I have some Jewish friends and they're totally normal, nice people...

I have some Jewish friends and they're totally normal, nice people. You expect me to believe they are the evil masterminds of the world?

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>insert uncomfy subjectt

you are about to lose some friends goy

What do they do for a living. Where did their money come from.



they arent, but they are ideologically brainwashed to want to kill all white nations by mass imigration and think all white people are nazis who will gas chamber them 6 bajillion times

Depends what part of Jews they are. If they're elite Jews, then yes, yes they are.

If not, then they're practically goyim to the elite Jews.

they aren't your friends. it seems like it, sure, but they act that way with EVERYONE who has something they want. If you come off as powerful in any way, they'll be there, when you no longer appear powerful, they'll stick their wieners in you.


Non-mastermind jews are known are jew-enablers.




I bet you know a few nice, non-thug black people too... but I bet my life savings you won't walk alone through South Side Chicago on a friday night after 10pm wearing nice clothes and an expensive watch.... wonder why... NOT ALL black people are bad!! You know a few good ones!!!

There you have it.


>1 post by this ID

WTF? A mastermind could never be nice and normal in their daily lives!

Pic related shamelessly stolen from another user.

They are not your friends. They look upon you like a pet.


>evil masterminds
no just evil. even in the bible jews are stupid. they disobey god constantly and he punishes them. they were refused all of the "holy land" by god for screwing with other groups who were there before them after he told them not to

Pretty much this...

Jewdom is a pyramid scheme.

fuckin lol


but you're a gentile to them. you are like cattle to these people.

well, they DID own slaves at 10x the rate of the normal american back in the day, and somehow white people are getting the blame for it via hollywood and jewish owned media

Yeah, here's the thing. They are not (((they))).

Jew here
I'm pretty left out of the loop if there's gold somewhere. I work at a big box liquor store as a night manager. Good money tho
Fuck immigration. There's already a wall in parts of California.... Doesn't do much.
We need more ICE and good Samaritans.
I know some pretty rich Jews and I don't think they're very liberal. Even pro-gun.
Ain't that the fucking truth. I'm not a nigger tho. I don't think there was a Jewish conspiracy but you can't argue with stats on violence and blacks.
> IQ was invented by a Frenchman to test kindergarteners but I still think blacks are generally stupid if they aren't mixed
I love my Gentile friends

HAHAHA FUCKING BASED JEWS! Why don't you offer free labour to them goy?

They scheme and plot against you behind your back.

They are probably friendly with you, but they never act the way they really are when they are just around other Jews.
Ever watch the Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler? Remember how he would always make his friend with the mustache look like an ass all the time? Thats what they do. Plus do not expect them to give you the same good deal as they would give another Jew. You may have a shot in comparison to a Jew they don't know, but Jews are known to go out and help other Jews just because they are Jews. This is part of the reason why tbey are so "successful".

this explains everything OP

Now redd*t, this is what we call bait
They post this shit to keep you distracted.

It's just that Jews tend to be far-left and biased for obvious reasons, they help themselves as a community through preference for other Jews which is why a lot of them fill up high positions on things, just being a Jew is enough to put you in a huge advantage to be hired if the employer is Jewish.

Meanwhile other ethnic groups are cucked and told "discrimination muh racism is bad!" while Israel is an ethnostate and the above happened.


They are right-wing when it comes to themselves. They are left-wing when it comes to the goyim.

I grew up with Jews and had a lot of Jew friends that I liked and totally trusted. Everybody who knows Jews experiences this.

But those Jews are cover for the Jew agenda. We see Jews who are our friends and so we can't believe that the Fed Reserve Jews and Goldman Sachs Jews are stealing from everybody. We can't believe the the Jews are screwing up our medical system and our Monsanto food. We can't believe that Jews are behind the homosexual, transexual normalization and faggot marriage and faggot adoption. We love our friends, who happen to be Jews and we ignore that they go along with the Jew agenda like loyal BORG. We turn a blind eye to the fact that our Jew friends just happen to get a leg up in Hollywood and other Jew industries. They all benefit from the Jew system and then they invent crap about "white privilege".

"or you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews, [15] Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; "

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