A retired LTC who was a professor and a graduate of West Point has written an open letter about what JOKE West Point has become

>illiterate football players
>rampant cheating
>honor code ignored
>teenagers running the show

I think he's saying that forced diversity in gender and race has demolished the Academy under Obama, but you should read it, it's pretty scathing.


Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus, a career Military guy exposes that lefty dogshit has ruined West Point and Sup Forums is to busy meming about eminem to care.

here's a (You) faggot


>just the kind of guy i am

Dude you comped him a bump

This is the end product of affirmative action. Why is anyone surprised?

this ain't taco bell kid

get aload of this shit.

>The cadet honor code has become a laughingstock. Cadets know they will not be separated for violating it, and thus they do so on a daily basis. Moreover, since they refuse to enforce standards on each other and police their own ranks, cadets will rarely find a cadet at an honor hearing despite overwhelming evidence that a violation has occurred. This in turn has caused the staff and faculty to give up even reporting honor incidents.

what happened to that communist and that shitskin, any news on this yet?

>To make matters worse, the senior leadership at West Point actively discourages staff and faculty from reporting honor violations. l was unfortunate enough to experience this first hand during my first tour on the faculty, when the Commandant of Cadets called my office phone and proceeded to berate me in the most vulgar and obscene language for over ten minutes because I had reported a cadet who lied to me and then asked if “we could just drop it.” Of course, I was duty bound to report the cadet’s violation, and I did. During the course of the berating I received from the Commandant, I never actually found out why he was so angry. It seemed that he was simply irritated that the institution was having to deal with the case, and that it was my fault it even existed. At the honor hearing the next day, I ended up being the one on trial as my character and reputation were dragged through the mud by the cadet and her civilian attorney while I sat on the witness stand without any assistance. In the end, of course, the cadet was not found (despite having at first admitted that she lied), and she eventually graduated.

*fractal quantum internal knife hand*
I can feel myself internally knifehanding in other universes

OP this shit needs a trigger warning, you're gonna give some old guy a heart attack

>Conduct and disciplinary standards are in perhaps the worst shape of all. Cadets are jaded, cynical, arrogant, and entitled. They routinely talk back to and snap at their instructors (military and civilian alike), challenge authority, and openly refuse to follow regulations.

Deserves more bumps. Thanks for sharing.

I just want this world to burn already so we can start again.
I don't even know what things used to be like, only vague memories (I'm 19) what I know of the past is from books, or old videos and the likes, nonetheless I know the way things are today are just wrong.
I want to start again, a million miles away

Combined with this article about how the morale of the crew of a US ship monitoring North Korea is so low that sailors are suicidal, I'm beginning to think our military is one gigantic paper tiger.


you are supposed to ware them down during the recruiitment period and the hell week. Soldiers are not supposed to snap or talk back. Then you all have to do pushups as collective punishment, so everybody gets pissed

I was at Heggelia in north norway, they had quite good food there. We used the little money we got to buy beer

Here's a (you)
That's a fairly long read, then most people won't bother responding because they will just think fuck, that's just like any other institution.
What he said could apply to any university or even to the whole of society generally.
We have equality of outcome for everyone. This of course means the outcome is shit. We have enforced diversity, achieved by lowering the bar. Things of course turn shit and spiral down as even good people become apathetic.
What he is describing is something we're all familiar with even though none of us have been to west point.

Our military isn't a paper tiger, we have the equipment and the training.
However our military, much like the rest of the country is demoralized.
I've a friend in advanced training ATM, feels the same way

Three words from the letter to sum it up, as well as society in general
>Nothing matters anymore.

you just know this? your military has no chance against China at this point, thank god your country still has thousands of nukes
Trump isn't lying or being cynical when he said the US needs nukes and nuke is a good thing.

The ones that are smart don't join the military, and if the Officer ranks had any honor we wouldn't be fighting the wars we are fighting. Ask the troops that are deployed why are we there and most will tell you that they don't know. Honor died when war became a business.

