Why is it totally legal to drink as much alcohol as you please as frequently as you please...

why is it totally legal to drink as much alcohol as you please as frequently as you please, but consuming any other narcotic has potentially life destroying legal consequences? particularly if employed somewhere that drug tests?

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You see those drugs are not taxed and regulated by (((Them)))

Because authoritarian dickbags like forcing their will upon others

one got europe through the plague times and one gave us hip hop.

You are equally fired whether you turn up to work stoned or drunk.


employment is voluntary, you don't have to work except in communism

Employing me doesn't give you any right to invade my privacy.
What I do off the clock is nobody's business except mine

I know right, all those alcoholics that are killing people and stealing to get their booze fix, right?

yeah but you don't not get a job because you failed a drinking test (which they do have, my friend went to a hardcore catholic highschool)

This guy gets it

drugs affect work performance. our customers don't want you to just lie there while they fuck you in the ass. they want you to at least try and fight back.

Powder cocaine is safer than booze desu.

They've tried getting rid of alcohol too, but it didn't work so well. The country is just stuck with alcohol and tobacco.

If they're coming to work high then sure, it's the employer's business.
But if they get high after work and are sober by the next morning then it's not the employer's business.

>tried getting rid of alcohol

actually. outlawing alcohol made millions start to drink. outlawing drugs made millions do drugs. are you trolling, or just stupid

alcohol doesn't affect work performance?

I was a union carpenter and it was completely fine for me to finish my day and drink as much alcohol as possible, but god forbid I smoked a joint or took half a valium.

how do you rationalise this?

Yes they are

where is this from?

There was two-thirds decrease in the amount of alcohol-related death during the prohibition, dumbass.

>If they're coming to work high then sure, it's the employer's business.

glad we agree. some idiots think drugs wear off in a few hours.
I'm in favor of legalizing all drugs by the way. but I would never employ a user nor an alcoholic



What you do off the clock shows a lot about you as a person and also effects how you are on it.

I've worked in Restaurants for 8 years, mostly kitchen, and now I manage. In all my years, pill heads, coke users, stoners, and even some light meth users are the least reliable workers I've ever had. ALWAYS call out for work, come into work high/zipped, and usually quit within 3-4 months if I don't fire them first. I'll straight up ask prospective workers if they've ever done coke, pills, smoked weed, or done any sort of anphetamine at interviews. If they say they've done any of them, even if they've quit, I will NOT hire them. The only one I'll make exceptions on is pot, only because, while I still think it's degenerate, I've had some stoner line-cooks who always show up on time and have never given me too much problems. But all the others are huge red-flags, and I'll know if they're lying when I ask them

You've probably never h



Are you kidding?
Dexamphetamine and other ADHD stimulants turn you into a superhuman work machine

burnout much? the low is much worse than the high. ask anyone who was forced to take it as a child.
even now the medical community is agreeing that treating ADHD is not effective, and does more harm than good.

alcohol and hotdog sales are lower this year, as a result of the destruction of the NFL
It's a win-win fewer drunk drivers on the road, and no more funding terrorists.

Are you seriously comparing alcohol with heroine and cocaine?

Because drinking at work is fun. Especially if you get to drive a forklift.

you forklift sheep?


Do you forklift your morbidly obese girlfriends ass?

If you removed the income that the state makes from alcohol, everything that the state does would need to be cut back just to make up for the shortfall in fines and fees.

>being under the intoxicated improves performance

Nigga what

we're vegan, bro i keep telling her she needs to put on some weight. not all Americans are on television.
and i'm aware that you aren't all sheep fuckers, brits got you beat 10 to 1

Honestly, If the goyim wanna poison themselves regularly with the liquid jew let em.
They lose in the long run. Especially if they become a full blown alcoholic.
Let darwinism take it's course.

Fun fact! Most drugs produced (even the narcotics) can have a beneficial impact to you if taken in the right context & situation.
However, alcohol and cigarettes provide almost no benefit whatsoever and slowly kill you from the inside out.

I wonder why (((they))) make it legal....

Becus bad politicians, sold doctors and the bad side of capitalism

Hahahaha lol

Lmao.. thats just genius