What is going to happen with all these young men that don’t have wives or gfs in western society...

What is going to happen with all these young men that don’t have wives or gfs in western society? Are they just going to burn out or get violent in some way? How will it affect our society?

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where am I supposed to meet a wholesome girl in these trying times?

Same thing that has always happened. They just live lives of meaningless mundane drudgery, serving the rest of society hidden in the background until they die alone. Single connectionless men have always existed. Lots of men live their entire lives without fathering children or having any long-term relationships. You just don't see them because you're conditioned not to care about them. Just get on a city bus at 6AM and look for 40+ males dressed in blue collar work attire. Lots of those guys are single and childless.

Who is these ugly motherfucker?

They're going to die in the next great war. That's what they're there for. China is the same.

I'm wondering the same thing

Hopefully I can have my suffering alleviated by sexbots...

>tfw bald


They're with worthy men. You can't expect a "trad" woman who does all traditional tasks that a woman does when you yourself are not traditionally masculine.

>tfw my last relationship ended 5 years ago

probably will blow my brains out once I hit age 30

I’m one of the most trad people around but I’m an autist INTJ who “always looks angry” so I’m forever alone. I don’t even care at this point; I hope the Amish and Muslims take over.

I am going to recruit them for my reformation movement to save western white society from the Jew and shitskin.

I was the exact same when I was younger, but I'm much more confident now and have no social problems. Try pushing your buttons and getting out of your comfort zone when interacting with people you don't know. You have nothing to lose other than the opinion of some retard/roastie, so why worry?

it wont affect shit
they are betas and no one knows theyre here so they wont be missed

They are already phased out of the culture and are not permitted to enter it.


Literal beta uprising, it has happened many times in history before where there is little supply of women and too many men in one area.


Shit is going to be worse on a much, much greater scale in China very soon. They have anywhere from 60 to 65% male population in the age group of 12 - 16, so in ~5 years this group is going to face a rough pill to swallow. Especially for those living in the country-side where entire families are at the risk of ending their bloodlines.

I was watching that down the rabbit hole video about the mice utopia, and it seems that way.

I thank my lucky stars I'm proposing next month. My best friends that are very much like me, that either broke up with GFs or it never worked out are becoming really weird hikkomori/ wasters as they near their late 20s.

GL, hope she says yes.

Where can I find a cute guy to date? Where do cute guys congregate?

Go to church. Even if you're not a christian, wholesome girls have taken refuge in the one place degens cannot go.



My problem is finding eligible girls. So many are whores, leftist, atheist etc. i wish I could meet girls who were into the stay at home daughter thing desu.

You could have a Muslima qt p easy if that happened, they seem to love you for some reason
They like angry men tho

go to church, faggot

We want biological women

Not a dealbreaker IMO, most women are leftist.
Well, Church would be a good one. Lots of fundamentalist churches in America (even a few in the UK, believe it or not). Go there.

ITT: beggars being choosers.

Oh my god nothing like knowing exactly what you don't want as incentive

I do, dumbass. Even “”””conservative”””” churches still preach that being gay is ok, gender equality, refugee shit etc. I’m about to start hitting trad denominations.

>being a protestard

You want to know the difference between the average church female and a non-religious one? The church female will not sleep in after partying all Saturday night, put on a dress and attend Sunday service. Don't be foolish enough to think they're any less hypergameous.

reading this made me depressed..

Oh shit....well, I'm sorry for calling you a faggot.
I'm sorry user. All is lost :..(

The same way they always have, they die alone.

>being a catholicuck

The Catholic Church is worse.

>Even “”””conservative”””” churches still preach that being gay is ok

Umm no they don't?

>gender equality

That's because from a christian perspective the genders are equal. Sorry kiddo, it's just the truth.

>refugee shit etc

The West deserves refugees. It's the will of God, get over it.

You don't sound like you belong in church, because you hate righteousness.

Who said anything about being a women?

Nah, those are just the rotten rebelious ones who have fallen for the jeuce.
Find yourself a gril who doesn't wanna talk about anything other than Jesus and space elevators and you're golden. Even if shes fat or has wonky teeth, its still 1000x better than catching aids

They will become the sufragettes of men, only that instead of voting they will impose the White Sharia by force upon the West and drive the Third World Hordes back to the shitholes they belong.

>Dysgenics starts running rampant
>Somehow, girls don't want to fuck "men" these
Gee I wonder why...

really though you just need to make more money

and i dont mean 100k a year, i mean even 50k a year

i have average friends making average money who are married

just do not make below $20 an hour

if you're balding, just fucking shave it off. It looks retarded when people try to preserve patchy foilage

this is a hard thing in toronto

This, although I myself would look like a potato if I shaved my head.

>Not waxing your dome and wearing a yellow jumper

You didn't even try, user....

Oh fuck off with that horseshit. You think all men 80 years ago were trad legends? Most were chubby milquetoast type who married an average girl from their home town. I do not think you realize how truly twisted and evil our generation is.

You want more extremism and jaded loners? Keep holding up this filthy toxic society.

There was nothing special about previous generations. Talk to your grandparents sometime if they are not the weird fucks who got us into this mess. They are humble, and naive to the creepy shit of this world.

We are fucked.

How do you know he's a Protestant? Those views are not only held by the Catholic church, but Protestants can take literally any stance they come up with depending on the denomination you're in.

but to what extent? do i leave the sides? i've personally had long hair my whole life and kept it in my mid 20's to hide a receding hairline. Its going to be a monumental change for my family , liek im a different person. esp since i havent seen them in ten years. Agree tho patchy baldness is sad.

