Reminder. they are superior to you

reminder. they are superior to you.

superior to me.

name one group of people more accomplished since 1900.

just look at silicon valley. they are still doing better than anyone.

oh come on. up your game. be creative for once. repeating the same shit is just -

Idk, they're good at getting accolades but non-Jew genesis are forces of nature.

Max Planck
James Clerk Maxwell
Leonhard Euler


yea since 1900... since they took over Europe and US in1913-1945. When they can shape public opinion they will always be the best in anything they want to be. For example there were no jewish artists before XX century. In second half of XX century there were loads of them. Becouse they took over.

They are superior at stealing ideas, silencing people and backstabbing friends.

i think we need to not forget theese are ashkanazis and they are mostly european in blood

>just look at silicon valley
front, that is all paid for by .....hmm lets speculate. + eincunt the poster jew oh we so smart, nukes and shit, has many accuzhations against him. as does the superior IQ meme.

btw, you having a time of your life atm, travelling the world, meeting people and such...bretty good burger. bretty good.

>As of 2013, people of Jewish descent constituted 41% of economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of physics, 19% of chemistry, 13% of literature and 9% of all peace awards
>9% peace
really makes me think
also fuck rabin and peres those traitors im glad Rabin was murdered

Remember, King Nigger got a nobel just because he was a nigger. Nobels count for shit.

yeah cause it takes sooo much skill to award yourselves prizes.


Shit, can you imagine, people having humility and refusing half nakedness?

low hanging fruit tooty losers

The Swedish academy of sciences, ofr whatever it's called, that basically runs the Nobel Prize system, said this year that it will start investigating why so many white (>jews >white) males win Nobel prizes.
So 2017 may be the beginning of the end for the Nobel prize. It may be on its way to becoming a diversity prize. In the event that it does, I'll be keeping an eye out for dissident views in the science community to see if the diverse laureates are actually deserving of the win (they might be, to be fair: women have won it in the past).

33% of the winners of this year's prizes were Jews, by the by.
2 of 3 in physics, 1 of 3 in medicine, and 0 of 3 in chemistry, IIRC.
No Asians this year, though they have won quite a few in recent years.
No winners from the EU this year topkek (if you dont count Britain)
The economics prize also went to a Jew.

They monopolize universities and industries. Then they keep out any non-jew, and prevent non-jews from doing well (they'll let non-jews come in, but never learn enough or advance enough to the top) and call it "competition".
t. top 10 university grad and silicon valley fag.

They have been doing this for a while.

They are far too few. Their light will be extinguished soon.

>pic related


15 millions and still kicking. Also stronk enough not to bow to liberal manias and keep Israel relatively clean of outside populations.

Or maybe they're just far more intelligent on average. Do you even race realism?

Good universities in the US are like 30-45% white and of that "white" group, 80% is Jewish. I'm not even joking.

The professors and graduate students are Jewish. They help Jewish students more. They care about Jewish students more. They sometimes even teach in a Jewish way (if it's economics, social sciences, history, or humanities) so it becomes a jewish inside joke with references and context and concepts straight from Talmudic culture.

Silicon valley is financed by Jews, Jew VCs, Jews hire engineers, Jews pull shenanigans they call "competition" to kill non-Jews like drugging people, framing them for rape or sexual harassment, hacking them, infiltrating their company data or tech to ruin it or embarrass it, etc.

It's a war but one side doesn't think it's fighting.

>da jew man keepin us down.. Don't let us have da gud jerbs... Takin our ideas and sheit

Euler mediocre ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahhahahaahhahaahahahhaahahahahahahahahhaahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Just what I expect from a burger

They are honestly not. It takes a certain innate intelligence, like raw material, to do well in these subjects -- after that, it is all training and education. Jews take for granted that Jews will do well, and no matter what they work to ensure that jews succeed (incl. extensions on assignments, tutoring, help by professors, special research topics that get fed to you by your prof or graduate student but not to goy students, 'muh disability' 'accommodations' that let you literally cheat on hard sciences and engineering tests, etc.)

They want non-Jews to fail and be losers. They work on this by literally hiring drug dealers to come to campus, promoting degeneracy, and even with minorities -- all they want is a few good token successes, they too aren't supposed to win, cuz the top positions are all reserved for Jews.


>low hanging losers
And what have you accomplished?
Please remind me how you are Greater person than Tesla.


Shit list bro
Srinivasa Ramanujan

>completely obvious Jewish racism
>still wants us to promote diversity
Are you guys fucking stupid or something?


