Andy Milonakis rap vs. Eminem on Trump

Is Andy /ourguy/?

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Andy is a national treasure.

Sieg Heil!


That was pretty funny. I watched Andy livestream in South Korea I think he's ourleftypolguy, where you understand how dumb modern leftists are but also can't commit to conservative herp either so instead it's just dark humor and irony until you die

>let me tell you more about politics
>suck my dick


wow what a racist nazi anti semite you are. Andy is a based jewish man and that is his based black boyfriend. MAGA GOD BLESS AMERIKA

I bump for autism

i 41 year old national treasure dressed-up like a 14 year old.

Wait for it...

Andy is a faggot and has always been one. His livestream shit shows him as the boring fag he really is.

Andy is just a straight shooting dude making it in this big dark world.
No one can legitimately hate that dude.

Perhaps you didn't know, Gronald Brumpf is a bad guy.

>sitting andy
hes a leech its only for attention

He just doesn’t give a shit and doesn’t pretend to

The last second made me spit coffee out my nose.


His streams with Hampton Brandon are gold

True Cx

>let me tell you more about politics
>suck my dick

Wish he'd adopt me, cus he for sure cant have kids.

Can andy actually die of old age?

Like, do his telomeres work like ours? i'd think he's probably got a much longer lifespan considering he never went through sexual maturation and puberty which is an insanely energy expensive process on the body.

>Get that bag out of your hands and get a fucking storage unit you ugly bitch
>Save me bro! She's weird!
fucking zozzed

brandons a douchebag
only 12 year olds like being TTD

Greeks are honorary Aryans.

I miss his show 2bh. (((MTV))) would never allow him to have his own show again.

>[current year]
>paying attention to effeminem



Save me bro! shes weird.

>let me tell you more about politics
>suck my dick

God I fuckin love Andy. Haven't seen or heard from him since he helped do E3 back in the day. Thought the dude died or something.

The same "man" that made an entire song about murdering his wife for being a lying, cheating snake supported Hillary.

You sound like a leftypol fag and you should kys

I'm boycotting M&M's because of this asshole. See how he likes his royalties getting cut

I swear someone tries to take his camera every time he streams. And every time it just gets funnier and funnier.

Forgot this kid existed.

Wait he's monetary connected to M&Ms for real? If so, it would be a perfect opportunity for a sheckel shoah (email campaigns informing them that you are boycotting because of said connection).

Seriously whenever possible we should start boycotts - goycotts

b u m p f h


That last second got me good.

No you gyro nigger, he was joking. Why would eminem and M&M actually be financially/legally connected? Come on, didn't y'all used to have some of the smartest thinkers in history come from your country or has the last 2000 years of getting raped by towel heads completely depleted your IQ.

But yeah, I agree that boycotting is the most effective tool against the eternal merchant. Too bad everyone is beyond pathetically addicted to their bread and circus at this point.

I wish I could see Andy but I don't have twatter