Oh, how viserally wonderous it makes me feel indeed when I see a right wing retard argue with nothing but emotion! No facts are necssary for the conspiratorial bubble of the Right.

So what are the facts? Well, the fact is that Biologists have designated the Myth of Race to be just that - a Myth, because there simply is not enough genetic diversity within the human genome to constitute categorise to be formulate to divide humanity. It would be a meaningless and fruitless pursuit - exactly what race is.

What about when it comes to "racial crime rates?" A common argument made by neckbeards is that blacks commit more crime - but of course, this too is borne only by a lack of cognitive ability so prevalent amongst the Right Wing. The Uniform Crime Report by the FBI, the statistical method used to make these claims, gets its data from Police organisations, who rely on claims by the community. Majority "White" communities have been statistically proven to report "Black" crime whilst ignoring "White" crime - mainly because the colour of the skin brings more attention to "Blacks" then it does "Whites". This results in an underrepresentation of "White" crime in the Uniform Crime Report. So, "Blacks" DO NOT commit more crime: this claim is borne by a statistical, institutional racial bias.

We are all humans, bigots. That includes "non-whites."



Taking the bait like an absolute libtard,
Yes, we are all human,
Not all humans are the same,
And some are inferior with the stats to show.

Daily reminder that racial discrimination doesn't exist because race doesn't exist

(You) Again.

Well of course it does exist: racial discrimination will exist for as long as we have idiots like you who believe in race.

You yourself admit to the existence of race so long as you assert the further existence of "institutionalized racism."

These methods may not be ideal; as an egalitarian myself I understand the opposition to racial and gender quotas. However, these are necessary measures to promote a pluralistic society, whilst simultaneously reeducating those who believe in the sordid Myth of race.

Hmm hmm I read this post and I can't find an argument anywhere hmm hmm

You said race doesn't exist, therefore you also have to believe that its impossible to discriminate by race (as you would have to have some method of identifying someone's race, in order to discriminate against them). But as you said, there is no way to determine someone's race.


Hmm Hmm

Alright, if crime is caused by circumstance, can you explain why Asians/Whites in the same situations as Blacks/Hispanics preform better on the same tests?

Nice nigger thread, you're pissing in a sea of shit.

I believe in ethnocentrism because I believe that humans are wired to be tribal and that it shows in dire situations.
Globalist trends will lead to chaos.
I believe in bio diversity too.
I wouldn't want to put a Siberian tiger with a tiger from Bangladesh in the same cage.
Go away

I scanned your post and concluded that you are not human

It is incredible to see the degree of delusion which has seemingly infested the subhuman minds of conservashits. It is very simple. Conspiracies will exist for as long as logheads continue to believe in the flat earth theory. Similarly, racism will continue to exist for as long as pinheads continue to believe in race.

The fact is, the term "racist" is used to designate individuals who believe in the "myth" of race, and act upon it, treating POC differently than they would members of their own "race". It is a designation, like the term criminal or deviant - not a description of a natural Phenom. Clearly, if there were no individuals who believed in the Race Myth, there would be no racists.

This is obviously bait, and your source does not support the outlandish claim that victims of all races "notice" being assaulted (KEK) more frequently when the assailants are black.

Anyway, if blacks really do commit far less crime than we think, that means blacks are VICTIMIZED far less than we think, too. So let's stop spending such an outrageous amount of money trying to police them.

Great idea! Let's cut them all off of welfare and shut down diversity quotas! I like the way you think user.

You know if you were smart you would just stop thinking in terms of race and let the idea die out if you fucking libtard, and yes, niggers do commit more crime, even if white people do it too (of course), it doesn't change the overwhelming imbalance of niggers committing violent crime. Diversity quotas are completely contradictory to their purpose, in the fact that they are oppressing whites and whoever else you say are "privileged'

Education, I think is the key. At least in the long term, it's the only thing that can prevent so many people from resorting to tribalism along the lines of skin color and place of birth.

The only issue with education is that it will take decades before the majority of the populace and academia as a whole are purged of concepts such as race, gender, borders and the like.

For the time being, the process can at least be (in my opinion) sped up with enforced diversity.
The biggest problem I see in social and academic circles that are concerned with social justice, is that they often forget or refuse to acknowledge that the measures some governments and institutions are taking in the western world, aren't being taken to anywhere near the same extent in primarily non-"white" nations.

I find this deeply problematic.

They're human they're just a different breed or species of human.

