Americans, not guns, are the problem

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Not going to waste my time watching whatever video you've linked, but
>Americans, not guns, are the problem
is absolutely true.

75% of gun violence in America is committed by Black People. America has a Black problem, not a gun problem.

>maoist "intellectuals"

Watch it, it's very informative.
> problem : armerilards are retarded and can't be trusted around guns
> solution: send in the UN to take all of the guns

Jason "Unruhe" Caden is a fucking moron and you know it.

Going to echo this leaf's sentiments, though I'll add that hyphenated-Americans are significantly more likely to cause problems than others.

I'm sorry comrade, but we're not going to watch your video because you're an obvious shill, ugly as sin and autistic af.

this fat ugly retard is not unlike fat white women who get piercings and tats for attention.

He's a 9 in Canada

Jesus Wayne is getting fat

I'll agree with this. Fuck with me, commie, and I'll be the only problem you have.



>helicopter maymay

He's 36 years old and behaves like he's 13.

He's also an incel.

This is 100% correct. About 15% of the population is the problem.

>a fat slob burger communist with chinese patch

Hahahaha Holy shit the state of murrilards

He's Canadian. He lives outside of Niagara Falls.

>amerifats think he isn't playing a character
>amerifats think hes serious

He's not playing a character, that's who he is IRL.

This kid unironically supports Maoism

I'm not inclined to disregard someone's opinions based upon their beliefs, but the man is clearly delusional

Well I'll be damned, opinion discarded


>Maoist rebel news



this guy can't even say a single sentence without gasping for breath.

>88% of all gun crime is committed by democrats

we dont have a gun problem, we have a liberal problem

Listen to a recent video of his:

> solution: send in the UN to take all of the guns

Like a dream come true.

The absolute state of Maoists

isnt that the bisexual canadian communist larper?

Don't worry, they'll be gentle.

or spread cholera

What kind of hazard pay are they going to get?

Is Jason NazBol? What are his views on race? Am I conflating NazBol with racially aware Marxists? I am genuinely curious about the other side and if you're really a NazBol and not just meme-flagging I'd like some insight.

>advocating for the UN to step into US affairs

When will Trudeau fire this advisor? Leafs, please control your politicians!

lol that picture is correct, the un is full of ugly retard aids niggers

No. He's not a NazBol but a Maoist Third Worldist.

They're peacekeepers



>What are his views on race?

He believes white people can't be revolutionary and must be wiped out by third world communist armies.

He's not alone, though

Maoism is just Marxism-Leninism for babies who don't understand materialism

Why are you a Third Worldist?

>commies are all ameriphobic

Yes, I know this. Why don't you retarded nigger-faggots go to Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea if you hate America and love communism so much. Fucking idiots.

ITT: Teenage Angst

I agree with the notion that there is something wrong with Americans. It is lack of empathy and lack of God. His communist "heroes" are no better. He is also right that it wouldn't stop our murder rate. Not having guns in jail does not stop murders from happening and they are completely monitored. It is something in the human condition to murder.

I would go to DPRK if it was possible you stupid faggot. There is no immigration to DPRK. DPRK is an ethnostate.

I agree that the people is the problem. But it doesn't have to do with america invading other countries and shit like this commie tries to paint it to be.
It's simple though. Shooters:
1. Niggers and hispanics being themselves.
2. Loners that never leave their houses and gets brainwashed into a psycho by the internet.
3. Political related motives. Brainwashed into an extremist, often related to point number 2.. at least in some of today's shootings.

USA has a population of 300m and ~78% of them has direct access to the internet, which is why it can't even be compared to a majority of other countries in this world.
Just imagine if Sweden had a YUGE population growth to 300m, which was mainly increased by immigrants. It would actually be hell on earth.

So yeah.. pushing for gun control are simply for retards.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Marx and Engels. The dialectic is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the memes will go over a typical viewer's head. There’s also Marx's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's philosophy, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these works, to realise that they’re not just whiny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Marx & Engels truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Marx's existential catchphrase “Workers of the world, unite," which itself is a cryptic reference to Molière's French comedy L'École des femmes. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlep scratching their heads in confusion as Karl Marx’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a hammer & sickle tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel comrade

Yes. Roo is a retard.

DPRK actually hates China, true fact.

99% of massshootings including political hits are done by democrats

>Marx is hards

Marxism is intellectualism for idiots.

Marx isn't hard. You're all a bunch of brainlets.

you know you are trolling

No. Jason is a total moron. Everyone on /leftypol/ knows his more intellectual videos were ghostwritten.

So how are you going to take away guns without any guns, you jew fucking faggot?

No one will.

ya, basketball americans