The perks of being a Chad

If Harvey Weinstein looked like this, you wouldn't have heard anything about anything, NEVER

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what about ben affleck.

He is literally a kike, though.

>ben affleck
The bitches looked happy to be touched.

Jews are ugly cretins though.



lol yeah that's the point

It wouldn't have been rape or harassment to begin with. They'd probably harass him

If you have alpha genetics you can get away with anything and they will be honored.

This, i was suprised that ben got attacked

he gets fit for the movies

you'd let go and relax too

Alphas don't even need to do any of that shit anyway, the girls just come to them. Only betas need to do creepy shit like groping or masturbating in front of a girl.

nobody called him out on this. what we have today is jsut women being opportunistic to shame men. women are not dumb enough to pass on this.

It's not rape if she consents

Peak Celtic specimen.

>if a man was attractive, you wouldn't hear about forcing sexual acts

Well yeah, they wouldn't be forced.

I'm Fatman!

eh whatever Ben Fatfuck can grab my ass any day.

I'm not so sure about this

you're coping, he has shitty facial feauture and a recessive jawline

Yeah Weinstein Ben Affleck Matt Damon and a whole bunch of (((others))) have to burn no two ways about it that is the only way you get them to squeal on the Democrats and drag them in also and I'm sure a few (((pseudo Republicans))) will probably get rolled up in this whole thing also but that's just the cost of doing business but the op was focusing on all the wrong details this has potential to be an amazing happening doing anything to prevent stifle or slow that outcome is the same as shilling

Battle plan for near future do not confront the nice ladies that are doing the right thing and coming forward about all of these (((scumbags))) and let kek bring forth the happening after that's done we can crucify these self-serving lying whores all day long winning!!!

Wow you sound like a crazy person, I bet you speak the way you type (rambling with no discernible sentence structure)

Martin Shkreli looking real jacked baby

Well imagine if a 80 years old, 300kg woman in power was harassing you and then imagine Cindy Crawford in her prime. Anyway, both situations would be uncomfortable, because you would feel forced, but one would be a bit more.

you idiots can't see throwing a listers Affleck and matt damon was a kike SMOKESCREEN. the kie execs want to distract the masses from pursuing more kike EXECUTIVES who prey on girls JUST LIKE HARVEY

Nope. I'm fit for myself, not others. I'm never letting go, unless health won't let me workout anymore.

This whole case is just a bunch of whores getting "raped" by their own pimp and acting like they are the victims. Sure, Harvey is a piece of shit, but so does almost all hollywood people