As a Puertorican living trough this, Fuck you trump

As a Puertorican living trough this, Fuck you trump.
First he comes here in the fucking presidential plane with all the commodities one could think off and instead of going to most affected area he goes to a rich neighborhood and trows fucking papers towels like its a fucking concert.

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Our lives right now consist in planing trips to get water, since theres no running water in our homes. We’re pitch black at night, at the mercy of thieves and people with bad thoughts since theres no electricity or cell phone signal. So if something happens to you though luck.
So far 10 people have died from drinking river water, its a dam shame that 3.5 million Americans don’t have access to drinking water, let get this straight: Americans are dead because that dint have access to clean drinking water, like in 3rd world countries. This on the American government, they could invade the island in the 1800s, they can invade the fucking Middle East like its nobody’s business but they can’t help fellow Americans get drinking water.
Supermarkets have hour long lines and we you get in its almost empty, theres only rice and canned food. Im not complaining, it’s something to eat, but seeing this orange clown saying he’s going to pull FEMA when theres nearly no food on the supermarkets its hearth breaking.
Just yesterday I caught my neighbors crying because they lost their roof since Maria, FEMA tarps are nowhere to be seen and what little they had left got wet again, for the 4th time since the hurricane. I had to give them shelter since they had nowhere dry to stay.
Theres still people with no communication with the outside world because of road collapses, this means no access to food, clean water, meds, first aid, doctors, pampers, formula. They’re on their own if FEMA pulls out.
Fuck Trump, you’re a disgrace to America, you come here say having 16 dead is something to be proud about, say the budget is out whack and trow paper towel like its a fucking festival and everything is ok, the deed is done. He gave aid! HE GAVE FUCKING PAPER TOWELS SO PACK UP BOYS THE JOB IS DONE! MAGA!
Also! He dedicated his trophy to us! I feel so good! I might no have drinking water next week but I have a trophy dedication!

>whiny spic thread

Fuck Trump. I voted for Hillary. His response to the crisis in Puerto Rico is shameful.

Lol fuck you rice and, beans. Better start iguana hunting. You are a net loss and provide nothing but mouths to feed. Your island is fucked because your elected cunt has a bone to pick. Truck drivers going on strike during a state of emergency? Nice, really nice;-)

The president - any US president, not just President Trump - isn't a king, he isn't your daddy, and it isn't his job to fix every single fucking thing wrong everywhere in the whole country. FFS, he's the head of the executive branch, THAT'S IT. Where the fuck are your local and regional officials? You live on an island in the Caribbean that has a fucking hurricane SEASON, that means it happens every fucking year. Why didn't any of your corrupt, self-serving local leaders plan for this eventuality? It's not like Puerto Rico just started being a shithole three weeks ago.

You're barely part of the U.S. your country bent your knee to us years back and you all are weak. Look at your economy. Why don't you fully leave us if you're so mad? Stop leaching off of the U.S. you swine.

They should ask Cuba for aid.


Weren't Puerto Ricans warned for years to move their power plants in land toward the mountains?

This. Puerto Rico is like little baby, when the fuck did it become our job to make sure your lights come on?? For how proud PR's usually are ya'll got to get your own shit together.

Spics are such a disease.

And if you actually reads trump tweet and remove the cock from your mouth you will see he is actually trying to negotiate with Congress to get 36b more funding, and not threatening to leave......

Why don't you take some of this bait and go fishing? Feed your neighbours.

Lol I hope the lot of you starve

>live on an island in an area known for hurricanes
>get butthurt when you get rekt by a hurricane even though you had plenty of warning


>fucking papers towels like its a fucking concert.

because people always throw paper towels at concerts. Sage

Are Puerto Ricans even human? Maybe Trump would be nicer if you faggots weren't so fucking broke and in debt. Can you animals just die already?

Nice flag faggot. Saged



Show flag you fucking leaf. Also fuck Puerto Rico welfare niggers.

> lives on small island in ocean
> ocean behaves like ocean
> fuck rich people
> fuck drumph

>puerto ricans

every puerto rican i've known has talked shit about america and has said puerto rico would be better without us. we're sick of hearing you complain and bitch while we support all of you. i wish we would let your heroin addicted little island become independent and you can join the other leagues of corrupt and mismanaged carribean countries.

stfu pwerto rico

Why do you think you deserve anything? You have a corrupt and incompetent government that should have prepared for a contingency like this but instead just helped themselves to the tax dollars of actual real Americans.

