Does anyone remember someone on Sup Forums a couple months ago who said that there would be a mainstream turn against...

Does anyone remember someone on Sup Forums a couple months ago who said that there would be a mainstream turn against the tech industry, and many tech insiders would start to come out against it and proclaim it was the enemy of the people?

Well I saw this article today:

And this one:

What is their endgame?

Other urls found in this thread:

Their entire gameplan all along was to get people addicted to technology and than come out against it so they could blame people for liking it.

And then use public opinion to do a rebranding so people love and support it as their savior even more than they do now, no doubt. Scary shit.

There is a lot of muscling for power in the upper echelons of world power. You're seeing it with the current Hollywood shakedown, the overt symbology in events like the Vegas shooting as well it clearly not being what the public is told it was. We are in some stranger times than the normally strange times.

False idols come in many forms.

watch this

skip to 2:00 if you dont want to watch the whole thing.

I'll give u an insider leak.

It's hella shady. There's too much $ involved it attracts bad things. Also egos and globalism.

The globalists want, literally, "SUFFICIENTLY advanced technology", as in no more than is strictly necessary for maintaining control.

The free info sharing of the Internet has been pretty bad for them, on average. If they can scale plebs back to television and cord phones they'll do it.

I would say the free info sharing has been the best possible outcome for them, and it's gotten the people who would oppose them to spend all their time on forums and facebook talking about how much they hate globalism instead of doing anything real about it :)

well, to an extent. they'd like us all on social media sharing every moment of our lives stored away forever, but i bet they wish they could block the rest of the internet off from us. they'll probably start pushing for laws allowing them to shut down sites with "hate speech" to push this.

Also this:

also this

The technology vs. life quality balance peaked around 05, I wouldn't mind a rollback. Smartphones are literally the worst thing to happen to humankind.

It's really simple.

When the AI becomes more intelligent than us we won't be able to shut it down

And whenever who controls it will rule the world

I don't agree with some of the stuff Jones says, but he's be right on a lot of things and for a long time.

>What is their endgame?
>A company paying Facebook to use its levers of persuasion could be ... a Moscow-based troll farm seeking to turn voters in a swing county in Wisconsin.
Hacking US elections?

They can control you a bit by using your Smartphone's Screen alone

This planet was seeded with life many millions of years ago & between vast periods of stability there are relatively sudden advancements in technology that can be explained as natural organic technological expansion.
During the long periods between the techno spikes humans lived very pleasant yet simple lives using basic tools and living in harmony in nature.
So what causes the technological spikes, lie the one we are living in now.
Perhaps we are periodically visited by an Von Neumann probe, but one unlike the machines Voin Neuman described. These Von Neumans probes are clouds of bacteria that infect the indigenous life and acts upon the minds of the chosen top species to initiate a technological spike that ultimately reproduces the Von Neuman bacterium and sends it on. The probe doesn't care about its human hosts so fastracks technological development in a bid to shorten replication time, over the well being of the hosts.

Yes. We've been coaxed into becoming dependant on their platforms - Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, et al. They buy up all the games we love - Blizzard (ActiVision), Bungie (Micro$oft). Then they milk us to death for our money and personal data (to feed their A.I. to understand us, predict our ideologies and movements), whilst simultaneously reducing those same services and games down to nothingness - innovation stops the moment they gain market dominance, every time. Google is wank, Hearthstone is wank, Halo 5 is wank, Facebook was always wank, 'Sup Forums was never good' - but at least it's a resemblance of the shitfest we always loved, albeit lesser in quality nowadays as all the oldfags left years ago.

They're corralling us and attempting to plateau our development, consciousness, how we interact, literally turning us into beta sheep beholden to their will.

are you saying that my dream will never be realized?

These kikes are very crafty.

smartphones and social media are the fucking worst.

(thread dies every time I comment). All is not lost, you need to learn how to program (it is the law of the digital universe) - start with JavaScript. I'm working on a platform to help us take on the monopoly, but I cannot do it alone.

discord/3KAUrv6, just created, lend me your autistic powers and we'll stand a chance at correcting the timeline. I need help: coding (I will continue as-is and can do the majority, but discussion & help is super useful), promoting, research, testing - essentially, I need a team, and will be offering equity (split of the rewards) based on weight of contribution (if you do more than me, you reap more than me).