I really do miss that pytt i panne

Well a large portion of the country isn't worth fighting for, they only care about trans bathrooms, pay gaps and how much they will be protested for doing their job.

Social justice convergence

Convergence inevitably destroys an institution from the inside. It will eventually destroy every institution in the West, even the military. When that happens, unconverged institution will become preeminent, even if they are inferior to the past peak iterations of the now-converged institutions. It's only going to get worse. Inovation will decline, because every scientific and tech firm will be converged with inferior personnel, and talent will be suppressed for the sake of equity. Eventually the power grid won't even be up 100% of the time. This is how the West is going to be defeated economically, technologically, and militarily.

up in the morning, then you had to clean your room and everything had to be orderly put to the dot.

Then you had to shave, and if it was not good enough you had to go back in and shave again while everyone waited, then you had to do pushups and then eat, the leutenant would yell at you while doing so, he was actually very nice though

tfw ywn be comped with tae tae and cocktails

Why live?

You're being a bit over dramatic
China has been shit at Warfare over the course of history, they use Gopnik tier tactics of throwing bodies on the field and overwhelming the enemy which simply cannot work in this day and age

That said, I wonder how my uncle would feel about this letter. He flunked out of west point for failing calculus, enlisted afterwards. In the letter it states students fail multiple classes and still pass

I wonder how it would be to hunt moose with that AG3. If you are a good shot you can hit from 3km with that rifle. We just shot at targets, never any moose

Yeah that sentence struck me too. I would include the line before it as well.

>The end result is a sort of malaise that >pervades the entire institution. Nothing >matters anymore

Bump. Reeeeeee. This shit pisses me off. gets it though. This is the result of egalitarianism that stems from nihilism. The student is equal to the teacher, the children to the parent, the subject to the ruler. It's pure insanity. Democracy and nihilism = destruction and tyranny

In the future though, consider the long term consequences of this kind of corner-cutting. Who will be the competent generals when the service is filled with incompetent people pushed through for reasons. How many outstanding individuals will stick around for three+ decades in command climates that reward stupidity and punish excellence? Who will be left when they start handing out generals' stars? Can that kind of military do its job?

there are so many America hating flips in the navy that we literally wouldnt be able to engage the Philippines in any sort of battle because half the ship would revolt and feed PI information

you would LITERALLY have to turn the mess hall into a brig and suff all the flips there and ship them back to the states or wait until stateside ships that dont have as many flips got on scene to conduct any engagements

this is just one example of many of how the us military is a total fucking shitshow

Damn. I bet the text on the headband is something extremely non-pc. Plz translate

Take your notes, gentlemen.

We are watching an empire in freefall.

This is supposed to be the elite future leaders of the American military.
Even the most disrespectful idiots wouldn't have dared to behave this way during my 9 month stay in the German military. And we were all just lowly privates in some half empty barracks in the middle of nowhere.

War has always been business. There is no honor in war, that bullshit is some stupid morale training thing. War has changed, but it is still a business.

The reason shit's so bad now is because we no longer have a direct enemy to unite against.

No soviets, no axis, no direct enemy. Just a bunch of guerilla fighters.

The closest thing we could potentially have as an enemy is North Korea. They're hardly much of an enemy, though.

while your country still attach to Haiti, what about that, huh?

would like to know

WP has always been a joke.
Only losers that couldn't get into the Naval Academy go there.


you know who graduated from west point.

Your country is attached to North Mexico (Southwest) and New Africa (the South East) and New Jerusalem (the North East), with the land of the dying white boomers in the Mid West.

>elite future leaders

The only officers that soldiers respect are what we call "Mustangs". Former enlisted that go to OCS.

Those are finns, why cant you read that?

How the hell do you equate senior leadership refusing to enforce standards with forced diversity? Couldn't it be that they just want more cadets graduating so they look good?

Almost like they had a lot of niggers

>Graduating so they look good

This is the problem with a lot of things. Everyone is mandated by some policy, some regulation, some rule for career advancement. The brass only look and care about numbers, not results. To them, numbers are results.

Numbers numbers numbers. Just wait for acts.

