Joe Rogan asks the Jewish Question!!!

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what is the jewish question?

Jews run the world.

>why do so many jews win nobel prizes
>jew makes the case that niggers are genetically predisposed to be athletic
>We jews breed intelligence because that is what our culture values
>he implies its because jews were forced into money lending

The problem is that he's bluepilled he can't just get that they practice nepotism at such a rate it would be illegal for any white person to do.

thats not a question


Jews being smart is a meme, its nepotism that gets SOME of them ahead. I've met more dirt poor jews then rich ones.

Read culture of critique.


Great question bro.

The Jewish Question is "Are gentiles human?"

Ok, great anecdotal evidence. I know a smart kind nigger, I guess that means niggers aren't good people and Sup Forums is all wrong,

$50 says Alex Jones is behind this


Were Jews really "Forced" into money lending? its a comfortable, lucrative, powerful role to have, and they were even doing it 2000 years ago in the temple which Jesus got angry about.
Thats like saying Germans were "Forced" into becoming superior at engineering, or Russians forced into high-tier philosophy

Behind what? That Jones told Rogan to ask Eric Weinstein why so many Jews won noble prizes? I'd take that bet

holy shit joe is basically a literal nazi

What to do with these nation wrecking vermin.

What kind of mishmash answer is that?

Its just an old meme they push

>we don't like how you do usury
>pffft you goy MADE us do it

Embrace them, hire them for our scientific research, go laugh at their entertainment and comedy shows.

Joe's a fucking shill! Why else would he let Eddie Bravo's brown ass spout all that flat earth shit? Fucking pathetic Rogan LARPing as white

That's not doing anything to them, that is just what the question is about.

Calm down there Jakup, it's just a talk show.

Poltards should stop their biasis for one moment and listen to this man. He's smarter than you. He's also linked with Peter thiel, who is /our guy/.
All true.
Money lending only became the way you described later on. It was always looked down upon and despised by the European elite. The European elite didn't foresee the important of money making. When they did, it was already too late.

>why are jews smart?

Because Eddie is his friend. I know you don't have any friends.

He goes on to say its because jews breed for intelligence while those stupid niggers breed athleticism

He's not wrong.

Eddie is the perfect caricature of a gullible conspiracy theorist. He doesn't make very coherent points so any truth he may have is lost in a sea of bullshit.

>Eddie is the perfect caricature of a gullible conspiracy theorist. He doesn't make very coherent points so any truth he may have is lost in a sea of bullshit.

Let me guess, you think there is a conspiracy to deliberately place Eddie on the show to discredit conspiracies?
Eddie is just a guy that smokes lots of weed and talks shit. He's not a caricature of a conspirscy theorist, HE IS ONE. Just like you, you are just as deluded as him.
Inb4 I work for the illuminatty jews.

Basically he's saying that Jewish success comes from practicing eugenics.

Meaning Weinstein is saying that to Rogan

>Let me guess, you think there is a conspiracy to deliberately place Eddie on the show to discredit conspiracies?

No, but since I didn't explicitly say that it makes sense you'd ask. I just think (((they))) would like to have copies of eddie everywhere conspiracy is a topic.

thats so retarded though

"pshh we dont want to deal with our own money, so we'll get this alient minority group to do it for us, oh wait money is powerful? can we have our money back now? oh no! we have no choice now but to give you more power!"

I think its more that Jews are smart and money minded and exploited systems of Europe, slowly accumulated masses of wealth in their ethno-religious tribe and then had Europe by the balls financially speaking.

Ok another non shit example is how shit israel is, its basically a third world country. The majority of kikes are stupid faggots who jack off to made up number about them being smart.

What's the secret of the steel?


Israel is a thriving first world nation started

No, it's not retarded. You're retarded. Why are you assuming that meant the European elite had to lend money from jews or had to have their money managed by Jews?

one of my highschool mates was "gifted" and was sent to a gifted school, he was a pure goy, but a complete asexual kind of weird but not a loser, he was kind of athletic but he had this huge head, and he woldnt play on the soccer team because he didnt want the ball to hit his head. he was a pure goy, english background, he ended up becoming a phd in molecular physics, and just recently, i found out he married a Jewish woman. or should i say, SHE married HIM. its completely obvious, that is just what they do. the women especially though, they hook up with highly intelligent goy men, and then have jewish children.

Jews did so much money swindling over the centuries that the particular behavior traits necessary for that acticity coupled with inbreeding resulted in the selection for those traits. They may be intelligent, but they also use it in a very predatory way.

>my anecdote proves it

12th highest average IQ on the planet, with half the population being arabs.

