My sister's getting married, and I'll be going to their wedding in December

My sister's getting married, and I'll be going to their wedding in December.

Her fiance is a [spoiler]negro[/spoiler]

Feels bad knowing I'll never talk to my sister after December.

Is he a surburban nigger or a nigga from the hood.

Good, time to start your own life with your own family and move far far away

dont go to the wedding, make it clear you no longer see her as family. Or go there and object

Just pay some wore to sleep with him and pay some private investigator to GE some photos. Just say you hired the P.I. because you love your sister and wanted to make sure the man she was marring was an honest man. Just remember o leave out the part any how you paid for a prostitute to sleep with him.

Post results back to Sup Forums.

Doesn't seem like a stereotypical gangsta nigger from what little I've seen of him, but copulating with blacks is degenerate in general. I'm ashamed of her.

Working on it.

I wouldn't go if it weren't for my parents insisting I do. I have no other issues with either of them, so I don't want to cause any problems.

Also you could do this at the stage party. And to make sure everything goes as planned you can organise it yourself. If you object or make the fact known you object to him because he is black she will most likely resent you for it and perhaps stay with the man even longer than she may have just to spite you.

you and your father are failures.

congratulations on your sister forty-six wedding

$100 says she stays with him

she will have to pay a few tolls before she even considers leaving

I'm only just now learning about this man, as we live on separate ends of the state. My dad really did drop the ball though, my sister just turned 18 last April.

Tell the negro that she's secretly pregnant. He'll leave her within minutes.

Just don't go. By going you cosign her life choices

Spike whatever he is drinking with cocaine and or ketamine, then wait for the inevitable incident.

Top laugh, but if he knocks her up I'll bet money on him leaving within a year of the kids birth.

This reads like some weird fantasy.

Female grows up without father, marries negro. Many such cases.

This is anything but a fantasy my friend. I never wanted my niece/nephew to be a shit colored little thug with a lower than average IQ.

>unironically muslim posting

Married at 19 lmao. Lets hope your sister is not about to become a exemplary coalburning single mother.

Negro bails and coal burner is left in a state of confusion as why white guys won't "man up" and support her and her ork.

is she slim

If your parents are 'making you go' and she is 18, that means you're younger than her. If you are older then you can do as you like and have no reason to go to it.

Remember to adopt your sisters nigglets once her husband leaves her, mister 51,9%

Yeah, almost skele-tier. Probably frail enough for the ape to throw her around when he gets drunk and angry enough. God damn it.

kill her before she has offspring

I just don't want them to think I'm an asshole is all, aside from this I still like my parents.

Have fun helping take care of her little Rhineland bastard when her "man" leaves her.

>my sister just turned 18 last April.

Youll see her on tinder 2 years from now, posting with her negger son "not looking to fuck but a relationship"

and yes, move away. Seems like your parents stop caring and ratehr sips the kool-aid (tm)

Why even go to the wedding? By being there it's almost as if you agree to it.

I'll refuse. I've found that even young blacks of mixed race have that hood accent and shitty attitude. I can just see her a few years from now posting on Kikebook about how proud she is to be the mother of her mixed race "child".

Marrying at such a young age is such a mistake, she's still a kid.
I'll bet you she becomes a single mother within the next 5 years

yah what can you do. mom will probably be 'heartbroken' even if you don't give a shit about her and vice versa.

burn the coal pay the toll

Doesn't matter. Burn the coal pay the toll
Why even go to the ceremony?

All jokes aside even if he or she is a nigger that's still your nephew, and he or she didn't choose to be a mutt. Just help him or her learn not to be like that and have white kids yourself. Maybe drop a couple red pills when they get older son they know why it isn't ok to act like that. You can't turn your back on family regardless man, unless they've actually done something to you.

Maybe I'll consider not going. If anything, that would mean I wouldn't have to talk to either of them.

of course. it's a nigger. wtf does she know at that age.

Honor killing is the solution !

Almost every white girl I've ever known to have a niggers kid ended up a single mom.

