Spain, I'll swap you catalonia for Northern Ireland

Spain, I'll swap you catalonia for Northern Ireland.

No take Scotland, no body wants them


How about you give back Gibraltar, faggot?

hi, is this the right place to sell a tasmania?

I'll even pay you to take it away how much you want?

>He wants Shitalonians in his country instead of based Northern Irish

are you authorized to give away New Zealand?

Fucking A, we're in dire need of some redheaded females over here

can we buy back our lost property?

We'll give you Genève for free, if you want to take it.

>based Northern Irish

Sure thing buddy, you take those "Based" people! So darn upset to be losing them! Such a boon to any nation!

I thought Ulster was loyalist?


All of the quality Anglo-Irish left for the colonies a long, long time ago

It is unfortunately clear that-as is the case in so many places-Sup Forums has been your sole basis of information about something.

Northern Ireland (making up 6 of the 9 counties of the irish province "ulster") was set up when the bogtrotters were at war with us to be free. The boggers had a civil war over the decision to set up NI and bring an end to the conflict, but the reality is that NI was set up to prevent the loyalists in the area from causing more armed conflict with the Irish.

When the border was drawn to mark the "british" bit, we included majority irish catholic areas because if we'd given NI any less clay it would have been an embarrassment. The Loyalists there then decided to go full retard on their social and political campaign to oppress the shit out of the native irish stuck north of the British Border; the intensifying of the attacks on the irish and the general assfucking of them lead to the Troubles conflict in NI.

The Troubles in turn lead to Irish Nationalists and Nationalism being forever enshrined as part and parcel of NI's daily working; Northern Ireland will forever-at least in part-be Irish.

This is the fault of the Loyalists. They are retards. They are a useless, lazy, gormless people. They swear unfaltering "loyalty" to us but have done more harm than good to the union.
They didn't fight the IRA. They did absolutely fuck all to fight them. During the Troubles, they killed almost exclusively non-combatant civilians; the IRA killed more members of the IRA in punishment killings than all of the loyalist paramilitaries combined did.
They are absolutely undoubtedly some of the worst people I have ever had to deal with and I detest sharing a nationality with them.
I fucking hate bogtrotters so fucking much but ever shred of me wants to just give them that shithole in the North so we don't have to pay for it.
Pic extremely related.

I should also note that the "based" party that fake-boggers spammed everywhere during the election-the DUP-are also not at all based whatsoever, they're a bunch of faggots.
They are extremely corrupt and extremely incompetent, and their electorate despise them. They don't get into power because people like their policy, they get into power because they're the only ones to balance out Sinn Fein (the main taig party)
The DUP get put in power then a few months down they say something bad about gay people/trans/whatever and their own electorate will take to social media to criticise them.
The most humiliating part is that despite their sole purpose and mandate being that they "keep out Sinn Fein" there is now a Nationalist majority in the NI Assembly; the DUP can't even keep the fenians out of power anymore.
Northern Irish """people""" need to be severed from the UK and left to the Republic, they were at the peak of their use being machine-gun fodder in WW1.

With what money?

the stolen money from Europe

Before joining the UK, please tell me you're self-reliant worthy people and not welfare leeching subhumans like spaniards. We're willing to contribute but the last thing we need is another parasitic country.

>all this Republican dick sucking
Lol okay kids, stop pretending that Scotland and England aren't as retarded

any takers?

>bogger dick sucking
Saying "Northern Ireland isn't worth keeping" isn't "republican dick sucking" it's common sense. We never wanted it, we just let it stay so the loyalists wouldn't cause more bloodshed, something which they went ahead and caused anyway.

>settle and colonize for hundreds of years
>work to keep said settlement in the UK
>"we never wanted it"

You may hate us boggers, but we still have less niggers than you do.
Enjoy Leroy shagging your wife you tan bastard.

>I don't know history

We didn't work to keep Northern Ireland, we literally allowed it to be established to prevent the Loyalists from causing further conflict. We wanted IRELAND of course, but we never said "NO IRELAND YOU CAN'T HAVE ULSTER, ULSTER IS BRITISH!!!"

It was all simply about preventing further conflict. We even tried to sell it to the bogtrotters in World War 2 in return for them joining the allies but they declined.

Don't make us give you the Argentine treatment, you Spanigger.