NYT: White nationalism worse than Islam

Hold on to your tiki torches, goys... coincidence inbound.

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somewhere a Communist LARPing as a Nazi is rubbing his hands in glee

Just the same old bullshit. "Islam is not a threat in a single country, so it's not a threat anywhere."

they just admitted Islam to be a threat

checkmate atheist cunts

Jesus Christ one fucking woman died. More people were probably killed in traffic accidents on the way home from that rally.

According to Who? Get outta here!



Islam is not a threat to western society. It's completely foreign, and not remotely subversive or subtle in its intrusion. Kikes on the other hand are crafty subversive fucks.

Every white knows that they feel comfortable being around and ruled by other white people. They will not be disgusted by a white ethnostate - it's natural.

tl;dr, they're right

Who's they?


>literal white nationalists create America
>200+ years later some faggot claims that white nationalism is more of a danger to America over Islam, which happens to regularly kill everyone including their own people due to sectarian strifes created by dogmatic radicalism

Normie whites.

Remember Marco Rubio giving a shout-out to Richard Spencer by cleverly pretending to oppose him but all publicity is good publicity and they're both Israel First faggots?

>pic related

tl;dr: I oppose Richard Spencer's message but I'm not telling you to not listen.

the author failed to refute white nationalism in any way
basically anyone who has two brain cells to rub together will see right through this article's jewish tricks, i hope these dumb cucks keep writing shit like this, it will only serve to awaken more and more Whites


Haha looks like little Marco learned some good insult jabs from Don.

Every time.


>The second war America fought was against Jihadi's
>It was a famous event that helped to shape American culture for years including the creation of a phrase that in-arguably affected policy for decades
>"Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute."

according to israel you filthy anti-semite


I like that guy

what's hilarious is they point to that disgustingly obese shitlady Heather, who was a radical communist wanting a anti-american revolution, and apologetically ignore Islamic atrocious attacks, such as the many, many times they resort to vehicles or other methods to wage war.

Notice how they never say anything negative about Jewish nationalism and Israel.

fix your nation

But they had plenty to say about apartheid!

Turned out great dontcha think?

Remember Marco Rubio giving a shout-out to Donald Trump by cleverly pretending to oppose him but all publicity is good publicity and they're both Israel First faggots?



are there enough parentheses in the world for that name

Dude, you got the wrong name. Its Sahsa, not Shael. If he is a kike, he is one of the most crypto i have seen yet.

NYT is bullshit but so is this picture. Not an apologist for Islam but falsely quoting the Quran is not helping. Got so tired of hearing talking heads saying what is and isn't in Quran so I bought a copy. Much of what is said to be in Quran is not there. Possibly in other 2 religious texts and they are misattributed to Quran, but I do not have copies of these.

ok, but this time stay over there k

you first


Born nation wreckers.

Christcucks are a threat to the West.


The familial link was necessary to prove the (((coincidence))) sillycakes.

So what will lefties do against white Islamic conservatism??

>not subversive
nice memeflag, ahmed

>West is created by whites
>Whites are a threat to the west

>Islamic terrorism casualties: 878 without taking regular muslims into account
>White nationalist casualties: ?

This author is an American secular mixed race Jew. It literally is- EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Leftists hate Israel though
Israel supported apartheid South Africa

yeah dude because a muslim horde raping your women and enforcing the use of burqas is really fucking subtle


Mfw I have to check if it's an opinion piece. Fuck this rag

>Jews against apartheid, the only thing that kept South Africa a stable and prosperous nation

> The West is White.
> Islam is from the Middle East (Arab) and incompatible with our cultures.
> White Nationalism, which is essentially, "West Nationalism" is the threat?

Damn they have retarded journalist in the US.

They might as well write an article "assault weapons are worse than hand guns."

Oh wait.

the english translation softens some words in the quran, ex; where it says to kill, it's translated in english as "struggle"

Please, South Africa was always a shithole. A few pictures of white rich ghettos is proof of nothing.

