America's Prisons are Barbaric and Need Reform

My brother is in prison. Told us its super awful since you have to shit in front of everybody. One time he was moving cells while shitting and they said "squeeze that out in the other cell" since when they say you move you moving right then. He says people laugh at his penis in the shower and when he shits they stare at him.

This shows me America needs some serious prison reform, prehaps having stalls in cells or having each cell individual with communication through a opening that can be shut in different times?

>stalls get added
>people start making shanks out of the metal that closes them

Prisons are done with profit in line. Prisons get paid by how many prisoners they have. And if you cut corners and cheapen out here and there that's more money you keep in your pocket instead of money that goes into the prison itself. It's no wonder the US has the most prisoners per capita, because it's a lucrative business.

Do niggers ever say we need more diversity in prison?

Only private prisons.

Your brother should not have committed his crime. Prison is a deterrent for most.

Well maybe the person shouldn't have provoked him into crime? Or society in general shouldn't have.

Private prisons make up like 10% of all prisons

U.S. prisons are one of the most segregated places in the world p

What did he do user?

He killed his high-school bullies dog.

Yeah you have to shit in front of 48 men in Harris County. Guy bunked next to me hadn't shit in a week I guess cause he was scared of getting raped; he looked like a fish. Didn't help that the niger under him had two tear drops on his face. Tear drops is prison tat for murder.

Hope your brother gets shanked

Your brother deserves death. You don't kill dogs.

>his dog
What a pathetic fucking thing to do. Not only is your brother a fucking sociopath - he's also a coward. Bet he hasn't told you about all the dicks he has to suck. I hope he gets set up in jail and have his sentence prolonged.

>America's Prisons are Barbaric
More like not barbaric enough.

Funny since you're the coward. My brother was brave enough to do what he did despite it ruining his life. Call him anything but not a coward.

a real man would have fought his bully, not attacked his bullies defenseless innocent friend who probably tried to lick your nigger brother before he killed it. I literally will pray that your brother dies in prison tonight

Can you not just attack someone and get put in your own cell

I feel bad for non-violent whites who are stuck in our awful jails, but if we fixed up prisons the niggers would just destroy it. it's pointless really.

Faggot OP made the exact same thread already 10+ times. Fuck off nigger.

Why are you making assumptions? You literally just told everybody that your beta brother was getting dominated by chad, and instead of standing up to his oppressor he kills an animal? Your brother is not only a coward, but a shortsighted, scatterbrained retard for not being able to where his actions would lead him. He didn't think he'd get jail-time.

It sounds like your brother belongs in there with all of the other niggers and hopefully they'll give him the shanking he deserves.

>no smoking
>no guns
>free healthcare
>free housing
>free food
>free water
>free heat
>total surveillance

Its literally a liberal paradise

Lol assuming this is real he deserves to be in prison. Who the fuck kills someone's dog?

Look at this fucking faggot.

You can't get any more cowardly than killing a defenseless animal. Your brother is a piece of shit, and you're a piece of shit for defending him. I hope he gets raped to death and you slip and die at his funeral.

>liberal paradise
This. Wtf do you think the black population flock to prison in the first place?


Guaranteed to play LoL, dota and watches faggot shows like big bang theory and stevens universe

I would die before I would go to prison.

i hope a nigger gives your brother aids

He knew he'd get jail time

jail and prison sucks so much ass
I had some weed and xanax personal use and they took my underwear and socks and put me in a cell with 4 other people
one kid was sleeping on the floor
the water was dirty and they provide you with very little calories
everything sucks so bad especially when you get thrown in a cage for a victimless issue
this country is fucked

Fuck prisons, should be replaced with penal slavery (13th amendment already allows this) to fill the labor shortage without more immigrants. Convicts can spend time going menial labor illegal spics do.

How about this: don't break the law faggot and don't go to prison.

they already do that
there is a catalog of stuff you can buy that prisoners make
my state is number 2 in most private prisons in the USA

>literally "he dindo nuffin"

You realize that your brother is getting shit because people know he killed a dog?

