Eugenics policies should be based on IQ scores and genes attributed to intelligence, not race or ethnicity

Eugenics policies should be based on IQ scores and genes attributed to intelligence, not race or ethnicity.

Whether a couple of blacks pass or not is irrelevant to the matter.

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122 here.Where do I sign up to impregnate some bitches?

How would you gauge iq? Who would be in charge of writing and administering the tests? How would you prevent score manipulation?

i thought natural selection was doing pretty good till humans got in the way

Intelligence is a secondary characteristic. In Capitalist society's it flourishes, but is unable to properly contain the toxins produced in the system it is in. You either end up a enlightened hedonist, live great, then die, or reject the system altogether and purse simple, character based lifestyle.

Eugenics just produce poison resistant Rats, not honourable wolves.

Women who are into eugenics are not after casual fucking, fake mario.

Rave's progressive matrices are probably the best way of testing that we currently have, so we'd go with those.
>How would you prevent score manipulation?
Background checks and since fraud would essentially be dysgenic, capital punishment would be applied to would-be fraudulent individuals.

I'm mister fucking casual you casual casual.

But that would let jews live.

Irrelevant. If said jews ever try to start dysgenic crap they'd just get executed.
You must keep in mind that a nation enforcing eugenics is totalitarian by nature and therefore agitators would get killed off.

Well there is like 5 smart niggers, might as well let them live. Would probably kill off that 'thug nigga shit lul smak yo girl friend, deal drugs, shoot pigg oink oink'

Agreed trim the dumb fat.
Trumo has the best brain so he will be fine. Trump will win an IQ test agains Tillerson. He says so. As long as IQ isnt taken online and given by an actual psychologist its the way to go. Sevants will survive.

Not a good idea. Iq has a tenancy to go back to the mean of a population group. A genius nigger will still bring low iq genes into the pool. Nice attempt to justify your racial egalitarianism tho m8.

sounds fine by me, killing 80% of the niggers is a good start

>egalitarian in any shape or form

Ignoring race when practicing eugenics is racial egalitarianism by definition.
Stop using words you do not understand. Better yet, go shitpost elsewhere.

Yes. That's why I put the racial at the start. This implies that your egalitarianism is directed at the races rather than everything.

Its eugenicist policies. brainlets can't even unto word choice.

Consider the following: we want eugenics applied to our own population.

Laughing hard when a mongrel poorfag, teaches me - a model Aryan with "camp relatives" about eugenics.

Purer = better

>A study in Iceland showed that 3rd cousin marriages are the most fertile and successful. Suggesting that mating within one's ethnic/racial group would be more beneficial than outside of one's ethnic/racial group.

>muh potential, iq, capability
It's not about that. Not at all. Race and ethnicity matters and the only thing that matters. Objectivity in matters like this is for people without roots. It's a spiritual matter, not one you can tally up on a spreadsheet.
Suppose some "Children of Man" type disease hit Bavaria and no one here could have children so everyone adopted babies from Japan instead.

They'd speak with Bavarian accents, eat Bavarian food and behave in many ways like Bavarian people (though in many ways they would not owing to racial differences in behaviour).

Would you consider them the same people as the Bavarians of today?

Fuck I wouldn't want the yellow bastards here even if they were superior to us in every way, because they are *not* us and never will be.

You wouldn't. You know or you don't. Honest and open democratic process through legit unfiltered interaction. The many will decide the few. The few will father the many.

>strong convictions against his people being genocided no matter who they are to him personally
what are you a fucking nazi?

Smarter = better. The current distinctive racial groups are far from ideal when it comes to intelligence. In fact, most of the biological aspects of our specie are outdated when compared to machinery.
It amazes me how many so called race realists either ignore the idea of creating a race superior to their own or shrug it off as nonsense.

What you fail to understand that lack of in-group preference is dysgenic itself since it fails the evolutionary group strategy. Basically, all non-racist people must be sterilized

Incorrect. It becomes dysgenic when bad genes are mixed in, which is the whole definition of dysgenics.
Fertility issues are going to be a non-issue in the near future through machinery and genetic modification.

I knew you were a Nazi! I am on the phone with Putin right now to have you sent to Israel for crimes against humanity.

no, there's a reason why evolution has led us to our current average IQ. society needs people at each end of the IQ spectrum and everywhere in between in order to flourish. people always say, "who will clean dishes and mow lawns if we get rid of the mexicans?" dumb white people, that's who.

>not race or ethnicity

what is regression to the mean?

Leave it to the mongrelized subhumans to talk about the immune system, evolutionary strategy and other things they have no idea about.

There's this thing called the automation age that is coming up in a few decades, look it up.
There will be almost no jobs for dummies.

Argument 404. Good job user, we're done here.

>who will do basic chores

Option A: Your Wife
Option B: Your kids
Option C: You

like blacks would ever accept such a proposal willingly

try harder sweetie

techfags and intellectual will be the second ones to be replaced, idiot.