Honestly just ignore it and cut off ties with her and her kid once she marries it'll be alot better than not going and having your family and everyone despise you for being a racist bigot, white supremacist nazi, etc.

Honestly it isn't ok to hold that against a kid, but holding it against the dumb bitch that chose to do that is an entirely different story.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my super liberal family wouldn't appreciate me trying to redpill my nephew. My sister would just tell him that his Nazi uncle user is just a bigot, and not to listen to him.

I suppose I can see your point. If anything, we should pity people of mixed race.

Tell him when he's old enough to know he isn't supposed to repeat that kind of thing retard. Show him evidence, explain it to him, then make absolutely sure he doesn't tell anybody. If he is halfway intelligent he will understand what you are saying is true and keep that information to himself and strive to do ok in life. If not then he really is a stupid nigger and who cares at least you tried.

Yeah don't forget that is still blood. If blood doesn't tie us together what does? Never forget it isn't the kid's fault.

I'm sure you warned her about the high divorce rates, higher likelihood of abuse and genetically defective kids. Stats are your friend

feels good that while united states is trying to create a civil war here, mein NEGERS are conquering them from inside


I guess your Dad is gonna pay for a church wedding ? Are your Mom and Dad still together ?
You gotta be a yankee, that's a given. How old are you, btw ?

just go and be nice to everyone for the sake of the family. don't be a faggot and cause your parents undue stress. I'm sure they've got enough having a nig son in law

Someone get the Raid.

If I'll be cutting ties with my coal burning sister, I should at least get some laughs out of it. Maybe for a wedding gift, I should get them a watermelon and 40 ounce bottle of malt liquor.

I'd rather die as a roach then to have my sister fucked by nigs senpai

good luck with life

>just turned 18
There's no way that this relationship will last and if you don't say anything now, you won't have any right to say "i told you so" when she starts begging/demanding that your family help her look after her niglets.
This isn't a joke. You dont have to hate him or tell your family you hate niggers, and you dont even have to hate them. It's basic practicality and as close to a statistical inevitability as is possible.
Just make it clear that you can se that there is an extreme likelihood that this will go one singular way and you refuse to help clean up the mess. Maybe tell the family that responsibility for the consequences will lay on their heads for failing their daughter.
Best of luck, sucks to be you.
>Tell the negro that she's secretly pregnant. He'll leave her within minutes
This is genuine genius, and if it doesn't work then at least you know he's not total garbage tier.

Make sure you outbreed that brainwashed traitor so your parents' bloodline isn't completely fucked.

>yfw you realise that Sup Forums is kinda dumb and that daddy addy would have secret disdain for everyone here
Don't even get me started on what Jesus would think of you.

your sister will die before she can legally drink, sorry dude

23 year old yankee, and yes my parents are still together. No church wedding though, they're going to Vegas so they can gamble and party after the wedding is over.

>coal burner
>talking to her at all
My god some americans are such pussies.

You send your sister my way... I will impregnate her with my superior german/hispanic seed. I am over 6'0 and fit. I have an IQ of 128 and as long as your sister isn't a sappy degenerate with poor dna... the offspring will not inherit any negative health issues.



You need to disown and disassociate

>that pic
>s m h t b h f a m

Your transportation to the wedding will somehow fail, nothing you can do about it.

Nice idea.

This, niggers beat the shit out of white girls and have a high chance to abandon them when pregnant even if they get married first.

Best case, she will end up alone and undatable because she has a half black kid.

More questions, If you don't mind. How old is Sambo ? does this bumperlipped fuck have a job ? education ? Have you asked your Pop how he could be such a cuck ? What the hell does your Aunts, Uncles , family friends and co workers think about this shit ? Is she already preggers ? She's just a kid, good fuckin' grief !
Get the fuck away from that confederacy of dunces and never ,ever let your future wife and kids be around the idjits that unfortunately is your family. Lord help you, no white man should ever have to deal with this shit.

