National Socialism and Religion

Hello Sup Forums, i have a question.
Is it possible to be a Christian and a Nazi?

Other urls found in this thread:

What are you more: NSDAP or Christian?

You must've never heard of the best podcast out there Mysterium Fasces, host Florian Geyer

You're fucking welcome user


If you're a complete idiot like 60% of Sup Forums, yeah.

hitler was a christian faggots

Imma give this a fat listen. thanks man, i really appriciate it

Just be clerical-fascist. Problem solved.


>pro abortion
>pro eugenics
>pro genocide
>pro segregation
>haha I'm totally christian
Americans are so fucking stupid my GOD.


Of course it is.

depends. do you believe they killed everyone or just pushed them out into their own nations. most of us believe the later.
its possible to be either of these

dont do it because it'll shrink your dick

Eugenics is not anti-christian, genocide didn't happen, segregation is not wrong and it wouldn't be the first time Christianity lived in an authoritarian state.

No problem. Top tier podcast from /ourcamp/.
TRS shoahed them. Then TRS got doxxed, and this podcast rose to fame pretty quickly during that time TDS was down.

One of the most informative podcasts, and also very structured.
Florian doesn't tolerate excessive shitposting or non-related topic discussions.
He gets down to the brass tax of the subject of the day until it has been exhausted.

Extremely refreshing podcast to listen to. You'll learn a lot.

ok paco. lets let the criminals run shit instead.

Fatty confirmed, post invalidated

The jews killed my nigga Jesus so yeah.



Romans 10:12-13
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED."

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

800k - 1.2mil is still genocide.





they worshiped the false god false idols. its written. they were never truly christian they were pagan.

As long as you're a national socialist before you're a Christian


Why not start at the source? Read "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin" and see if you agree with Dietrich and Hitler's (somewhat unconventional) view of Christianity.



National (((Socialism)))
LOL You fucking idiots


The majority of the NSDAP party was Lutheran


Bumpity Trumpity


thats too harsh we need to talk to the people about demographics. its not illegal yet to say that all of our wants and dreams can be subverted by immigrants. the only draw the democratic party has is that it favors immigration. we really need to just say it ans wxplain that if we dont change immigration policy we will be the minority. After all everyone knows realistically its all about demographics



Himmler was more a pagan. Notice how he says "people who aren't athiest" instead of "Christians only"

Dunno. I don't see it, but maybe you can figure out how.

As for me I'm just a Nazi. I've never been Christian ( raised Atheist ). Ironically, one of my parents is now Christian but was not when I was growing up. He's probably secretly redpilled.

The one that's still Atheist is a lefty MSNBC on all day, Trump's a Russian spy sort.

I can get along with Christians as long as they're willing to let me go to hell if I want which includes watching porn.


white identity is going to be a thing. how can everyone b a victim but white people? by definition that makes you a victim. If they try to deny it they are assuming too much. ass out of you and me.

if you ignore the fact that Jesus was a jew and that he wasn't white then maybe you could rationalize it.

the proper response to you are a white male will be yes I am do you have a problem with my race?

christianity was the worst thing to happen to jews no joke. it gave us an identity to be proud of.

Hitler was unironically right about everything.
We will pay for his demise for the next 1000 years.

That's hitler being anti-christian

i thought a major tenet of fascism/ethnonationalism was that the people become the religion, ie study and worship of your own ethnicity.. Nazis were also big into the occult and paganism as far as I know.

Wouldn't give too much credence to the Oz shitposter in the comments. They said a lot of nice things about christians to get them on their side and to not make themselves an enemy to all of Europe at the time. Some unssubstantiated infographics are convenient but really only show what he wants you to see. In reality anyone can be a christian, and to be one you have to submit to dog not your people.

So imo Nazi and Christian are antithetical, pick one desu.

Any socialism is inherently evil so yes


Yes, I believe that Christ didn't laid out plans for how states should be run. He just stated the obvious: All christians are linked in their love for Christ and God. Do you think he is saying something about importing 10 million Africans into Europe? He is not talking about that at all, he is saying that if you bump across a fellow Christian, you are brothers in faith, brothers in the body of Christ. Still, there is nothing forbidding an attempt to create an ethno state. You could be black, christian and want your own ethnostate, that would not be wrong at all.

you live in Brazil you stupid faggot. nobody wants to live in a hellhole like that. at least anyone I know. the dirty communists might like you but I certainly dont.