When you get some idea what the fuck complex thinking is, since what I can see so far is obviously some sort of hapa with binary autisric set of judgement, who thinks that his IQ doesn't make him a subhuman with inferior immune system

you're an idiot that doesn't understand how genetics work

half of the chromosomes you get aren't activated
you are able to pass these on to your offspring
this means that if your grandfather was an idiot, and he passed his genetic material on to your father, and your father passed that onto you, even though you might be highly intelligent, your kid might end up an idiot

this is why race and ethnicity DOES matter, because it shows the average of the gene pool

This board is full of two types of people

mongrels and shitskins like OP with identity isssues

"White" degenerates that bring shame to their race and must be sterilized, if we ever to take the power back

Humanity itself will be replaced unless we adapt through technology.
You see, eugenics is merely the first step.

Which is what genetic testing & manipulation is for. What, you tought that intelligence based eugenics would simply forget about the very biological data that determines intelligence? Silly you.

>confusing chores and jobs.

I'm not talking about washing dishes in my kitchen. who washes dishes in a restaurant, or picks up trash at the park? society needs people willing to do these jobs and a society of only 120+ IQ people will resent this kind of labor. and not eveything can be automated.

Transhumanists will all be killed.

>Which is what genetic testing & manipulation is for.
you overestimate our understanding of genetics

mind his own which is non-existent
Those idiots fail to understand that there will be no mass automation or some sort of designer kids, rejuvenation and other bullshit done en masse in next 50-70 years. That is highly unlikely. What is likely though are set of ethnonationalist uprisings and popular revolts across Europe

By whom? Only the singularity would manage to do it.

Not at all. In fact, I think we're many decades behind where we could be in that regard thanks to the problems posed by ethics.
However, a society built upon intelligence based eugenics is bound to get there a lot faster. And thus the problem of dormant genes is eventually wiped clean.

>intelligence based eugenics

>ever being based on a single factor
Subhuman mongrels never change. Please, we all need tiny 167cm tall 51 kg hapa incels sperging out their bullshit

At the end of the day, if you went off IQ alone, I think you would find that you will still be doing essentially the same thing.

He is probably one of those faggots who thinks killing off "dumb" people is good because he doesn't know how genetics work.

Damn, now I know where your huge insecurity is coming from. Do smarter chinks and japs trigger you user?
What's it like knowing that post-commie China is more developed than your superior white gene nation?

Pretty much. It's likely that blacks and arabs would go extinct a few generations after a genocide based on IQ happens.

niggers, jews, asians etc will always show an ingroup loyalty to one another, that means if a number of jews reach high positions in government, then they will adopt policies that benefit jews and israel above america and white americans, intelligent people are welcome as workers and guests but cannot become part of the ruling class

>Do smarter chinks and japs trigger you user?
They absolutely don't, retard. Not when they live in Japan and China. Steve Jobs is far from "subhuman sandnigger mongrel", but people like him being admitted to citizenship devalue the citizenship of the natives. Not us, never will be. All eugenic programs are far more complex and ethnicity-centered. But what would I know? I just keep a good contact with Statens institut för rasbiologi former professionals
>What's it like knowing that post-commie China
LMAO. Most chinkizoids CAN'T AFFORD tea. How sick is that?

I've avoided mentioning the already established hierarchy of power for the sake of simplicity.
But since you mentioned it, let's just say that they'd need to go before anything else is attempted. This is by far the greatest obstacle to any kind of eugenics program, there's always a few powerful bunch that care only about themselves.

How mad are you right now? Even going as far as appealing to some invisible authority.
Final (You), cherish it.

what should I be mad about? Brazilian mixed race incel with zero knowdlge of human genetics or evolutionary process?

well in the near future, bodycams will be cheap, as will wireless internet and digital storage... so the people working for the testing agency would simply have to record everything with multiple bodycams 24/7 and livestream and store footage for later analysis. of course this means absolutely 0 privacy, but that's the price you pay if you want this job. simply adjust the compensation until enough qualified people are interested to fill the positions. ez anti-corruption. can't be corrupt if everyone can see everything you do and say as well as everything everyone around you does and says. all communication devices would be monitored by the public as well and each employee would have multiply bodycams, maybe even a few of those 360 cams, to ensure 0 shenanigans. all gubmint employees should be subjected to this and their compensation adjusted upward to ensure qualified people want their jobs.

culture is more important than intelligence
so you're wrong

Culture comes from intelligence. Africans having subhuman culture while some asians and europeans have great culture is no accident.

Their offspring will just be neutered and therefore not reproduce. Eventually niggers will either be genetically intelligent or extinct.

>worthy of reproduction

Why not wipe out everyone with negro and aboriginal admixture? I support total extermination of negro and auatraloborignal genetics be it a full blood or 1/128. It must be done, so their subhuman nature will never reoccur again. It's a phase of evolution we past pass.

Again, if we are to take on any progress further without destroying the earth - WE WILL wipe out the inferior races one way or the other.

They are unworthy of living, even if some of them are a rocket scientist or a biologist.

"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races." Charles Darwin

The sterilization line

So why let allow them into the program in the first place?