Why are whites so scared to fight? Everyone else can throw down but white people pussy out and run into traffic...

Why are whites so scared to fight? Everyone else can throw down but white people pussy out and run into traffic. It's pathetic.



It doesn't come with age.

I didn't know that the media ever told the truth

yeah this chick dont think that tho

well that white boy is obviously a white liberal..you can tell the way he is dressed.. he is a pussy but that nigger picked up a chair to attack him...so it really wasnt all fair...white liberals are pussies not white conservatives... ive been told by several people tell me straight up "you voted for Trump didnt you?" i tell them why you say that? they say "because i can just tell"...im pretty intimidating looking and very muscular..but gentle as a flower..till my fuse pops

Fighting is for children. Also some people (non whites) are latent psychopaths and will take things too far and kill you if they win

And at the end of the day, the defeated white man goes home to his beautyful condo, payed for by using his powerful brain, while the chimpanzee goes home to his cardboard box on the street, payed for by beating up the box’s previous owner with a bar stool.
By the way, using a deadly object like eric clanton is what niggers do. Oh hol up...


imprison and remove please

>Nigger allegedly has a gun.
>Nigger picks up a chair.
>Guy on the right of the shot is getting involved, look closely.
>Guy gets hit by a fucking CAR, and he still goes back to fight the nig with a chair...

OP is a fucking retarded nigger

>why do white people end up in jail for violent crimes less often such a mystery

that... was not maturity
more like cowardice
a better man would have used picking up the chair made of toothpicks as an excuse to execute every uppity nigger in sight

>Why are niggers so unable to feed themselves? Everyone else can but niggers starve. It's pathetic.


hehehe watchu mean homie

This is now a Spider-Man thread

>this is the walk of Fame

What the fuck happened? Why is there gang banging looking motherfuckers just hanging around?

>Why are whites so scared to fight?

Fighting is beneath me, real men don't fight.

looks like he landed ttd to me boys

kek, Brandon deserves that and more. He is a nigger in a whites body