What are some of the most embarrassing blue pills you ever took?

What are some of the most embarrassing blue pills you ever took?

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its ok if you see a white woman walking down the street with a nigger,becuase its her choice and im not the gate keeper of white women

now i give them filthy looks in the street,once i spat at one

Tradition is stupid

>Just bee yourself

Trump is a racist

How do you recover from being that cucked Sup Forums?

>women can love you for who you are
>men and women are the same
>race doesn't matter, blacks and browns have shitty situations only because whites exploited them
>socialism is good
>atheism is right

I was really retarded before finding Sup Forums.

Based leaf

>Trump is a racist
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Donald Trump. His policies are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the policies will go over a typical liberal’s head. There’s also Trump’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The voters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these policies, to realise that they’re not just needed - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the details in Trump’s existential catchphrase “You are fake news.”, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Trump’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Trump tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

That Bill Clinton was a "cool" president.

Accepting my circumcision although it wasn't my choice, American women like it tight like that and my dick has never smelled like my toenails.

KONY 2012
I actually bought a package.

Please don't tell anybody. I promise I'm red pilled now



>black Americans aren't the cause of there economic depravity.

The «We are all One» bullshit .

Black American's are the cause of their own economic depravity. *fixed it for you*

nothing solves low iq

Copypasta is evolving right before our eyes. Fascinating, isn't it?

The "Holocaust & Hitler is evil" bullshit

For a short period of time I was and angsty nihilistic teen
>Shatter complacency
>Defeat isolation
>Defy tradition
>Contradict habit
>Reorder routine
>Rebel against convenience
>Upset convention
>Create a superior alternative

Americans are white

"who am I to judge their culture" was probably the most embarrassing for me

i dunno

but i remember being sucked into The Kony 2012 thing

That niggers should be considered our equal

>Men and women want to be seen and threated the same
>There's nothing inherently wrong with women
>You have to respect every human regardless of who they are
>Religion is good/bad
>College matters a lot
>Stereotypes are bad

I just wait until I see what kind of person someone is and I'll walk away if I don't like them, but boy I can't believe so many people think the human being is good by nature.

Went to a Bernie sanders rally unironically

>there's nothing inherently wrong with nudism
>be yourself

Did an Arts Degree. Joined student socialist group. Read a lot of continental philosophy, the bad kind. But I started going to the gym soon after this and the testosterone boost seemed to counteract all the brainwashing.

gender being a spectrum

>Fell for the "we are all equal" and the "America is a melting pot" bullshit in 8th grade


The thing is I never really accepted those things but acted like I did.

I think that's probably more in line with everyone here. We never really believed in it.

>But But.... muh diversity is our strength

We are talking about blue pills. But if you’re being serious in saying that black people are in the economic situation that they’re currently in is out of their control is a literal nig tier conclusion

Men and women are equal

I used to be a typical shitlib, but after SJWs started ruining everything I basically became one of those "DEMS ARE THE REAL RACISTS" cuckservative types. It was cringe as fuck. I still wouldn't really consider myself a white nationalist but I'm glad I'm done with that phase.

Indeed I've been a conservative as long as I can remember. I remember have debates in high school that gay marriage and homosexuality was immortal. Latter I learned to "accept" it, but I don't think I ever really did, I was and am still disgusted by the thought of it.

>blacks arent theives
then when i was about 13 the only nigger in the neighborhood stole my bike.
my dad was based enough to know exactly where to look, and had etched our name and address on the frame.
it was funny watching the sheboon act like she bought the bike for the niglet. then my dad just picked it up and shoved it in her face showing the etching

Niggs are the most selfish self centered people in the world.

reptilians don't exist

That black people are capable of, and strive to achieve, equality. If you concede enough to them they won't steal from you or look at you like a POS cuck.

Nignogs don't want equality. Nignogs want special treatment and you concede to their ilk exclusively to your own detriment.

Supersizing your meal adds value.

I was once an Atheist. I succumbed to secular nihilism and the posit that money is the purpose of life. Had an awakening.

I once believed the PUA scammers' belief that if you hit on girls and be confident and know 'game' you will get laid

Going to Sup Forums

There are some good skills being taught by the right people which are just essentially what a father should impart on a young man it's a mindset thing.
RSDPUA is a good one to look at.



I used to believe their bullshit too.

But you can't create attraction, like PUAs say they do.

Men who get a lot of girls are attractive to them, because of their looks, height, status, money and a combination of them.

What you say and your "confidence" is not as important as people pretend it is.

The videos used as "proof" are mostly just they doing stupid social shit (and never scoring) and many of the girls are paid to be there, Owen has mountains of money.

