Why do Jewish women hate Asian Indian women but put black people on a pedestal?

So I'm of Asian Indian descent. My sister and a couple of her friends were saying that the worst racism they experience is from Jewish women. Apparently Jewish women are horrible to them but if a black person is in the room, the Jewish ladies all act like the black person is some sort of Jesus figure. What's up with this?

An Asian woman could actually compete with a Jewess but a black woman couldn't.

Indian women are stuck up their own ass. They are know-it-alls but are stupid and just pretend to believe they know what you are talking about. They won't shutup about how great India is and how great Indian holidays, food, clothing, etc. is. They pretend like the rest of the world hasn't been dealing with feminists for the past 100 years.

If Indian women had redeeming qualities they wouldn't simultaneously be rape meat and arranged marriage receivers. Indian women are high off their own farts. Indian men don't care about Indian women because they'll be shackled to one eventually anyway due to marraige traditions and familial bonds so Indian men don't bother to court them.

Meanwhile nobody else gives a shit about Indian culture and Indian women won't fucking drop it when they date outside their race and it is beyond obnoxious.

She's right. heard so many stories about Jewish survivors of the camps coming to America, and still hating on niggers

This is a stupid rant. I wasn't asking about how good or bad Indian women are and IDGAF. I was asking about Jewish women being racist assholes to Indian women while acting like black people are deities on earth. Address the point or GTFO.

I thought only East Asian women were considered true competitors to Jewish women. You think South Asian Indian women can compete with Jewish ladies too?

lol you don't run me, you bitch

Then why do liberal Jews constantly lecture about racism? They're only concerned with racism against blacks though. They don't seem to care about racism towards non-black races.

blacks are jew pawns you, you currynigger

it doesn't take a genius to figure this out, you're struggling to figure it out and that's sad because its so simple

I wish you well in your quest to get the right syphilis medication. I pity you and your sad condition. You can't even make any sense. Sad.

Indian women everybody, pump and dump after their rebellious sex dries up

because our post-Holocaust culture has made racism into the Original Sin and Black people are basically saints in this theology

Oh okay, gotcha, so Jewish women are wonderful and beautiful and meant to be cherished forever. Are you a Jewish woman?

i hate jews, but that doesn't change anything I said about Indian women. Indian women's attitudes fucking suck. No self awareness. Also you're putting words in my mouth and interpreting things I didn't say in order to fit your self-persecution narrative.

Thank you user. Your reply makes sense. What is with the weird fascination and respect Jewish women have for East Asian women then? A couple of Jewish co-workers are married to Chinese women and those ladies are welcomed with open arms by the female Jewish family members.

Asians in general are highly competetive be they east south.

They value intelligence, commitment and hardwork as the epitome of status.
In their culture.

Now take a black women...

the chinese are yellow jews. they understand each other on a fundamental level

I think Jews hate all non-Jews, but the ones who bitch about racism are only putting it in black-white terms to keep things simple. Hell, how many times do you ever hear about institutional racism against Asians in the US? Cuz largely there isn't. Ditto Polynesian folks; they're already on board the liberal train thanks to gibs and being conquered by huwhyte peepull. And like most ignorant racists, the lump all folks from central and South American together, not taking Europeanization of the population into account (white Hispanics, Indios, etc).

Baby if u got a donk u can compete with anyone

Then why wouldn't Jews treat South Asian women better? They treat Indian women like shit. They love blacks and Chinese women though.

Jews obviously like niggers because they are a retarded slave race. Jews tolerate poos and gooks because they are an obedient service caste in their global empire. Jews absolutely hate Europeans under all circumstances because we are the only race which has the potential to destroy them and retake this planet.

because its the US. in the US "racism" pretty much means black vs. not black. fundamentally, the way that Jewish influence in these matters operates is to mobilize Blacks as a weapon against whites to make them feel bad, so as to further demoralize them and prevent them from asserting a group identity against Jewish influence. In Europe a similar phenomenon occurs but with Arab Muslims instead of Blacks, for now.

read the Culture of Critique to get started on this issue.

while the jews are filled with demons
the chinese never had souls to begin with

the chinese are a brutal, cold, insectoid race with no empathy or sense of guilt

the only problem is the chinaman is still pretty dumb though. asians in general really aren't that smart they just know the world runs on money but they have no existential bearings because they have no souls so they can't be philosophical enough to dream and hope and build a brighter future

This desu amen

They are nailing hard now on chinese due to their "SAT privilege" in universities seems they pick who is more of a threat to their hegamony at a given situation.