And your cuntry is being re-takenover by the columbians because none of your piss poor interior squatters can actually buy shit, chombo

This type of shit is why the Navy is running their ships into other vessels. No standards, just numbers pushed through to be another line in some officer's packet.

Who wouldn't side with Duterte?
I love Trump, but kikes bro.

That's what I've been saying since Obama gutted the warrior class. Actually since Billy Jeff's "don't ask, don't tell."

No one fears the U.S. thanks to the foo' kin' Unicorn Brigade we've got sashaying around in .mil uniforms.

Thank God I served under RWR when the entire globe was on their best behavior for fear of being smited by us. Reagan understood savages only respect the bigger stick, and not capitulation like every subsequent fool (up to Trump) that has held the office since.

Trump appreciates the art of the Smackdown, I'm just afraid he no longer has the .mil to back it up. Good thing we have an armed citizenry for when our defenses are breached by invaders and we can settle the score our damned selves or at least perish in a pile of hot brass.

after reading the letter I would bet that it isnt apathy but the fear of the progressive hate mob descending onto them if they would actually discipline or kick out some (female) cadet.
>muh sexism
>muh title 9

This reinforces my theory that the United States Armed Forces in 2017 are 100% incapable of engaging in warfare against another nation-state

No one on this planet is going to be more surprised than Kim Jong-Un when the U.S. Army flees at the sound of his army's gunfire

>in advanced training.

So it's a nobody with about 4 months telling how army life is. K

They're tall enough to get in the military?

Bumping with big tits

>posts a long letter
>cries when nobody finishes it in under 20 mins
>it took me 45
>t. West Point graduate

I used to go there.

I had to leave when my heart gave out.

Thank god.

AMA if you want I'll do my best to answer some questions if any of you have any.

Thank you for your service.

>America hating flips in the navy that we literally wouldnt be able to engage the Philippines in any sort of battle because half the ship would revolt and feed PI information
The sole reason why letting foreigners into your army is completed fucktarded.
You think we would've learned this shit from Rome.

Diversity is why they can't enforce standards. If you enforce standards then the non-Whites and most of the women won't make it.

That's because everyone who's in the Army already knows that West Pointers are shitty officers, and everyone else doesn't care because they're not in the Army. If I have to deal with a butterbar, give me an ROTC cadet or a Citadel graduate. Or, better yet, a prior enlisted 2LT. Fuck West Point.

You can say the same about the Air Force Academy.

Americucks always say the dumbest shit...

The fuck are honor hearings? Are they just catch-all for any sort of violation like not being in regs or are they done for more severe cases like cheating?

But of course.
It says Oispa Kaljaa.

Well I would say Obama replaced competent military leadership with people who were more ideologically "pure" in his opinion.

Communists always do this no matter the cost, this is why I think your military is having a few blips recently such as the two naval vessels colliding with merchant vessels.

Definitely not a paper tiger though, it can be changed,

Turner fucking Diaries.
If anyone says this book is "bad" or "unrealistic" they're either a commie or Jew. EVERYTHING in the book is coming true, we just need an Organization.

>Meet first west point officer
>24 hours later this guy has no clothes
>See him washing his socks with a bottle of water
>Put all his gear in the wrong connex
>Trusted that the Army would deliver that connex on schedule
>Have to loan this guy gear, clothes, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, foot powder, and bedding material for a week
>Because he trusted a giant government institution to take care of him

Nobody who's met a west pointer is shocked that their education is shit.

Harvey Weinstein?

As a guy from Charleston, SC I never ever thought I would hear someone say they prefer a Citadel grad over a west pointer.

I know about 1000 bulldogs who would go crazy with glee to read that.

Yup. Just a slow regression into hell

truth. notice how the examples in the letter of falling standards are all "she" or football players?

I know a girl that's not hard-working but not all that bright that got into West Point a few years ago.

I also know two football players that were dumber than her that got in.

WTF. I thought it was like Harvard-level hard to get into West Point?

If I was still in I'd just do this.
Then line the fuckers up on stern and firing squad their asses.

you have a point.

