No shit, you hypocrite pervert...

no shit, you hypocrite pervert, sex abuser coverer who goes on TV everynight and lectures me about my morality for millions of dollars worth of shekels.


Other urls found in this thread:

he wont dare bite the hand that feeds him. The entire reason he was successful and Carolla was not really is that he kissed the ring whereas Carolla all but named the Jew.

>goes on TV to cry about insurance and guns because Trump is a bad guy
>No tears about women being sexually assaulted and manipulated with their career as hostage by a Hollywood elite
Either his complicit or he realizes people will bring up old fat Jimmy from the man show.
Probably the latter.

Isn't Carroll the Jew?


>Slander Christian Trump only nightly basis with weak leftist jokes. Accuses him of being a rapist for "muh pussy grabbing" comment.
>(((Weinstein))) literally raping women and exposed.
>"Not comment"

The ole John Stewart defense. Hey I spend 60 minutes every day talking about the news and a significant portion of the population gets their news from me but I'm not actually a newsman. If Jimmy Kimmel doesn't want to be called out for his hypocritical moralizing then he should stop moralizing.

Heh. Funny thing id that Carolla probably first got opportunities because he kind of looks and sounds like a jew and he in fact had a step grandmother(?) that was a kike.

Definitely not

Nope he did have a step relative (grandmother i think...googled it while back can't remember) that was a kike but is supposedly hungarian.

So he's willing to attack the President on damn near every single show, but I guess attacking a rapist is going too far?

Probably because normies don't know who the fuck Weinstein is, and neither did any of you before last week.

It isn't molestation when one of the chosen does it to a lowly goy. The cattle should be pleased when they receive the loving attention of their master.

Jon Stewart did the same shit. When he was going after Republicans he was full of fury but after giving Obama a rimjob he’d say “I’m just a comedian.”

I'm from Sup Forums too so this piggy is familiar.

I never want to be lectured by these sanctimonious cunts ever again after this. Before I never really gave a damn, but seeing the absolute depth of their hypocrisy has me actually upset. Everyone is a hypocrite to a degree and thats normally fine, but if you're one to the point of defending an actual 100% genuine rape culture while attacking the morality of people who just want to look out for their own interests then honestly throw yourself in front of a speeding bus. Fuck these people.

PRETTY sure everyone knows who harvey weinstein is at this point, since he's at the center of one of the biggest newstories of the year so far.

and yeah, actually, harvey weinstein was pretty well known, even among normies, for his prolific career as a movie producer. stop making excuses and covering for someone who is clearly not honest and has no interest in you or your interests.

I cannot believe that is an actual quote from Jimmy Kimmel.

>I'm not the moral conscience of America

What sort of mental delusion and fortress of hypocrisy do these people build around their perception of self?

Truly pathetic and perplexing.

"You reek of some sick bible thumping, fetus lover. I bet you fuck your sister too!"

t. Leftist intellectual who just BTFO'd you and your nazi friend Milo Spencer!

"Honor among thieves"

He will never get this sort of feedback from anyone he cares about so it isn't difficult to be a self-contradicting sanctimonious fucktard 24/7.

t. Clinging to guns and religion

To me, he's just a caricature of what I always pictured the typical Jewish Hollywood pedo/rapist to look like. While I didn't know about him specifically, I knew that kind of thing went on plenty, and he's just one example of it.


Ay yo hol up im not the moral conscience of america.

His archetype has veen in staple in anti-semitic illustrations for a century. It's uncanny.

>Defend the rapist Hollywood Jew!!!!


stereotypes are based upon reality

oh no fuck you kike, you want to spout retarded nigger shit left and right you get to be oiur fucking pounding post you kike rapist

I appeared to have consumed too much alcohol.

that was a short reign


Woah, wait what? I thought he WAS the moral voice of america??? He was last week, what happened?

Jews covering for Jews, isn't it wonderful?

>Oy Vey!!! We gave you a job in Hollywood you dirty goyim!!! Protect us!!!


I fucking hate that faggot Kimmel so much. How can normies not see the bias? Months of omg fuck Drumpf moralizing and way way muh healthcare I'm crying muh guns. Them suddenly "I'm not the moral conscience!" As soon as something come up. Just like the daily show it's just jokes mang we don't have to tell the truth or be fair! Please Kek smite Kimmel down with a mighty happening.