Having an ethnostate means you'll deny refugee to the persecuted and the hungry while also expelling others based on ethnicity, which is essentially anti-christian by definition. Not to mention all the killing done in the name of eugenics.

Leave it to a fucking chimp to be so fucking stupid.

Are you trolling or somethin? Hitler was a christian. You dam faggot

Americans should have allowed the nazis to destroy the communists. Only after that they should have unleashed their war of nuclear fury against the Germans and Russians.

A world without nazism but also without communism is better than what we have today.

the fuck do you think nazis were? muslim?

I'm not sure how "The ubermensch" goes hand in hand with "We are all equal under god."

It doesn't matter, eminem has targeted Sup Forums. We are done now, abandon ship

SHHHHH stop being rational like the high ranking officers of the 3rd Reich. Be more like the simpleton soldier.

>you'll deny refugee

You will not deny anything, you are just a cell in a big community body. The leader is the one deciding the faith of the nation. There is no place in the bible that forces a nation to be flooded by foreigners to the point of one people.

There is nothing anti-christian in having an ethno-state. I could easily imagine a black Christian ethno-state in Africa, or an asian Christian ethno-state happening. The problem is your anti-white bias. Your hatred of white people blinds you.

There is nothing incompatible about a authoritarian regime, christianity, eugenics and racial policies. Be you a black guy, an asian, an american native or an european dude.

Deal with your own propaganda and logic issues without projecting a mindset of genocidal evil into others.

Wanting your neighbors to be like you, to praise the same God as you and the government to look out for all of you, are pretty much okay beliefs. Media got us thinking that if you do want that, you are literally a disgusting guy preaching genocide of minorities.

You are just insulting me, but making no points at all. Good luck in life.

Of course you can. You don't have to harm people just because of a political opinion or ideology.
>hurrr durrr political ideology is responsible for the rest of the worlds problems hurrr durr
fuck off faggot

"In Nazi Germany, the penalties for abortion were increased again. In 1943, providing an abortion to an "Aryan" woman became a capital offense. Abortion was permitted if the foetus was deformed or disabled."

You are a lying faggot, go be a retarded pagan elsewhere.

Yes, as long as you believe in the state-sponsored church/religion.

Yes. Like 98% of National Socialist are Christian, including me.

Yes. The two are mutually exclusive.

Are there conflicting ideals sometimes? Sure, it just depends how fundamental you are being NatSoc or Christian.

Leviticus 19:33-34
When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.

Ezekiel 16:49
Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

Exodus 23:9
Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt.

Job 31:32
No stranger had to spend the night in the street, for my door was always open to the traveler

Matthew 25:25-36
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

>Abortion was permitted if the foetus was deformed or disabled.
So, abortion in the name of eugenics. Thanks for helping my point.

t. tree hugger

So now your complaining I don't want to actually kill people? What a fag.

>do not mistreat them
They are not asking you to import them to replace you, just to treat them kindly.

>they did not help the poor and needy
It's a personal request to you: do good into others. It's not a policy directive, you dumbass.

>Do not oppress a foreigner
Again, don't promote free violence if there are foreigners near you, still nothing in asking you to accept millions of foreigners to your land.

>No stranger had to spend the night in the street, for my door was always open to the traveler
Not a policy directive

>Matthew 25:25-36
Not a policy directive

You made zero points. I also recommend you to be kind with strangers and foreigners refugees. I am not recommending you to be violent with them. Still, look at the historical context of the bible, and compare to what Europe is living today.

Ethnic replacement program by an alien super jewish elite x Jews asking other jews to be kind to strangers

God bless you bro.

"We demand freedom for all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or conflict with the customs and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The party as such represents the standpoint of a positive Christianity, without owing itself to a particular confession...." - Adolf Hitler

"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian." - Adolf Hitler

No, Hitler and his helpers absolutely despised Christianity, especially Catholicism. They planned on killing us after they fully took control of Europe.

I would highly recommend you arent, Christianity is dying lets let it die.

The more I read and listen about Christ and God, the more passion I feel about it all.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in desiring a strong state that protect it's own people from foreign/alien predators and a state that helps to promote Christian culture along with the faith leaders.

A no brainer. God bless you all.

I mean, there's a couple millions of violent dysgenic subhumans pillaging your country as we post. If that's your fetish you ought to join the corpse pile.

