Paul joseph watson is a complete idiot




shut up styx, your just jelly

>UN kike thinks he isn't a complete idiot
Pot calls the kettle black.

Well argued.


>the left can't mem--

What does Styx have against him?

I hated him back when I was on the far right. He's just the establishment of the 80's supporting Thatcher and Reagan.

The modern liberals are really no different from Reaganomics. It's just Clintonian Diversity. It's the belief that having a diverse elite class will somehow make privileges trickle down to the masses. It didn't work with Obama, nor would it have worked under Hillary. Paul supports the same thing but with economic basis rather than social.


This guy used to clean toilets for a living before he got youtube famous

larpers and shariablues are indistinguishable

>lefty never fails to bore everyone to death with his posts

I can literally see the cum glistening on his juicy lips.


>leftist sodomite in denial is an idiot

Woooow, imagine my shock.

My favorite part is when he pretends to be American but lives in Bongistan.

no this is right as well

>Well argued.

the funny part is that OP's argument is intellectually superior to anything ever said by PJW

but its not hard to do what he does and he doesnt make any obvious errors so i am not sure what you are hung up about op