He should be

really? one woman died? are we discounting the entire history of america now?

Forget this

That gif sums up Sup Forums
Waste of time “habbedin” and nothing fucking happened

Fuck, you are right. I just glanced that the name was wrong and direct wiki didnt proof it.

Have a well deserved (you) OP for investigating rare cryptids.

I love how anti whites need to go back 200 years to demonize whites when blacks are more cruel and violent in 2017 first world nations

Tiki Nationalism officially more powerful than World's Second Biggest (and most militant) religion.

Where were you when the Tiki Torch became the symbol of our race?

Talmud and versions of Bible do this also. But in this image some quotes outright do not even come close. Have the Ahmed-Ali translation.

Literally the opposite is true but leftists have twisted reality so much that they label foreign invaders with a completely different culture to the west as something that will save it while a movement of western peoples designed to save its own culture is labeled as destructive. This type of satanic inversion is impressive and I am in awe of their ability to distort their reality till it no longer resembles the place in which I live.

Kudos, you have reached levels of delusion I never thought possible.

Go to sleep

citronella the cucks, tiki party now

>South Africa was always a shithole

Sure thing, Chaim. Back in the 1960s, South Africa was RICHER than China, India, Mexico, Brazil...: youtube.com/watch?v=00i-vbGsK7M

where muh country gone :(

>anti-apartheid (((activists)))
Destroyed South Africa, on to the US. These infiltrator rats are pure evil.

>Moarpheus or whatever his fucking name is is still trying this divide and conquer shit
lol keep hijacking threads senpai



they cant keep getting away with this

Shut the fuck up you spineless rat. You have to go back hundreds of Howard to do it because you’ve got nothing recent. Nigger. I hope you die a slow and painful death cunt.


>oklahoma city bombing
>mass shootings

yeah ok



My sweet, sweet (((big cityfags))).

Why does the writer's last name look like it could be a sound effect for race cars in a comic book?

well, obviously

These people clearly haven't read the qu'ran, everyone should give it a read through... People think Mein Kampf is bad... Wewlad


tbf, it's absolutely true.
White nationalism is a huge threat to the America that Jews and Jew-puppets envision.

>if we do it too its okay that they do it 1000 times more than us
Check mate bigot

>The West Re-Embracing the Ideology that Made The West Great Will Kill The West

How do these kikes write this shit with a straight face?

Lol the organization she was a member of called for police to be shot.

Nothing was lost besides a metric ton of methane when that fat bitch died.


>White Nationalism Is The real Threat To The West

So the West will be destroyed by the very thing that created it.

Pretty much this.
They ignore the middle east and instead point to either unrelated incidents like the Las Vegas shooting (BUH HE WAS WHITE AND MALE) or they point at the girl who took the challenge and imply that commonly happens.

wtf I love white genocide now, tiki torches are worse than murder!

Of course tiki torches aren't worse than murder.
But don't you goys realize the media will make make them out to be worse? So why use tiki torches? Maybe stop romanticizing the Reich and think of how NatSoc ideology can be applied to your own nations based in common law and tradition. But shills don't do this because to embrace NatSoc you cannot ally with Zionism.

>the west itself is a threat to the west
>but the foreign invaders are not a threat to the west

I don't understand are they admitting hispanics are not americans?

Do SJW's hold any positions at all?

I don't care if you are wrong but at least be logically consistent.


>women and children
meanwhile it's 80% military age men from war-torn hellholes...


When will you idiots understand that the best thing you can do for our cause is to stop speaking?

Fucking faggot.

The poster or Dickie


what the fuck is wrong with europe?
after 9/11 we stopped letting the fucking sand niggers come in and out as they pleased, but after the multiple EU attacks, still nothing?
why are they so fucking cucked?
and the fact that there are THOUGHTCRIME laws just pisses me off purely on principle.
is this the future of the US if we dont rid ourselves of the jew?

>JooHee Yoon

>tfw there was no man in 20th century more right about everything they said than hitler