And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his

>And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his
>I'm drawing in the sand a line: you're either for or against
>And if you can't decide who you like more and you're split
>On who you should stand beside, I'll do it for you with this:
>F**k you!

Other urls found in this thread:

>getting so butthurt a rapper dissed your daddy trump

>getting so butthurt as a rapper you diss half your fanbase over their political affiliation

>half your fanbase

>old and busted rapper makes a political song in a last ditch effort to stay relevant
Lil' Dicky is the hot new white rapper.


Dude his older stuff is edgy and what made him famous. Never delete, only pirate from now on.

>fags don't know who cage is and not knowing eminem stole his entire persona and the real him is this goofy fucking cornball

>139k dislikes
>aka people who will stop buying your shit if they bought any in the first place
>lol I got da views though
By that logic Trump still beats out enimiem by being more infamous.

Post it.

>aka people who probaly never bought his shit to begin with
>"da views" give him publicity.
imagine the amount of millenials who will start to listen this wigger now. it's genious.

Deleting music you pirated, you sure showed him.
also you must be over 18 to be here.

Hes a jew though

Cage is honestly too dark and real skeletons in his closet, personally avoid it since I don't need depressive shit in my life. He became with Shia before all the bullshit we know of him today and wanted to make a movie of his life story, it's an interesting read. Shia is too fucked up and it isn't getting made, but connect got him some buzz and a Cudi feature.

Fuck, Eminem's family tree goes back to the 1600's in America.

Shia being fucked up today doesn't shock me, seeing how he openly admitted to Cage fandom and became friends with him. Cage is pretty fucking troubled and struggles with drugs due to demons of the past. Shia seemed normalish at the time of meeting him, but then unraveled.

OP is a faggot, but wasnt the enema show from the 90s?

>Being a degenerate faggot listening to (((rap music)))

Sweetie, you're not going to find a single rapper who isn't a marxist shill. That is literally the point. They are the frontline of the Jewish music industry

>you're not going to find a single rapper who isn't a marxist shill.

I am one for example

I'm not telling you who I am.

I'm not rubbing shoulders with the big guys, but hollywood is definitely in shambles atm

Its one of those things, do you like it because its you or is it you because you like it.
I used to like Brotha Lynch Hung back in the day but I wasn't what he was. Like Marilyn Manson fans, smdh, are you a fruit because you like him or do you like him because you're a fruit.

Used to be it, decided to avoid anything that brought me down knowing how easily I can fall into a depressive rut. You can't be successful/live a decent life feeding into depression and whatever darkness that torments you.

im a musician and have worked with a lot of artists on music over the years and i've noticed a massive trend. they're all libcucks.
i wonder why

Think of them as people who just happen to be good at one thing, but average at most. Not many are out spoken free thinkers who challenge themselves, unironically Kanye is this, he met and tried to make his audience consider why they dislike trump. Of course the mass brainwashed crowd shut him down, then coincidental wife robbery and other shit happened, checked into some place and made people forgot about that stuff.

moral of the story
kanye is an american hero

>a rapper who was always against the dominant system becomes a pathetic lapdog for the establishment with a shitty "Cypher"
>being this much of a sellout
>Not dropping him after this

Regardless of your affiliation towards trump, that shits pathetic.

Kanye seems like a guy who genuinely cares for his people, a bit misguided at times, but his early work was incredibly good and spoke on so many of their issue. Not some retard who joins a cause to join it for good goy points and chant whatever chant.

his production is up there
one of my favourites
guy's come a long way. that's admirable

>a rapper who was always singing for middle class suburban and edgy teens for money
>aka every rapper fucking ever