No way to fix our criminal justice system without getting rid of 90+% of non-Whites. You cannot have a corrections system that is humane and in line with White concepts of justice when the majority of criminals are non-White savages. Look at what the Nordic model turned into once non-Whites were introduced.

Then he shouldn't be crying about having his tiny little penis constantly mocked like a bitch.

Fuck him, someone should smash his face open against the concrete walls and leave him devastated.


You're brother belongs there and will die there.
Press S

Mommy's boy, why are you running this shit again?

>There are not sword fights in his country's prisons
Argentine & Uruguayan prisoners go out always worse than they went in.

I want factory prisons, high sentences and hard work to pay their food and accommodation. Give them a small personal cell, only a bed, a small shitter and a sink, maybe some palce to keep books and stuff.
Guarded bathrooms, shoot to kill if trouble.
Keep them on movement, avoid isolation, shoot to kill if any kind of aggression breaks in the patio.

>YWN wield double blades with your prison mates in an American jail.

Any fucker who rather get killed by guards over just working, learning job skills for his future, reading books and doing exercise deserves to die.

release all non-violent offenders and kill all violent offenders.

put the non-violents on probation/fine them/reintegrate them into society.

our prisons are overloaded because we fill them people who have committed non-violent, victimless crimes to feed the corrupt for-profit model of the industry.

without all the non-violent offenders prisons would not be profitable. there are not enough violent offenders to sustain 1/10th of the prison industrial complex.

redesign the emptied prisons as mental health facilities and throw in all the trannies/homeless/degenerates and fix them and/or work them to death for the good of the rest.

FUcking kek. It's tough man. I just got out maybe a month ago. Before that, my longest bid was only 4 months. It's shitty, and depending on where you are, you're forced to revert to primitive animalistic instincts to survive. Not fun at all, and not a life anyone should glorify. Also, if you're unlucky enough, like me, you get to go to a jail in the DEEP south, with literally, NOTHING BUT niggers. So, yeah. Sorry to hear about your brother, do what you can to keep money on his phone, and books. Write him and send him pictures, and just keep him as happy as possible, an his mind as occupied as possible until her comes home.

Prisons aren't a deterrent for shit. Do you realize how many people are in prison and how much crime is committed on a daily basis? Even torture and mutilation during ye olde times didn't stop crime from being committed. Nor did the death penalty.

I like this guy.

You have to kill all lefties first.
Here they NEVER help families of victims of violent crimes. Hundreds of people per year killed over robberies, gang warfare, lost bullets, kidnapping gone wrong, psychos, rapists, narcos terrorizing.

Oh but when you say "lets do these murdered work to pay for their food"

why did you go in?
for me I was vacationing in colorado and had some xanax I take for anxiety attacks and bought some weed in colorado. On my way back there was a dui/drug stop in bumfuck missouri
they said I was trafficking a schedule 1 (weed) and I could fight that charge or plea to possession which includes an in prison rehab stint for 4 months 1 month general population 3 months prison + rehab classes
It cost me so much time and money and my head feels so fucked up experiencing all that

Aww, I guess we have to treat the poor widdle cwiminals better! Just kidding, if anything we need to be harder on them.

>You have to kill all lefties first.
>Here they NEVER help families of victims of violent crimes. Hundreds of people per year killed over robberies, gang warfare, lost bullets, kidnapping gone wrong, psychos, rapists, narcos terrorizing.
>Oh but when you say "lets do these murdered work to pay for their food"

i literally said kill all violent offenders

Yes, so? I agree with that.
As for Violent Offenses I would say:
>Rape (violent rape, not a drunk girl an beta sex)
>Murder (not car crashes that are accidents or stuff like that)
>Kidnapping (when there's damage to victims and repeated threats of death)

As for violent people that assaulted someone, jail time is ok, if it's a factory prison lie I would like.

Prisons are only bad places because of the people inside them.