Joe is bluepilled as they come. He refuses to rock the boat in any sense because he knows who's paying for his lifestyle and that of his beard.

about as good an answer as u can expect from a jew

but watch this:

now look, Jewish woman marries ultra intelligent pure goy, and they have a daughter, >>>jewish girl offspring. and so then, the "jewish" girl grows up, and she finds another smart good boy goy>>>>>you guessed it, except this time, they end up with a SON, oh oh, no goy no goy, you need a daughter, so they do it again, get a daughter this time, she grows up, Jewish Mom, and so on, and so on.

Why is Sup Forums so attracted to this ufc kike

I think he would gain even more support and donations if he started telling the truth. I think he is more worried about the kind of people who come onto his show. Half his guests are jews and niggers. He would not be able to get any of them on his podcast if he started talking shit about the God's chosen parasites.

He sometimes toes the line of what would be a redpill for normies and has notable guests on.

Bullshit, Vatican has planetary dominion.
Bible says the Kikes of Moloch house was laid desolate... whatever power you think they have right now is merely residual.

In the grand scheme of the world order, the ruling elite of the Jewish tribe, though powerful in their own right, are essentially neutered with regards to possessing global clout and ultimate authority – they have been widely dealt with throughout history and most cultures around the world dislike and distrust them. In that their interests are largely oriented around maintaining their immediate survival as an ethnic caste in a hostile world, they are essentially isolated, and in being so, they are manageable – such a people require protection and mutual alliances to ensure their continuity, and the Catholic Echelon provides it to them. The Jewish syndicate is essentially a semi-autonomous high-level operator incorporated within the global Catholic system – they are elite sock-puppets who serve as the face of various surface level operations, most prominently in the academic, entertainment, and financial sector. Embedded within these Vatican-run enterprises, the Tribe of Moloch enables the Catholic Echelon, a kind of plausible deniability with regard to their world monopoly, as the Jews absorb the brunt of the public scrutiny and blame.

Because Peterson was in the podcast once

Cloaking themselves under various indistinguishable layers of false-fronts and operational proxies, the administrative Jesuit commanders of Catholicism, who ultimately oversee and manage these institutions, can remain largely obscured beneath their Jewish front. Jesuit universities are staffed with Jewish professors, Jesuit banks are occupied with Jewish financiers, Jesuit media conglomerates are headed by Jewish moguls, and Jesuit philosophies are propagated by Jewish intellectuals – dependent upon the agency and clout of Catholic power, the Jewish Luciferian elite have found a convenient ally in the fight against God and His people. Projecting false-fronts and operating beneath innumerable disguises Catholic deception is able to obscure its voice and intentions, speaking subtly through many sides of its mouth depending on the audience to which it speaks.

I don't think anyone is attracted to him. He is fucking boring. It's the youtube algorithms that recommend his content, and people end up clicking on some episodes, and youtube keeps recommending his shit.
If a large enough userbase gets recommended Joe Rogan on jewtube, people will start talking about Joe Rogan. It's jewtube bullshit.
I wouldn't know who Joe Rogan is if I didn't use Youtube.

Entertaining, has lots of intelligent guest on his show and speaks well as an average Joe a good majority of the time. Has an inspiring work ethic and goal of self improvement. UFC and combat sports are pretty cool and he knows as much as anyone about 'em. Give his show a listen, you'll get it.

So he's not someone who is worthy of the admiration and success he's achieved by being a gatekeeper. I'm getting really tired of this thought process that exists that the ends justify the means, I got paid and I can look the other way to nefarious shit, while sitting there and pontificating on these same subjects with a devil's advocate approach. He's a pussy and he always has been.

to be fair that one was probably one of his best ones
oh and when he had that astrophysicist on and no one else and joe just let him speak because he has no knowledge on the subject. really just like listening to an interesting university lecture because joe rogan has about a second year american university intellect.

>Jewish Question!!!
oy vey

Jews run the world?

Fixed it for you buddy.

Joe is never going to work anything out, his IQ is around 85.

You mean to say he would gain your support if he said the things you wanted him to say. Fuck off moron, get outside of your bubble once in awhile.

Goddamn Joe
flying close to the sun there


he basically outed ISIS as a tool of foreign policy with that "message violence" bit

"Are traps gay"?

is that fucking real?

>high IQ is proof of one race being superior to the other, unless its jews then they are just cheating

so this is the logic of the alt-right

>couldn't even answer as to why so many european jews win nobel prizes


High verbal IQ. No-one ever said that was innate intelligence. So this is the logic of your own retardation?


it is barbaric and retarded after all

if jews are so smart they must wonder, why the fuck are we still doing this

especially the atheist ones

High verbal IQ is the best kind of IQ

If you're a snake.



source: japan, aussie and nz posters

>They just all fake their high IQ
the denial in this one is strong.

a people that see a need to work so hard in dumbing others down; don't seem that bright. egotists do see a need to be seen above all others. the cultural aspects is a neatly box wrapped in shiny tinfoil paper for contents that are bullshit.
>reverse the roles; demand that jews not be allowed self-determination or to outperform others
>give them only materials that have been carefully crafted to promote regurgitating the preferred response, as opposed to anything that might result in critical thinking
>drug them if they dare to appear gifted and talented until they are vegetables
>surround them with 80 iq quasi-monkeys chimping out during learning time
>in 20 years we would see a broke people; then we would begin the punishment phase
Maybe Rogan is playing dumb because he knows about social (in group) promotion, nepotism, and selective entry of club members only

Heeb gets upset, who say that coming?

