Neon Genesis Evangelion

>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>Serial Experiments Lain

I need help deciding which of these three I want to watch. Kinda tried all three but they were all pretty slow but will be watching one start to finish starting tonight. So what should i go for Sup Forums?

All of them are shit, watch Re:Zero instead.

None of them, they're all shit. Instead you should watch Berserk. The movies are a perfect way to get into it.

>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>Serial Experiments Lain

Literally a shit list.

Maybe i will go with that then

The first episodes seemed to be pretty shit desu. What movie would I start with?

#1 must watch?

Serial Experiments Lain. They're all masterpieces, though.

If you want something that's adult oriented and action packed, watch Black Lagoon. DUBBED.

The dub on that show is the best I've ever heard in any anime to this day. I usually watch sub due to that reason but Black Lagoon never even made me think twice.

>The first episodes seemed to be pretty shit desu. What movie would I start with?

Yeah, the old anime is pretty bad in terms of production, just start with the first movie and watch all 3. The CGI is kinda eh in the first two movies, but the third... holy shit the third really redeems itself.

please don't waste your time with this pile of shit OP, watch better anime first then waste your time on Lain

Not watching tenchi with ova 4 due out in fall

>will be watching one start to finish starting tonight
Go with Legend of the Galactic Heroes then.

>Black Lagoon
Already watched and i agree with everything you said. Wish that would start back up wanna see Rock be a madman. Any others?

Like the new one? Because that looked terrible.

I've watched the first 4 or 5 of Lain and was having trouble even paying attention but i thought maybe if i really tried......

I like politic based shit. How far in until shit really starts hooking you?

>Like the new one? Because that looked terrible.

The CG in the movies are 10x better than the new 2016 Berserk. In fact, the 2016 berserk looks like a early ps2 game at some times it gets so bad. The movies on the other hand looks far better since they mix 2d and 3d together more often. The first movie the utilize alot, then by the third they use more 2d than 3d.

Japanese politically charged commentary with a hint of religion. Not actually worth watching. Just watch EoE and Rebuild instead.

Another political commentary, but with only two or three good scenes. If you've seen Star Trek, it's the same premise but with more politics and talking heads. No substitute, would highly recommend avoiding until there is an abridged version that cuts out 96% of the pointless things that happen.

Slow paced 2spooky anime that doesn't actually explore it's theme of existence and identity. Plot cliches that have been done a million times in other cyberpunk work - all powerful existence that wants people to 'give in', multiple personality disorder to make Lain appear as a 'deep' character. Paprika, Paranoid Agent and GitS all do everything Lain wants to be better.

You're welcome to your opinions, but I'm just stating facts here.

I'll have too put that on the back burner for a while. The 3d just doesn't do it for me

These descriptions are pretty much what i thought each was but they seem to be held so highly felt i was missing out.

>EoE and Rebuild
Gonna leave me in the dark or easy enough to pick up?

I'm enjoying this thread so i'll also ask, what's your #1 must watch?

You're 100% right about all three.

>I'll have too put that on the back burner for a while. The 3d just doesn't do it for me

I totally feel you, it took me a while to finally warm up to the movies as well.

>Japanese politically charged commentary with a hint of religion

what in the fuck

It hurts.
It hurts, please stop.

>Gonna leave me in the dark or easy enough to pick up?

The only reason I don't agree with this is because the rebuilds are drastically different from the original series. They are enjoyable, but just to be safe, you should view the original first. However, if you do decide to watch the rebuilds first, you should be fine as long as you read up a little on the "lore".

It's a bit like saying "would avoid reading anything in detail about WWII, it's just a bunch of people killing another bunch of people then US wins" though.

Pokémon is unironically better than your list.

I always hear the manga was great but desu I'm picky as hell with manga. Especially when action is involved.

I'll take that advice. If i do like it i'm sure I would watch the originals afterwards anyway. Just seem easier to get in and out of.

>Pokémon is unironically better than your list.
Well i've seen Pokémon. Would that have been your suggestion?

Yang Wenli dies, Reinhard dies

Don't post in recommendation threads

You're right! Lets just go shitpost.

Fuck off, request threads don't belong to Sup Forums.

Stop baiting you faggot.

Please leave Sup Forums and never look back.


So you are that retard who has been recently shitting threads with his idiocy?

Kill yourself.

This rec thread is strong...
Guess I have to use "that".