Nigger, are you fucking serious? The foundations set by these two men created entire fields, and not just 1 or 2, a plethora of them.

The "liberal mania" that is absolutely their own creation. Ofcourse their own "country" created out of thin air on baseless lies is immune to it.

on the disability accommodations, these jews get disability for the most bullshit reasons. Once they got that, they can miss class, reschedule tests (if they didn't study enough), make midterms and finals into take-home exams, etc. ANYTHING.

A bunch of the stupid or lazy jews in my class got disability for meme-tier reasons, and ended up using it to get a fantastic GPA. This shit is technically at the 'discretion of the faculty' but Jew profs and TAs help Jews use this to skirt the system, and demand that Goys with legitimate illnesses get the fucking Dean of Medicine at Harvard to write a letter of support anytime the student sneezes -- lest they get thrown out of lecture for causing a disruption.

The bloodline is diluted, 15mil is nothing and Israel is surrounded by enemies, with a very dangerous enemy soon to be nuclear. They're on their way out.

It's not that bad. There are actual stats on this, and at Ivy league insttutions, about half of the whites are actually Jews. It varies from institution to institution, so MIT and the California ones seem to have relatively lower numbers of Jews, whilst Harvard is very Jewy.

>liberals complain about blacks being underrepresented in university
>stupid niggers it's because they're dumb as shit damn coons piggybacking off the white man's success...
>whites complain about whites being underrepresented in university
>it's the Jews, not letting us in, taking our ideas, we smart as shit but they hate us cuz they anus

Einstein stole all 'his' work from 3 other eminent scientists of the time.
He came up with nothing knew, apart from his wAcKy personality.
As for the (((nobel prize))), yeah a real coincidence that jews would vote for jews to win a jew prize.

It is like a great man said, the jews review each other, praise each other and make it appear try that something is more popular or better than it really is.
That's how modern art works too.
Take a look at the subhuman national iq of Israel. Even Ireland is above you.

Liars, mass-murderers, thieves & oppressors

Satanist goblins.

I have a higher IQ than that faggot Einstein

98% jews split between the (((US))) and israel.
Couple of nukes in new york and that desert shithole, and you're gone.
Nigerians and Ethiopians will flood you out first though.
Your women are so disgusting that they do anything for a new fetish, bestiality is like a drug to them.

>It's not that bad. There are actual stats on this, and at Ivy league insttutions, about half of the whites are actually Jews. It varies from institution to institution, so MIT and the California ones seem to have relatively lower numbers of Jews, whilst Harvard is very Jewy.
Oh it's bad. Once you figure in half-jew Mischlings, it goes way up. Also at Berkeley, the school I went to. It felt like 99% of white people were Jewish. The white pop is already like 30% and of that jews were definitely way more than half.

White non-Jews were allowed to exist if they tattooed themselves, wore hipster mustaches and clothes, and whored out to Jewish frats and bois.

Professors + TA = 100% Jewish if white, basically, with some minor exceptions for Europeans but those were also almost entirely unironically communist, even in the hard sciences.

Considering that silicon valley recruitment is largely administrated by alum working at those companies, the Jews always recruited and passed on Jewish students. And if you know anything about silicon valley jobs, you know that you need a a couple of recs to get hired, applying through 'normal' means is pointless.

They all know each other. You go to a party in college where every white person is a jew who turns out to know the other jews because their sister dated the others' cousin in LA or some other Jewish connection a few hundred times, and then see these people do this shit in labs and with professors and vice-versa, and literally be handed everything to succeed like it was God's plan that Jews control the world --- and then come back to me.

It's not a meme, it's true. They just think they get to be the smart ones. They will mis-grade your assignment, hoping you won't notice. They will subjectively grade you worse everytime if they can (essays, etc.) They will tutor Jews before they tutor you, they will give study tips or assignment help to Jews before they give it to you. It is the truth.

This is the reason so many goy SJW types seem to be showing up. I think a lot of them are using SJW to camouflage themselves and survive the Jewish world. They don't care too much about politics, they just want the Jews to accept them and give them a fair chance -- to do that, they have to dye their hair, talk about oppression, and be degenerates (at least publicly).

they are and I'd honestly deport every christcuck, nigger and mudslime back to europe, africa and middle east just so I could build a beautiful decentralized homeland for the Jews, Hindus, pagan europeans and orientals.

If you come up with an idea or a research proposal, you better get a jew lab partner to partner up otherwise the prof will just ignore you and then feed it to his jewish student a week later as if that jewish student just came up with it on his own.