This letter kinda freaked me out though. I never would have imagined this.

I would put any amount of money on the girl being a chink or a jew, if not both. And she's prob in law school and on her way to becoming a senator

>The plebe American History course has been revamped to focus completely on race and on the narrative that America is founded solely on a history of racial oppression. Cadets derisively call it the “I Hate America Course.”

>Simultaneously, the plebe International History course now focuses on gender to the exclusion of many other important themes.

>On the other hand, an entire semester of military history was recently deleted from the curriculum (at West Point!).

Holy shit. I wonder what the diversity policy is there and how complaints of "racism" are handled.

No, I'm saying he feels the same way as I do, just demoralizedat the state of things. He joined the army to learn good skills, values, serve his country and what not, but he still doesn't know what he *would be* fighting for.
Neither he nor I know what America is

Top kek.

My sister is a cadet in a Junior Officer school in the Army. She sent me a picture of her friends who are at west point doing fuck all all day, smoking weed and having their room be dirty as fuck. Meanwhile her school is strict as fuck. Her, my parents and I are kind of glad she didn't go to that school 1 and a half months into the school year. Bunch of fucking retards

The expression you are searching for is

"Thanks, Obama"

The son of an african communist and a spoiled white girl, and people are surprised when he guts the American Military.

Brazilian Navy Lieutenant-Commander here. Same shit happened while I was in the Naval Academy, the LTJG/LT would come in the rooms every morning at like 5AM to check out if the beds were properly done, if everything was sparkly clean, and if all the cadets were properly shaven/groomed. If they found a single speck anywhere everyone'd get screamed at like you were the lowliest lifeform. Every cadet in your room then had to choose whether to do a 10km run with a heavy-ass ruck or pushups after being pepper sprayed - and wouldn't get breakfast that day. You'd either grow a pair or your cadet mates would soapsock you into a bloody pulp.

no weaklings allowed

It took me exactly 4 minutes to read that letter. If you are a West Point graduate, you strengthen the letter's claim.

The Corps Has

The real redpill is that you were going to get punished even if everything was absolutely perfect. Still a useful exercise but most people never recognize this.

>you have a point
Nyah, my post was shit, thanks.

>This letter kinda freaked me out though. I never would have imagined this.

On it's face, it's a scary letter. Clearly, though, the military has been built to be very fault-tolerant. The presence of idiots may be customary rather than cause for alarm.

It is disheartening, though, and it's always disappointing to hear about servicemen dying as a result of sloppiness.

It took me over an hour to read it
>but that's because I read half of it then went to the gym

>Our military isn't a paper tiger,
name a war we've won in 70 years

We had kinda the same stuff at the italian academy, it's supposed to be like a court hearing where you are accused of X, and you can defend yourself and be judged by officers and peers.

Next time I'll try to be even more screamingly obvious.


The fifth column absolutely HAS to wreck the military. It is critical to overthrowing this nation.

Gulf war

why? they already do their job

ill give you the gulf war. good thing to we might have lost our "freedoms"

The politicization of the military is how empires collapse.
US military is going to be shit when these people get into upper echelons. So add 30-40 years to some reasonable starting date.

That's a reasonable estimate for world war III. In corrupt armies enemy intelligence services are likely to have better information about real combat readiness than the army itself.

The vast majority of objectives were accomplished, the south fell because we pulled out and Dems. Blocked the arms we promised to give the south Vietnamese for defense
We beat saddam's govt. wether or not you agree with the war itself (I don't) we still won, occupation is another thing of course

Precisely. These kinds of exercises work wonders when it comes to weeding out those who aren't completely up to the crushing standards of the Navy. I can't really speak for the Army and the Air Force, but our Admiralty is definitely uncucked so far despite our heavy left-leaning latest administrations, so there's some solid hope that we won't end up with abominations in the naval officer ranks for now.

He's pretty young to retire did he want to take advantage of Commie gibs?

They started infiltrating before WWII numbskull. Probably a third of our top brass are compromised.