Bottom line liberal society shafting men equals loss in Business, profit, GDP, Living standards, So on and so on.
Men should be content that abandoning society hurts the people invested in it.

This user gets it.

You suffer because of vanity, both your own and others.

Just devote yourself to God and enjoy watching society fall.

If you're a truly ugly nerd, just get good at something and get wealthy or at least upper-middle class.

I'd trade sex for being a millionaire anyday.

Yes, but trad girls today are valuable: they weren't 80 years ago, they were the norm.

Total bullshit, look at the fucking numbers. Things are infinitely worse now.

Because he calls the real churches "trad denominations

mine ended 6 years ago. last meaningful one that is. the rest are BS that go nowhere after 2 weeks

Same, user. Five years.

Don't give up. Keep fighting the bullshit. Question and fight it all the time. I think instead of killing ourselves, we need to all reveal our power levels all the time everywhere, and shock the fuck out of our communities.

Our society is so fucked now that I am lsing the fear of being mocked or ostracized. Fuck that. Everyone is a degenerate weirdo anyway.

>trad girls

Tell me what this is supposed to mean to you.

Give us our dolls already

Yes they are gold, and rare like gold. I let one slip thru my fingers as a young man because I am the biggest idiot on the planet.

Everyone ITT complaining post a picture of the minimum girl you'd marry in terms of looks.

Ones that don't sleep around, can perform traditional female tasks, are feminine, want to raise a family and remain loyal to one partner. You know, a traditional woman.

Betas, gammas, and so on are a necessary part of civilization. Not everyone can be the CEO. Society needs both leaders and followers in order to get anything done. A society with a lingering surplus of unmarried men can't function.

The "trad" denomination in America IS Protestantism you idiot.

We can un-fuck all of this:
>with rape

Not obese, white, not midget, not fucked up face. Sadly the first one disqualifies 40% of American “women”. Those are truly my standards.



There is literally no such thing as an ugly millionaire, unless they're Jews of course. Moving up in society requires you to be taller and more handsome

Imagine a world where they built robotic sexbots instead of robotic soldiers. Imagine if our tax money was spent trying to build the perfect companion until landing on the moon. This makes it clear, the people who rule us never wanted world peace in the first place.

Bess but less jewish.

>alpha, beta, gamma

These are myths. There are social classes, which you cvan move between. They are not based on 'looks' or 'confidence'.

It's mostly luck and a variety of psychological benefits, like conscientiousness.

Jesus is alpha and omega, anons.

Is your name Jordan

We need women under the boot of patriarchy for society to function properly

Permavirgins are more normal than you think. I used to volunteer at a a retirement home and theres a fuckton of childless lonely old men.

>Bill Gates
>literally 5ft 8

Too be fair, if I were making decisions, I'd get bad ass mech soldiers too. You can build the cushiest, nicest society, but if you can't defend it the barbarians come and fuck your shit up. Still though, we need to sexbots ...pronto.

There’s dirt poor alphas and rich as duck betas.



Alot of women, whiteknights and boomers dont seem to grasp that average or below average faced women arent willing to date average or below averaged faced men, and this is more of a modern thing.

Women spend their entire teens and twenties fucking men that are better looking than them, because men are willing to have one night stands with women that are below them in looks. Then by the time they're 30, they have this delusional dream of a male model sweeping them up and marrying them, but in the end it doesnt happen, because chad settled down with an attractive woman on the same looks level as him. They thought they were going to marry a chad, because this is who they were getting fucked by, but chad was just using them as a cum vessel.

And now we have entire generations of delusional, childless, average faced women that whored their enitre youth away, and wonder why no one wants to settle down with them. They turn around and blame men for whats going on, not realising it was their delusional, whoreish, hypergamous behaviour that got them in this position in the first place.

Starting lifting
grow a beard
shave the head skin bald

this is your only choice

>The West deserves refugees
Back to plebbit schlomo. That or the ovens soon enough.

Suppose I'd also settle for this, user.
My standards too high?

yes. this post again

Im probably just gonna import a wife. A 6/10 dude is a 10/10 in some 3rd world or asian country.

Make sure I set up a prenup so I can just do it again with no consequence if things go south. English is optional, as long as the bitch can cook clean and fuck.

Literally just have money
Being ugly is a burden only for the poor nowdays
A pity I forgot to save the pic from the before after of a rat faced jew beta that ends up looking like a pretty decent tier Chad

How do you make sure they can't take your shit in a divorce? Can't prenups be thrown out by the judge?

>cute guys

This is why white men travel to 3rd world countries. The women are more submissive, traditional and nicer to be around. I get why they do it, its the easier option and i dont blame them.

Westernised women:
-Stinking attitudes
-Bizarrely high standards
-high laycount
-Life revolves around clubbing, thotting and social media
-Cover all their flaws with fake trash instead of going to the gym
-Is highly likely to cheat

There just isnt anything in it for white men to date white women.

White women, and the whiteknights that encourage their shitty behaviour will be the downfall of western civilisation

Women think they had it so bad, when it was always millions of young, childless, virgin men - many whom had never felt the warm embrace of a woman - who were thrown into trenches at war to fight and die for these people back at home? Fuck this women's rights bullshit, they had it good, they were never expected to fight and die in the mud for people they didn't even know, in someone else's war - where is the appreciation for the men upon whom's back the world rests?

Thanks for the advice, Chad.

Oh thats easy. I wont live in canada.

how do you get your eyebrows like that? mine are similar in shape and thickness but not as tidy. are there any tutorials?

Consistently vote in a way that harms women

solve everything by legalizing prostitution

- thoughts?

>Who married an average girl

That is all Men want

>mfw I legitimately want to know something
Feels bad man.

A. Not fat
B. Literally nothing else