Oh man...What a fucking clown world. Still catches me off guard sometimes.

>in literal tears over the death of a fucking lion that was legally hunted
>silent on head honcho jew of hollywood

Hmmm, quite interesting

Well there you go, fucking idiots couldn't even wait a week before they contradicted themselves. They seriously must believe that goyim are cattle and are incapable of uncovering their "amazing and genius grand plan"

You're just a bunch of fucking nepotistic kikes that cover each others asses. Ah it's fun to watch jews squirm.

This damn it. Was anyone as naive as me? I honestly thought Jon Lebowitz was going to be fair and comedic and like fun at Obama like he did Bush. Even though I voted Obama I saw there was tons of material. Never a whisper though. Instead I got to learn how minor people in Congress were turtles. SMDH. Why can't normies see thru it yet? Even if I didn't like Trump id be tired of the bandwagoning.

As far as I'm concerned Carolla is way better off. Multiple warehouses with classic racecars and production company making documentaries on shit you think is cool, dude has it made. Meanwhile Jimmy has to bend over for the media Jew every fucking night and talk to assholes and spew the liberal agenda. Jimmy is just a puppet taking the media hand up his ass, meanwhile Adam told the mayor to go fuck himself.

what a fucking piece of shit

Trump didn't exactly run on a moral platform nor did he pretend to

dems are the real rapists

Whew ok Harvey nice damage control. I knew who you were back in Quentin Tarantinos early days. "Who would finance this filth?" I would ask myself. Saw your fucking name on every horrible Poz movie. Heard your name out of every Hollywood whores mouth. They've thanked you more then they've thanked God in the last couple decades. God I wish I could see you sweat and rub your fat hands together in worry.

Trump knows to keep his mouth shut

Chuck shumer jew didn't send him talking points on weinstein

What race is this thing?

More like
>I cherry pick what to be a moralist about so that my financial interests are never at odds with my moralizing


I wonder why (((Kimmel))) doesn't attack (((Weinstein)))?


less actresses will want to sit next to that faggot and his garbage show.
honestly, i want all of hollywood and these liberal cunts to starve and die
we should be all pulling that THUGFL kneeling shit on them

The same way no one attacks (((Bryan Singer))) (((Roman Polanski))) or (((Wooody Allen)))

This fucking timeline. Stay safe Finnbro.

Didn't even try to hide it

This is literally what was said by the head of NOW (national organization of women) when President Bill Clinton got accused of raping women and committing sexual assault and harassment of women--- which Clinton later admitted to doing all of it and more.

President Clinton - He likes to sexually assault and rape women from the age of 8 up (by his own admission), but its ok because he's a cool Democratic party leader and no one is perfect!


unironically great fucking interview

Are you fucking kidding? This is Sup Forums, who has a real hate on for Jew controlled media. Half the fucking board knew who he was. Only newbies and shills from outside wouldn't know on this freaking board.


Who's doing the raping, Don?

Thete has to be a WHY.JPG format of that pic of don with somebodys doing the raping underneath.

please tweet that to him with the current OP alongside

funny to think that once upon a time trump used to go on CNN regularly and bash don lemon, anderson cooper and the rest before there was the total fallout between them!
below: one of the many many many many infamous BTFOings he gave Anderson Cooper and CNN in the early days before he won:

>t. clinging to child porn
Gas yourself, faggot

people like jon stewart and slimey limey and other le funny joke "dissidents" have been given that very label by newspapers and magazines in the past and have never felt compelled to disavow it, kimmel actually probably believes he is the moral conscience of the nation or else he wouldn't make a spectacle of him weeping over liberal pet causes every week

Spic. This is what the Sup Forums spics tell us is just fine. Ever seen his cousin Guermo? Kimmel is slightly lighter and can speak slightly more eloquently but he's a Spic. The mestizo is the rape baby of a conquistadors Europe had 0 use for and a human sacrificing Aztec. There is only hatred and lies and murder and deceit in him. Mexico could have been USA 2.0 but it was filled with mestizos so it's a 3rd world shithole where the rules change day by day to suit what they want that moment. Corruption and lying are his core traits. You pol kids only think the left wants their votes. The left wants their soulless corruptible 80 iq scheming beady eyes stupidity is what they want.