All I know about him is that he's 25, and works in retail. Both of my aunts are supportive, one having married a Mexican.

The continuation of your genetic lineage rests on you user.

Don't go to the wedding and celebrate her betrayal of your family.

>implying he will stay till december

I wouldn't attend if I were you.

A woman bluepilled enough to marry a nigger at 18 isn’t going to give a shit about statistics. She would obviously be the exception in her mind. Just cut her loose.

>I'll be going to their wedding in December.


Why would you wait till december? I would disown my sister instantly if she would fuck a nigger

He does have a somewhat White name though, Dan.

You have to honor kill her before she makes a niglet nephew for you.

Cus his mom will kick him out of the basement if he doesn't

>baseless insult
>commie flag

checks out

Dont be a bitch stand up for your principals dont go debase yourself by witnessing that abomination

don't talk about jesus kike

Why even go to the wedding?

Just disown her now and in person so she does not have online evidence of you being rayciiist and outing you on social media

Hey user. Exact same story here.

Listen, spare yourself the agony and the day-long disgust, don't go to the wedding. Book a trip, break a leg, get married yourself, what have you, just don't go, and find any excuse to not go.
They will read it on your face and in every fucking picture that you aren't excited. Not only do you have to be bodily present but people will be scrutinizing you and see if you are really happy etc. I remember that part being the hardest at the wedding, everyone was acting like it was so great and they were so happy and I was just getting drunk with a sour face. As long as I was mildly sober people couldn't tell but once I was drunk, oh boy. I ended up leaving to doze off in my car before the end.

On your end, if you HAVE to be honest, you can say that you think your sister is way too young to get married, that you don't think your parents should go for it or support her, and that you don't support this decision so there's no point in you pretending to be happy for her and attending the wedding. Don't mention race, you've got a good "attack point" with her age and immaturity that won't be dismissed outright as "user is being a nazi".

What a faggot.

Your refusal to tackle the problem is why you are in this mess.

If you told your sister not to date niggers beforehand this could have been avoided.

But you trade your family for political correctness. How long can you pretend to be okay with a nigger being a part of your family?

>Her fiance is a [spoiler]negro[/spoiler]
Nothing wrong with black men. It's niggers that are the problem.

do this OP

What, you think talking down to a sibling will make them stop heroin? Think it works any better when you tell them to stop dating a nig? On the contrary, what happens is that you get the "you're a racist" and then they are 100% getting married.
You're a fucking retard.
I can't help my nephews being what they are and I stick around for them. Someone needs to show them how to be a decent man.

Even if he does end up not beating her, however unlikely that may be, she's still leaving me as the only hope to continue the family line in a tasteful way.

Obviously she was attacked by her small dick ex white boyfriend for publicly humiliating him on facebook. Whitw bois neva learn smhtbhfamalam desu

quality shitpost m7

You know just as well as I and OP that's (single coalburner) is exactly whats's in store for OP's sis

Maybe you're lucky and he kills her and puts an end to the shame on your family.


Audibly shitpost at their wedding and I mean shit like shouting
Stuff like that
Or you could just get yourself kicked out some other way

Object during their wedding, if you truly ever loved your family, its the only honorable thing to do.

>Feels bad knowing I'll never talk to my sister after December.
Don't break contact so fast. Wait until they have their first kid, and then you smile and tell your sister "Oh how cute! He/she looks just like you!". Sup Forums taught me that one, and I've used it twice irl. The looks on their faces was priceless, it's like they suddenly realize that their child is a shitskin and looks nothing like them.

Highly probable and rather fitting ending

This. Call her a monkey fucker and him a no good nigger. Get drunk first so you don't pussy out.

Don't go to the wedding and tell your sister why...thats a good start.

get the fuck away man, in 2 years from now your sister will be a single mom and she'll try to leech off of you, leave while you still can, it's not even about your principle, it's about your future

Everyone here is telling you to boycott the wedding.

Your parents will forgive you, just like they'll forgive her for ending up a loser in life.