I had trouble getting hard and had to take the blue pill.

that is a stupid meme, where is the old guys' sports car and two chicks slurping on his cock? Fake news!


Well it worked for me, the way they explained things that is with things like "inner game" self image stuff.
I admit I haven't had sex in a while but recently I snogged two different girls and another one gave me oral in the space of three weeks which I consider a win.
It's not purely RSD but there was a time that they helped me a lot.

This. Ya'll niggas are retarded.

No one's forcing you to stay dickhead.

You are giving them credit for something unrelated to "game".

You had sex because you were attractive to them, at least in that context.

I have a friend who is unconfident, nerdy as fuck and literally a diagnosed aspie, but he is tall and good looking, he has a hot 9/10 girlfriend I don't even dream of getting, even with my many years of consuming PUA garbage...

That men and women are essentially the same and that it's entirely fine to date women who have been with a lot of guys before.

Women are equal to men

Consuming it's not enough you need to go out a lot and spend money not on them but just on drinks for yourself and friends to keep the party going for me once I figured out that focusing on MYSELF having a good time and having the courage to pursue an attractive girl while not over investing was all it took I was fine.
You can't be that bad looking mate I'm no supermodel but I have charisma just talking to people a lot does a lot and being happy.

Life isn't about sports cars, chicks slurping your dick, or worshiping Mammon



Voted for the "less bad", supported controlled opposition. I was a few years dumber though.

Once in school our teacher told us to close our eyes and picture our dream house. The girl beside me said she pictured a glass house and I did too. I thought that meant we were soulmates or something but now I realize we were being good goys who had lost all sense of tradition.

In baby classes they really go ham on circunsisson mainly cleanliness and how much effort it takes to keep it clean is that true? Can any foreskin bros give me the run down

I thought communism was a neat ideology on paper as a teen.

As an adult, I know that it's not even good on paper.

>he believes in jewish fairy tales
>he thinks he's not retarded anymore

Oh child you still have much to learn

Not a scam

I voted for Trudeau. Then trump came along and I learned why conservatism was correct.

it is you ingrate

THIS. I used to be a proper George Carlin & Bill Hicks-watching pseudo-philosophical cringelord when I was a teen. I watched loads of cringey YouTube videos on consciousness etc.

That the holocaust was a lie. The actual facts say otherwise.

That Hillary Clinton was a criminal. If Trump who hates her cant lock her up, it must have been bullshit.

That it is ever going to "happen". It being the race war.

Women can love you for who you are.
RED PILL: All women are prostitutes.


>bitcoin is a meme magic money and won't ever be real
could of invest 5k back in the day when it was worthless

Tolerance is a key to civilization. Love thy neighbor. The destriction of society starts with hate. The hate your life has made you feel. I hope you find a way to stop being angry. The world is a great place and as long as you aren't an asshole people will tolerate you too.

>wake up
>take a shower
>dick is fresh and clean for the entire day
That is unless you masturbate excessively.

that Hollywood was full of good people. Apparently it's just all bad. Fuck, probably even Tom Hanks is a pedophile.


He's right though.

Women do not like men, at all...

How many times have you seen women talking about how grateful they are about men? Never, how many times have you seen men making homages to women in general? a thousand times.

Also a girl can "like" you but as soon as you lose your high position, money or looks she will forget about you like its nothing.

all you have to do is pull foreskin a little when you take a shower

Honestly I realized one important thing: NEVER REDPILL YOUR FRIENDS. I've dropped subtle redpilled and even though they're normie redditors, they always have that confused look on their faces. I wish I had some friends who are redpilled as well, but alas, in college only normies reside.

I used to think the Russians weren't that bad and people just hated them because of leftover resentment from the Soviet Union and capitalist brainwashing.

That religion is good



Gay Police Force

>once i spat at one
Rock n' Roll

>Do the right thing and work hard, eventually things will work out for you

I believed the refugees were normal Syrian families.

That referencing the matrix all the time would make me look self aware.

that i was the only new fag :(

>Homos are immortal
Not when they've got AIDS they're not

Gloooooball Wahmeme.

Tradition is a corpse of wisdom

Yes, PUA is a scam, you dumb faggot.

There's more honesty in prostitution.

Not babies, theirs is still attached and doesn't move as much. I only know that from intactivist sites where they've ripped it and the poor kid ended up with a kikedick anyway

when Sandy Hoax was first reported I donated a small amount of money to those 'victims'

shame on me I guess for getting fooled by deepstate niggers

communism and fascism are most epic blue pills


Please kill yourself.