>I’m not the moral conscience of America

Then he should tell the MSM to stop making him one when he speaks out against FRUMPH

Yup, Norm MacDonald too. Both would probably have their own network shows if they would have kissed the ring. But they're both doing their own thing now.

This faggot was sitting there tears in his eyes talking abut gun control not 5 or so days ago but now a big hollyjew kike is going down and he's suddenly not the moral conscience of America? Where's the gas when you need it?

Does not fit

He doesn't want to be investigated for his hand in the rapes and murders.
The Fox was killed by Kimmel.

>Don't worry Yimmy, it's just a standard Hollywood party, no weird stuff. Come on, it'll be fun.

What do you think? Did they blackmail him or just another liberal pede?

Forgot pic

And that was the best bit ever on Kimmel's show. Also, the only time Sarah was funny.

>be hillary
>have rumors about failing health spreading all over the internet
>fucking clearly not a trump shill dr. drew weighs in
>says your health and health care is of grave concern
>you want to respond to the rumors
>you go on late night comedy jew
>you sit awkward as fuck in normal cushioned chair because you cant stand up on your own if you sit normally
>literally your ass is on the edge of the chair and you are leaning back like it's a recliner
>you remind yourself to smile
>tell late night comedy jew you are in tip top health
>TIP TOP you repeat multiple times in an accidental spasm
>you smile and play it off as a joke
>this is a late night comedy jew after all :^)
>pretending to be human every once in a while actually feels good
>you tell comedy jew that rumors about your failing health are nothing but crazy conspiracy theories
>as the audience is laughing about how wacky the conspiracy theorists are you have surreptitiously depressed a button behind your ear
>the exoskeleton hidden underneath your pantsuit raises you out of the recline position for your big stunt
>opening the jar of pickles
>to shame the conspiracy theorists with mockery
>this should shut them up
>nobody will suspect a thing
>nobody will think for a second that your team has installed a trick pickle jar to insure against national embarrassment
>you happily wrench at the pickle jar and make humanoid-like facial signals indicating muscle strain
>lid pops off like a charm
>you laugh
>you laugh because you have rused them all
>you cant stop laughing, actually
>you see no need to stop yourself from laughing
>this is the late nite comedy jew after all

Theyre all pathetic cowards

That's because he's part of the same circle of Hollywood rapists and he knows he's next.

>I'm not America's conscience

There was no pop.

No pop.


Leftists comedians are "thought leaders" and "influencers" until they have to assume a position of responsibility on something terrible. Then they can pass the buck.

see. Jon Stewart on the daily show.

>Ive been told by my kike overlords to keep pushing the Trump jokes and insults

>Then they can pass the buck.
They can when their employers are long time friends of the accused.

>Thinks conservatives are a bunch of science denying retards
>Has a baby with a 40 year old woman and acts shocked when it comes out a gibbled weakling

Is Kojima a time wizard?

top kek

didn't he just say he was tho?

He's gonna burn alive in the body fat of his kike overlords.


I always lol at these

>jon stewart
you mean Leibowitz and Kümmel.

this needs to get memed



I fucking hate everything and everyone.

Nonsense, anyone who has seen a Tarintino movie, heard of Miramax/WEINSTEIN productions, or watched the Oscars knows who this gigakike is. They don't want Him my getting in the way of their (((damage control))) and bringing even more attention to the issue. Which, at this point every child fondling jew is shaking nervously about. Unless they wanted to sacrifice Harvey on purpose

>he said, a week after he preached about a moral issue on his show with fake tears in his eyes

wtf I hate Kimmel now

From the people around me that love John Oliver it's mainly pure hatred for Trump. They have 0 concept of anything deeper than playground antics of "Drumpf" or of anything resembling policy aside from "everyone should have free healthcare, it's only right". They're not dumb, but it's like they don't care enough to get involved just enough to have their hatred parroted back to them through the lense of a "comedian" that can rattle off some cheesy one liners during a 10 minute segment that covers a 10 second clip from Trump's entire PR trip.
tl;dr They don't really care. They just don't like Trump and never will.

Someone should probably cut his tongue out. That would solve this problem.

For posterity