Fuck you. You whining spics are incapable of taking care of themselves.


sort yourself out man, jesus christ. if I were you I would welcome the opportunity for personal development, community building and character growth.

>meme flag
Canadian detected

Fuck off.

You are not a state. It's a territory that's 3 rd world and we protect you.. that's it.

Fix your own economy and make it safe for tourism then Americans can come and spend money on your island.. but you fucks live in poverty..

Fucking blaming another countries POTUS? Pathetic...

He could've let you all have independence because PR is still a territory and would've had to fend for yourselves. You and the fucking spic of a mayor need to stfu and get the supplies distributed instead of crying. She's only making the situation worse by politicizing everything and somehow spending money to make shirts that say "we're dying".

>PR votes to exempt itself from federal clean water standards because it would have to pay to upgrade its water treatment facilities

baaaaw, we have no drinking water

>spend 40 years paying electricity costs with IOUs and fail to budget funds for routine grid maintenance since the Bush administration

baaaaw, we have no electricity

>entire country has been incompetently run by retards for decades, so President says that this is the consequence of your country being incompetently run by retards for decades and that you need to sort yourself out and clean your room


>no electricity or cell signals
>somehow I’m posting on a Cantonese shrimping forum.
Fake and gay.

Oh, another welfare nigger who wants gibs.

you sub humans need to die. You do nothing for this world.

The entirely funny part of all this is that for libtards here in the actual USA to give a crap about anything the Jewish editors of the Jew York Slimes have to care. They HATE Puerto Rican’s. LOL.

Bit Coin doesnt stand a chance.

Move you business to Puerto Rico its a genius plan.

>When this kids thinks Trump can control the whether.
Put your faith in God, not Government kid.

Too bad you guys can't build a public works system to save your own lives.

>intentionally misinterpreting Trumps tweets to stir up outrage

Frankly you’re proving president cheetoh right with your faggotry

Puerto Ricans should fuck off and die. We don't need your shit hole draining our money anymore.

Your meme is low IQ... Change your diaper and bib too, jr...

why are dark skinned people such helpless children who would die without the great white man to save them?

you deserve less , you owe us billions, we should conquer you , wipe you out , and immigrate into it

fuck you

What are you posting this from?

You were a lazy fucking spic - and because you didnt prepare, you got hit hard. EVERY DEATH WAS DESERVED

As compensation, I think America ought to give Puerto Rico the gift of independence, immediately.

Neck yourself

Maybe if you hadn't already turned your disgusting island into a shit hole, then voted for statehood just so that us real Americans could bail you out like all of the useless niggers over here before the storm hit, you wouldn't have this problem.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This is what everyone wanted when they elected trump.

stop being such a lazy nigger island. He's done more than enough for you.

As a Puertorican who is happily off the island, go fuck yourself and fix your shit. You more than likely are part of the reason PR is in the situation it's in.

May I ask why the puerto ricans have such high birth rates, despite living on an island with limited money & arable farm land? Really?

Bacardi & tourism only gets you so far.....

Blame your cunt mayor, bitch.

Why were the beaners drinking water from a river? Natural selection. Nice bait thread nigger

USA solid architecture. Fire & Fury, literally flattened to ground level.

Maybe you should have paid back any of those billions of dollars you faggots stole from investors and then you would be able to borrow money to fix your own poorly managed shithole of a "country."

Fuck you. Puerto Rico deserves everything they get and worse.

This should be the future

fuck puerto rico. You whiny assholes got rid of the military base because muh indigenous.

Go back to not being a real state

also your commie fucktards ruined your island long before harvey.

We don't need no stinking building codes!

Not only did they ruin their island they've been consistently trying to ruin the United States for decades by running up tens of billions in debt with the sole intention of sticking the US taxpayer with the bill.

LMAO, this shill literally copied the top comment off reddit word for word. I'm not even going to mention how wrong he is. SAGE

>die from drinking water
Maybe you should boil it, like people have known how to do for thousands of years of human history. How the fuck is Trump at fault for people not knowing basic shit?

It's like those missions to africa where they have to teach them to stop using their wells for toilets.