I don't follow your point. It contradicts itself. You say Jews only emphasize blacks to keep things simple. But that would mean racism against Asians does exist and Jews ignore that. You're saying there's NO institutional racism against Asians? C'mon, affirmative action totally disfavors Asians and screws Asians over. And what are gibs?

it's not all Asians, it's mostly just mainland Chinese as far as I can tell. people I've met from Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, etc. have been fine as are native Chinese-Americans.

it objectively does. Jewish nepotism leads to under-representation of non-Jewish whites, East Asians, and Indian-Americans relative to their academic performance. read The Myth of American Meritocracy

to add to this, if you look at the admissions offices in top schools, if you didn't know better you could mistake it for a synagogue. Jews everywhere. Many such cases!

everyone knows asians cheat so there has to be a form of "unnamed bias" against asians but everyone know it's because they cheat, use cheating services, cheat among each other, go to cheating tutors.

schools in asia and India are fraudulent and the education quality is like a run down elementary school, its a fucking joke cheat mill and universities are finally catching on after the flood of asians and indians slipped through like the oily and stenchy bastards they are

why can't asians stay in asian countries, i dont need to pity you. I don't come to your house and complain you haven't given me the master bedroom.

Jew spotted

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Jewish nepotism? people talk all the time about white non-Jewish nepotism.

Plus there's another double standard in terms of racism. If a white non-Jew treated Indian women the way Jewish women as a matter of course, he'd be ostracized. But it's like Jewish women have total immunity against any accusations of racism as long as they are nice to blacks.

That's what I'm thinking too. This crazy, batshit insane weirdo is some bitter old Jewish guy that wanted to date an Indian chick against his mom's wishes and it didn't work out.

nope just have lived around Indians who come to America and set up their xenophobic little communties and have to deal with their attitudes.

nobody likes Indians, but go ahead and pretend that you're all fine, that's what you all do anyway. You pretend like you're the best but nobody ever wanted you anway.

you got a lot in common with black women

because the Jews will destroy you if you do. Jews are everywhere in academia, big corporations, media, government, etc. due to extreme nepotism, high verbal IQ, and thinking only in terms of "does this benefit the Jews?" you need only look at what happens when an untenured professor criticizes Israel - Judea brings down the hammer so fast you wouldn't believe it. Jews successfully made whites feel bad for them after the Holocaust which allowed them to worm their way into all our institutions and steadily tear down our culture to make us feel bad about ourselves and want to destroy ourselves, thus making society Safe For The Jews. Again read the Culture of Critique, whole fields of science have been destroyed by Jewish nepotism and Jewish concerns trumping serious inquiry, like anything having to do with race and genetics.

Wow, hmm. So what is a good way to handle a Jewish person treating you like crap? From what I've seen, they get really self-righteous and resentful and act like they're the victim no matter what and don't stop acting like assholes either.

Its the opposite. Jews literally walk all over blacks, i even see it in corporate settings. Its quite sad.

You can't, poo. I'll cry out as I strike you then rub my palms together as the police cart you away.

i wouldn't equate "pilpul" with high verbal IQ. It is equivalent to scamming being a form of legitimate business. Being adept at dishonesty doesn't correlate with high IQ. Plenty of thieves and low lifes are great at giving people the run around and these people are actually dumb as shit.

Call them racist and tell them to check their white privilege. this will trigger them immensely because they don't view themselves as white except when they want to call white people racist.

but really the best thing you can do is to start getting Jew-wise and then try to convert a few receptive friends. we need a critical mass of people who are wise to the Jews.

iirc Jews actually do have around 107 average IQ per Lynn's latest estimate, so it's not like they aren't clever. they just use their abilities to harm whites and advance Jewish interests whenever possible.

It's lip-service; Jewesses have a hardcore superiority complex under the surface

this indian men are the best competitors with jewish men in the professional and educational sphere, the main difference is indian women are content to stay home and support the family, something jewish communities wouldn't be able to contend with.

1) identify target as a jew
2) identify jewish tendancies and weaknesses, using jewish attitudes, activities, etc., typically jewish things as a springboard to formulate cold hard european logic based on sobriety of thought, harmony of function and dedication to victory
3) repeat until jew is defeated

if you're not european you're probably fucked because you will whine or not understand why you havent been promoted to ceo for just showing up because your head will be too far up your own brown asshole

Why would the police cart me away, Jewish dude? Or are you saying you have influence over the nation's cops now?

From what I have heard and experienced, this is 100% true. It's like they've decided they're the world' best-looking, smartest, coolest, best women. I don't get why they think that way. Even WASP chicks are not quite so obvious about their own feelings of superiority.

Someone I know did tell a Jewish person to stop being racist and the Jewish lady looked shocked and laughed in her face and told her she was crazy and acting irrationally. The Jewish woman was just totally sure that everything she was totally right and the other person was insane. The conviction about being morally in the right all the time is really something.

Gibs= any money from a government welfare program

Lurk moar fagggit

African women in the UK are very based

>muh chosen people

literally just naming the jew will make them have a heart attack

Yes, but don't tell anyone

Indians have the highest average incomes in the US, higher than even Jew's. And they're quickly becoming some of the most entrepreneurial people in the US. They're pretty much the uttermensch of Indian society, who've immigrated to the US. They are the Jew's main competition, more so than east Asians.

Welp having no proof and claiming shit is equivalent to cheating, which is pretty much what you have done, there is no academic consensus that there is large scale cheating done by indians. If there is you may have quoted it, since there isnt you are full off shit, and a cheater.