Immigration Debate

Hey faggots, I have a debate where I am to uphold the "republican" view point on mass immigration, and I refuse to lose to some libtards. Dump all data on immigrants in this country that link them to mass crime rates, unemployment, and mooching economically from the government.

comin right up

Just find some nonwhite nation that was hammered by immigration and use that as as guiding example. If they claim something something ethnocentrism just say that they have a eurocentric and Caucasian point of view and win the debate automatically.

But seriously, you're just going to lose by default because it's social suicide to be conservative in an academic setting.


"If it's so great, why is it always pushed through without a public vote?"

This statistic is actually outdated, it's from 2010, when they updated it this year, they found that it's ballooned to 134.9 billion per year.

Ask them to provide a single net benefit to the society, in raw and real terms, provided by mass immigration. When they bring up food,culture,etc, ask them for a single net benefit that COULDN'T be accomplished by a native who is importing those products or services.

If this doesn't annihilate them, just twist the knife a bit: "So you're saying that everything white people brought to Africa during the colonial times was a benefit to the natives?" "Isn't it better to just provide your services without forcing yourselves on them?"

say that congress was explicitly delegated the power to set immigration law, and that citizenship is not a social construct and then drop the fucking mic

Sounds like doing your homework, op. You have to be 18 or older to be in this website.

blablabla they are ushered in by elected officals blablabla

right but it would be much more useful to demonstrate that there is no net benefit to society rather than pose the question.

Each Hispanic is a net loss of $7,298 to the US economy. It gets worse with Africans, as they are a net loss of $10,016. White Americans are a net gain of $2,795. When compared to Hispanics, Africans, and even Asians, White Americans are the only demographic that generally prefers a smaller government with fewer services instead of a larger one with more services. Argue for a merit based system.

is there a citation to any of the stats on this work ?>debate is homework lolz
shut the fuck up u freeloading nigger ur no worse than these people im looking up stats for, how much income am i wasting on your existence?

citation is key frendo

Please tell me this isn't a day-before thing mate.

The common sense answer is that Europeans conquered this land and do not want to be replaced by low IQ brown people, who themselves cannot uphold a country with nearly the rate of living as the US. But I assume that won't go over well with your opponents, of which either love multiculturalism (non-white) or just care about money.

>Dump all data on immigrants in this country that link them to mass crime rates, unemployment, and mooching economically from the government.

That would be hard to find because immigrants want to be here, not fuck it up by committing crime. Try again.

Allowing people who do not comply with the lawful requirements to enter the United States is effectively condoning the abolition of the sovereignty of that entity.

That's what open borders mean.

>prisons will be empty because nobody wants to go there
Come on, now.


When you say mass immigration.. are you specifically talking about dealing with illegal immigration, or are you saying we should also reduce legal immigration? The 2nd argument is going to be difficult to persuade people..
People are going to dump plenty of information for you, but keep in mind one of the winning factors in any debate is how you present the information. Keep in mind, in academia, most of the people listening to you will not agree with you and have a bias from the start. After you've come up with all your big talking points, organize them in a way that makes sense, and imagine how the biased listener will respond. You've got to walk them into your thinking gently and address their concerns.

Also don't go overboard with stats. The key to winning a debate is having 100x more information than you need in front of you so you can qwell the counterpoints, but you don't need to share every single immigration stat that exists.


>hey let me just come out as a white nationalist in front of the whole school

Good luck bro

Why you worried? Literally their only arguements will be "muh feelings".

Seriously, these retards never have empirical evidence to support that mass immigration is good. It's always this self righteous bullshit and "what's right".

It's like trying to defend against homosexual marriage. Not worth it even if you talk about how the breakdown of the trad. family is the breakdown of society

Do your homework underage faggot.