STFU quit typing and get trucking welfare leech

Been through many hurricanes mainland, and weeks without power. Katrina was a real bitch, so I know what I'm talking about. Used to use a tractor for emergency pump on water well, now have nat. gas backup generator. Why don't you get your shit together welfare bitch ? Waste and party when the sun is shining, crying for poppi after the storm. Where are your separatist demands now ? What did you do with all the money we already gave you ? Why did you demand Roosevelt Roads be closed ?

>As a Puertorican living trough this

You get to live bitch, not because of anything you have done, but because of us. STFU and get off your ass, get to work making things better. Bitching on Sup Forums ain't helping anyone. Used to live in St. Croix so I know the biggest part of this is your fault by a large margin. Now ditch the bullshit, and start being a real man that takes care of himself.

You're right; We should let you go


why do ANY of you fall for this shit? is it the non-whites of Sup Forums responding to all this low-tier shill bait?

One that copies from reddit
And another that willing goes there

This is now a confirmed faggot thread.

>Roosevelt Roads
You have no fucking IDEA how much that angered me. Dumbasses jump the fence and run into a LIVE BOMBING RANGE, die, then it's the Navy's fault? Then the Navy has to leave?
Then, THEN they complain about the negative impact on the economy from that sweet, sweet navy money leaving?
No. You fucking faggots in PR deserve everything you get. All the smart, hardworking people got away from that shithole 20 years ago.

>As a...
Opinion disregarded

Fuck you stupid ass frican ricans. We do not want you debt or opinions. We are gonna drag our feet until your people become violent and kill each other. Once your population reaches a sustainable amount then we will come in and take what we want.


nobody gives a fuck about brown people

>blame national political leader for your troubles
>ignores fact that your troubles are caused by absurdly shitty local government and literally nature
>the more desperate situation becomes, the more you say "American citizens," as if anyone outside Miami even knows who the fuck Puerto Ricans are

You cannot ask a leftist to espouse personal, or even regional, responsibility. It's anathema to their life view.

How do you count the Puerto Ricans in New York city? Count the basements and multiply be 12.

What a fucking fiasco that was. The governor even fabricated studies to suggest the navy was making locals sick and our university falsified data to make it look like the area was contaminated. To this day fuckers here will repeat that bullshit like gospel.

Kill yourself nigger.
You aren't American and should be grateful that Trump did so much as take a shit on your island.


>give me free shit
>solve my problems

lmao just die already

Damage is estimated to be in the 100 billion dollars. We need money pol. Possibly 110 billion just to be sure

crying spic wanting welfare vents on Sup Forums.
we live in hilarious times.

Fuck Puerto Rico.

>trows fucking papers towels
that was hilarious; "here, Rico you look a little damp. Dry yourself off." Hahahaha I Love my presidente. you should too because you don't deserve anything at all.. your whole country is given to you by rich white working people.. be grateful.

Fuck you. Move to Mexico or South America. We are full and give no more charity. If you ain't white you are just screwed.

Work on your English there Manuel

Your country was shit before the hurrican. I may even insinuate that you're now far better off as the Army fixed some of your biggest problems. You should be grateful, after all you're just a dirt poor third world shithole no one is owing anything to.

pay your debt, spic

>So far 10 people have died from drinking river water
Is your water poisonous? Are you incapable of filtering/heating water? What the fuck.

You should be happy the hurricane washed a lot of shit off the island. You should also learn English. Pay your bills.

Water treatment stations require electricity, no electricity means no clean water

only 20% of teamsters in your country, hired by your government showed up to drive the trucks that would be saving people.

How is this trump's fault?

Is he just supposed to drive all the trucks himself?

nobody cares about your shithole country
maybe if you hadn't fucked it decades before Trump you would've been prepared for the hurricane.
just hang yourself, you'll never be an American.

thats not totally true. you can filter water with charcoal and boil it.

things you learn in boyscouts

No, I mean, there are some rather primitive methods of filtering water, from what I know. You shouldn't even need electricity for that.
While this won't help for showering as it would require a much more significant amount of water, it should at least make the water drinkable, or at least non-poisonous, unless there is fuck knows what in that water.

lol pay debts paco

All I can say is, not everyone is a boy scout

if you use enough charcoal you can pull out many harmful chemicals, definitely any parasites and bacteria.

if you have nothing to burn you can use bleach instead of boiling, but if there are chemicals in the water you still probably want to put it through charcoal.

eat shit pr

You don't need to be a boy scout to know about boiling water to make it more drinkable. This is like the most basic stuff.