California Wild Fires and Illegal Immigrants

Do you agree with what ICE is doing? Should the Immigrants in evacuation zones be given a pass, or should we still be enforcing our deportation laws?
I've had a hunch that this was arson, and so far the only other cause is downed power lines from the wind.
>reports of people starting fires
>they're mexican
>reports of looters and burglaries
>they're mexican as well
Maybe would should make them fight the fires.

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Just wanting to it out there fire doesn't melt steel tires.

So this is why we are getting more and more spontaneous fires. I have a feeling antifa has a hand in it.

They should be rounded up and either exterminated like the vermin they are. Or be put to work doing manuel labor in fema camps to pay restitution to the country they have been illegally living in.


>Should the Immigrants in evacuation zones be given a pass
Yes, they should be left in the evacuation zone. To die in the fire.

I will add, that it's still strange seeing cars with melted rims, do you understand how hot it's got to be to do that?

The problem with Sup Forumstards stems from stupid shit like this.

We should treat them immigrants with special care. We shoudl evacuate them to a super safe, super far from the fire. Do you have any suggestions?

You need to go back

Why doesn't cali do backburning?

Mars, spics in space. Someone get musk on the phone.

I live in CA man. You dont understand how bad its gotten here. Between the crime, the traitor politicians and ICE not doing their job, its almost enough to send one over the edge.

1200 degrees or so.

Used to see it all the time after wildfires hit the hunting camps here in Florida. Used to drive around to burnt out camps and collect it to sell as a kid.

Move you idiot, come to the south east, we'll be nice.

Woudnt be to hard to collect and re-melt it down into ingots.

Is there anything in car that can burn that hot? I just see some people questioning it on normie book.

so fewer spics and more niggers.

>steel tires
Probably just aluminium rims

Other than the humidity I would enjoy that.

honeslty, the fact that people actually believe this is a problem
and I don't mean in the 'oooh hating immigrants is racist!' kind of way, I mean in the way that the government, at all levels in some cases, has completely failed in one of the few things government really should be doing, and that it's gotten this bad in the first place.
this sentiment isn't Sup Forums only. I've heard shit like this from average working folk simply because many are so pissed that they've been allowed to overrun many parts of the country and take advantage of hardworking people's tax monay

I was like, 12 and on a quad. Whatever I could strap down and haul back for some bucks I did.
The wind is what does it. Basically a blast furnace or whatever. Smelter?

True, and longer waits to pay cash for gas bc of the typical lottery nigger. But it's gotta be better than living in cali

Lotta niggers there

I'm white.
That's fair, but realistically even if you do round them up and put them into labor camps; how are you going to decide how they have to work to pay off the debt? They could have been in the country for 2 days or 2 years, and they will lie. Forced labor would be a Human Rights issue further dividing the right and the left. You can't devide the country and hope for hemogony, they're literally opposites. If you're going to enforce that sort of stuff, you have to be willing to go to war for it. Most people here are 10 ply soft, content with their lives. You're going to have a hard time enciting a war and getting any of these neck beards willing to fight.
Ok, so if you're problem is the government, why not take it up with the government? Why take it up with the people who used the exploit the better their lives? People exploit others every single day, regardless of race, creed, religion or immigration status. You don't seem to be taking up arms against these people.

If you're retarded enough to live in the inner city

Cal Fire has been doing back burning, they're actually doing a good job of keeping it somewhat contained, but small fires keep popping up.
I want them to catch one of the little fuckers and burn him at the stake. There's been signs put out that say "You loot, we shoot" and that helped some, but could you imagine what they'd do if they caught an arsonist?

>california becomes sanctuary state
>illegals light the state on fire
This just doesn't make any sense.

nowhere near as bad as the western union nigger

>people shouldn't be held the responsibility of their wrongdoing because "le government" isn't good enough.
Nigger mentality, period

>Ok, so if you're problem is the government, why not take it up with the government? Why take it up with the people who used the exploit the better their lives?
The problem is in the gov't not doing it's job, so people express the desire to take it into their own hands...what's not to understand here? Do you honestly think it's possible to sway the government in a state like California, which is infested with city-dwellers that vote for this kind of stuff?

we need emergency supplies and resources to go to citizens not illegal parasites. ICE should be in full force disguised as fire fighters.

if I was a terrorist I would just start wild fires all over and cost billions to the nation. They never even catch the person. why don't terrorists just do this. Like why didn't a terrorist just get ebola and then come into a western nation and spread ebola when they had no way to test for it and some random african managed to bring it in by mistake. Just do it on purpose fuck sakes and cause mayhem.

between the fire, hepatitis outbreak, illegal immigrants, aids law that doesn't punish you if you don't tell you have aids and spread it and allowing aids to be used in blood donations.
what in the fuck is going on over there you guys need to sort that shit out.

What ever

You're already live in Zimbabwe tier shitshow

>Should we let criminals go because they had no other way of running away from us?
Is the law a game to you?

If more than a million are evacuated, they really can't do much and would probably be hard to find anyone.

these color don't run.

Contrary to popular belief, California isn't just a pile of kindling sitting around waiting for the next fire to start. It takes the perfect combination of wind and low humidity which usually happens once or twice a year, if that. Now why does it seem like fires always start when the weather is right for it? Maybe terrorists are already doing it. Or maybe it's just retards throwing lit cigarettes out of car windows. My money's on the latter. Why should terrorists bother starting fires if retards are already doing it for them?

I didn't say that, I said the proposed plan was unrealistic. Should I Google Translate that into Portuguese? Or can you put down the sopa cacao for a minute and pay attention to the text? If you're not competent enough to read English, decipher English, comprehend English and respond in English. Then the conversation isn't for you Pablo lite.
Again, I'm not saying don't take it into your own hands. Stop putting words in my mouth for the sake of your argument. What I said, is the proposed way of fema camps isn't realistic. Pay attention past a 3rs grade level, and you won't end up like Pablo lite above.

Sounds like you don't have the capitol or the means to move, or else you would done so already. Keep living in that shit hole and I'll dump a 40 out on my front lawn while I wave you bye bye.