Mental gymnastics 101, everyone.
Christians do this every single time a bible quote goes against their personal will. Weak religion with a weak god and weak followers.

yes, nazis said you could be any religion so long as it doesn't hurt the volk, i.e if a christcuck said god wants us to mate with the niggers = bad, if someone wants to circumcise their boy = bad, if the catholic church wants to ally with niggers and arabs who are catholic = bad

Yea, kraurs are not cucks and fucking brown lovers, not at all

Fuck off all nazi larpers.

Nazi = cuck

You shouldn't use the term 'Nazi' to describe National Socialists because it is an epithet popularised by wicked Jews.

Yes, Christianity is compatible with National Socialism. The societies of the Old Testament were National Socialist. Modern Israel is a national socialist state. The Iron Guard in Romania was a deeply Christian National Socialist movement.

Where the two tendencies seem to separate is when National Socialist ideology makes an idol out of the race and embraces a kind of biological determinism. The National Socialist movement in Germany was warned against this kind of extremism by Pope Pius XII in an encyclical called, 'Mit Brennender Sorge'.

Why have faith in the bible?
Why have faith in Jesus?
Neither are true, nature is true, nature created us and sustains us, not a fairy tale God, faith is the basis of all scams.

Zero mental gymnastics.
Lots of Christians were Nazis, and lots of Nazis were Christians. The absolute majority of Italian fascists were Christians as well.

What a Christian can't be is acceptive of gay morality, sexual degeneration, destruction of family and the holiness of the marriage institution,

Fascism and Nazism were conservative revolutionary movements. Christianity is as much of a conservative religion as you can get on the west. I'm not the one having to resort into propaganda imagery and jumps of logic like you.

God bless you.

>I mean, there's a couple millions of violent dysgenic subhumans pillaging your country as we post. If that's your fetish you ought to join the corpse pile.
Yeah I'm sorry I am a proponent of mass deportation not murder, and making the same mistakes Hitler and the Reich made repeating history and it's failures. Your a bright one aren't you...

The only rules that exist are the rules of nature.

If you don't believe, thats that.
Lots do believe, and there is nothing wrong with it.

I wish we live to see a new conservative revolution in our age. And I hope Christ will spearhead it all. God and Christ must be in the center of the cultural life.

Mass deporting people back into their hellish lands is basically killing them. What makes you think their native shithole can feed them when a world power can't?
What, not thinking about the consequences of your actions makes your hands clean?
Corpse pile it is, oh bright one.

Eh, if you're going to have faith then have it at a god worthy of it. Not some random semite on a stick that preaches egalitarianism and hippie shit.

The Bibles adam and eve story factually did not occur nor is the earth 4,000 years old, this makes the bible invalided and simply a scam for the power and enrichment of the clergy.

Whats with the ugly neon colors in most of these pics ? looks gay

The more I think about it, the more I've realised that General Franco really took Hitler to the drycleaners. Franco got air support, tanks and support battalions from the Krauts and gave Germany nothing in return. Spain was then allowed to exist as a fascist state for another 40 years or so. Maybe they got away with it because there weren't that many Jews in Spain after they had kicked out all the Sephardics.

So ignore it, do you deny the benefits of the cultural technology compared to the leftism push on immorality? It's easier to tolerate Christians than Communists and the LGBT.

It's called fashwave and it's pretty cool.

National Socialism was it's own religion, had it won the war and had time to develop it would of became a race religion.

Rebuke sinners and don't be a hypocrite. If you do that you are a Christian. So yes, you can be a Christian and a Nazi. You can also mess it up royally if you ignore Nazi sinners or are a hypocrite.

Genesis 20 it says the Abrahamic God created all creatures of the sea, whales dolphins, sea lions and such are not creatures of the sea but mammals of the surface that swim about the water just as if a human were to swim in the water he would be a creature of the sea, but dolphins and those mammals are more relsted to humans than to fish.

Just as judaism is tied to jewish race, national socialism would be Europeanism.

Almost zero nazi officers were christians. No man involved in the persecution of non-germans or in the pursuit of a new master race was christian.
Organized religion is but the opiate of the masses, it is required to give them basic guidelines for they cannot think for themselves.

>I'm not the one having to resort into propaganda imagery and jumps of logic like you.
I see that basic reasoning is far beyond the limit of a brazilian.
I guess I'm the retard here for even attempting to have a conversation with a poster under your flag.

Plato, Homer, the greeks, the romans, all would be part of the canon of the European religion.