The whole podcast was awesome. Smart motherfucking Jew that Eric, though I don't agree with all his views, I respect him for not being a screaming retard.

But man Joe "fucking goddamn" Rogan really fucks it up with his gay as swearing that even got Eric swearing later on. Sounds like you're an uneducated piece of shit to be honest.

What the fuck is innate intelligence, and how's it different than IQ?

It's not.

Literally every single attempt to dismiss, or dismantle the mathematical sub-structural legitimacy IQ measurement has been met with abject failure.

Not a single person has ever devised any way that they could increase someones IQ scores in a significant way across any timescale, given all resources they might need. And many people have tried.

Eddie used to be my coach in Jiu-Jitsu. As a coach Eddie is fucking brilliant, he has an expert level of anatomy as it relates to combat sports and his techniques really work. Eddie has regularly choked people out in competition with shit they didn't even know was a real technique before.

Eddie was always very deep into conspiracy theory but I'm pretty sure #pizzagate shattered him completely. He was never totally crazy acting or a believer in literally every conspiracy theory before pizzagate. Once the Podesta emails got leaked I think Eddie, who was recovering from really serious back surgery where they literally had to push his organs aside to access his spine, so already feeling physically broken, got mentally and spiritually broken.

It happened to some of the best of us. Pizzagate was a heavy, heavy release and it probably hit Eddie particularly hard because he would have personally met and known a lot of the people implicated through his friendship with Joe.

because it is a hard question maybe? or do you think a nobel price is a jewish participation trophy?



Hitler regarded the question as a means to identify if Jews were German, if they actively contributed to German society and what it meant to be part of that society. He saw their overall jewness with money and their proliferation of degenerate acts, porn and the like, and found the answer was a resounding no.

Who are you?

It's sort of true, not entirely. East Africans have a predisposition to be marathon runners due to their genetics. Those genetics favoured long pursuit style hunting, much of human evolution is because of this. We are bipedal because we were/are endurance animals and two leg conserved the energy. So we can stalk animals for days while others are suited to bursts of energy or moving within their environments very specifically (goats for example).

Jews on the other hand are an example of specific cultural and genetic predispositions. Many of them are from relatively intelligent european stock which also was nomadic until very late in history. Most of the smart jews are also white (not ayran entirely different thing) and when white people interbreed they don't drop IQ points on the same level as other races, they develop complex disorders (genetic, mental, etc.). So you look at Ashkenazi Jews they have high rates of mental illness but also high IQ. Couple this with a culture which promotes being literate (Hebrew is both numerical and alphabetical) and the style of their literacy. Then you also throw in unconscious bias that they will promote other Jews and you essentially have the reason why Jews do so well.

Israel isn't a third world country. The amount of money America gives them they could never fucking drop into poverty. The retarded jews are arabic jews which other jews hate.

Maybe it's just (((rigged)))

The contradiction between nation states based on shared culture/tribe/ethnicity and the fact that within those states there is a separate jewish tribe with allegiances only to itself and its own interests.

The "question" was theoretically solved when the state of Israel was created, since they could all go home and problem solved. Except you see that the western Jews at least never had any intention of returning to their "homeland" and continue their mischief in foreign nations.

It used to be. But now most people are aware so it's more of a problem than a question.


this is also why they thrive as parasites but suck at running their own country in israel (at least the ashkenazi ones). jews are not cut out for manual labor. they even trick zionist christians into picking their own grapevines for free by exploiting muh chosen people.

ashkenazis are generally ugly and flabby.

Denial, Delusion, Blame. That's how the amygdala works. In combat it can attack, defend, and retreat. In language, when someone gets triggered, they move through these stages because it's all the brain can do. First comes denial, "i didnt do it!' Then delusion, 'it didnt happen!' Finally blame, 'if it happened at sll its your fault!' These stages are as tangible as the stages of grief, you will notice that females especially will use DDB and then proceed to use social shame as a last ditch effort to avoid being a adult. It's sickening.

well it was either the jews or the venetians
they went with the more trustworthy choice

reminder that the most ardent jew haters on Sup Forums are bitter mudslimes

The question is what to do about it.

They were lending money at the Temple before Christianity existed, Nigel

Is there video of the black strippers?