They're)) scared


Satan BTFO



>preserves Shinto traditions even though nobody practices anymore

>Christians get their "rights" trampled on by fags and fedoras, despite having a Christian majority
