
So Nazis and ISIS are supposed to get along, Trump supports Israel, meaning he’s Zionist. So...if we supports Hitler we should join ISIS and stop supporting Trump and Bannon?

I so fucking hate americans, why are they so fucking stupid.


but ISIS = Israel.. so i dont get your thread. educate yourself, son

post more gay porn op
You and I both know what that's from

I know that feel.

You're saying you don't want a big prison for Jews?

>Some nobody on anonymous board said some shit so that means we need to abide by that shit
not even worth it's own thread you idiot, sage

The only nazis left are larpers and prison gangs. Guess which type you find here?

Americans are subhuman


What the fuck? No. ISIS is an Israeli puppet that professes a shit tier form of a shit tier Semitic war religion and is actively engaged in war against the European world. The fact that they throw fags off of rooftops and patrol their thots is neither here nor there. If we -have- to pick a side in Middle Eastern conflicts and can't just let all those subwhite fuckers genocide each other like it's 1999 BC, the correct side to take is one that protects non-Semites and non-Muslims while encouraging to stay in their homelands so Italian and Greek border guards don't have to fill them with holes. So Ba'athist or at least secular states, and failing that Shi'ites.

Also ISIS isn't right-wing because the right-left paradigm only works in a modern state. Strasserites are left and Hitlerites are right in a fascist state, Bernie is left and Trump is right in a liberal state, Trotsky is left and Stalin is right in a communist state. Meanwhile: was George III right or left? It's not a meaningful question.


i think leftist, atheist jews are much worse then zionist. any good argument that could change my opinion?

who is she?

so is Trump /ourguy/ or not?


No one is /ourguy/ because the clown country that we live in imposes certain constraints on who can make it to the top. Trump is significantly less terrible than any of the other options that were on the table, though.


>implying there are only two sides in a conflict
But if you have to "pick a side" in the desert semite game, pick the Shiite militants (Hezbollah), not the Saudi-Israeli ones (ISIS)


So suppose we were able to get our guy, what would be like and what would he do?

Are you completely fucking retarded?
How new are you?