>Clearly, if there were no individuals who believed in the Race Myth, there would be no racists.

Do you believe in race, user?

Can't change human nature,
also you made a little typo,
I think you may have meant indoctrination

Hmm hmm HMMMM hmmm hmmm fuck niggers

No, I agree that niggers don't exist my dude.

Its just that some HUMANS (yes, humans) commit more crimes than other people and are less likely to pursue higher education, and in such they are more likely to be jailed and live in ghettos. After all, humans can be very different from one another. The fact that they very often have darker skin is completely irrelevant, because after all we are all human.

why are you trying? it's literally you against hundreds of us

In an ideal world, there would not be a need for diversity quotas. However, thanks to racist subhumans such as yourself, we live in far from an ideal world. Because of your race "myth," whoever you designate to be worthy of attacking, to be Black, to be Jewish, and so on and so forth, is punished with a life of institutional bigotry. It doesn't matter that these terms, "Black," "Jewish" and so on are as meaningless as the term "White:" you target these people anyway. They, whoever theya re, are the target of a delusional crime. And it is here that the need for slavery reparations and "racial" quotas arise: an adequate and moral response to the attacks on these poor people by the far right.

Go live next to niggers if you're so convinced of your arguments. Then get shot and die so we don't need to see your shit threads and mental gymnastics.

>implying that liberal comics aren't just a method of echoing the beliefs of demagogues
>Changing the argument to fit your narrative

I am trying because I have already won. In an empty stadium, you do not need to use your intellectual weapons to win. The mere sight of them frightens the horded enemy.

People of different ethnicities in America have unique separate cultures. Are you suggesting that those cultures are nonexistent, or that they're of detriment to the society at large?

Do you really feel so guilty about something your ancestors did to where, decades later, you need to pay people for it?
do you fucking watch Rick and Morty.

Well you see, not every human is a human. while every person is physically a human, there are various things that make many humans not actually human in the ethical, psychological, or logical sense. Take the Muslim religion, back stabbers, pedophiles, corrupt people, niggers, chinks, beaners, jews and etc. for example. They all have behaviors that they exhibit en masse that make them subhuman.

European people have had the Christian morals that kept them from becoming unethical, generally illogical, or just downright awful for centuries. Christian morals made European countries very strong for a very long time. The pedophiles and corrupt individuals were exceptions and are not considered human since they are not ethical.

Those who don't care for others or for themselves are inherently non human due to their lack of the most basic human function of responsibility for themselves and their peers. Respect is another big thing in a true human. True respect is not normally found in those who are non human and therefore having that sense of honor for something is required in being a human.

In case you haven't noticed, there are more requirements to being a human than just having the scientific name, to be a human in the fullest, one has to also be ethical, logical, and loyal to their ethics and logic as well as having a sense of responsibility for their own life and respect for those that are greater than themselves. Someone who is all of these things can be called a human. Many fall short and that's why there is disdain for those kinds of people. Because not all humans are human.

You keep going on about whatever bullcrap idea you have, just realize that at the end of the day, you are de facto saying that right-wingers are allowed to use comics but liberals aren't

*tips fedora*

Well sir, even your so called racists are human, hypocrite.



You haven't won anything, you and I are different, that's enough to debunk your false claims that race is a myth. Because we're both different we can't be the same, if we can't be the same, we have different categories to be in.

210 last time I checked
Race war now

I read a stupid article filled with fake facts and I know everything~ the post

Congrats OP, you're a fucking idiot

Nice double think. Either people can be racist, or race does not exist. If race does not exist, then it does not matter if people are discriminatory to others because of skin color. Why do people like you go out of your way to try and force others to be like you? Everybody is different, and yet for as smart as you idiots think you are, you just cannot get over the fact that others think differently than you. Let people be. If they want to be racist, that's who they will be. You all go around trying to force everyone to be like you. Guess What? Your only going to make people hate you more. Get off your pedestal. You are no better than anyone else.

>What about when it comes to "gendered crime rates?" A common argument made by neckbeards is that Men commit more crime - but of course, this too is borne only by a lack of cognitive ability so prevalent among Americans. The Uniform Crime Report by the FBI, the statistical method used to make these claims, gets its data from Police organisations, who rely on claims by the community. Majority "Female" communities have been statistically proven to report "Male" crime whilst ignoring "Female" crime - mainly because the contents of their chromosomes brings more attention to "Male" then it does "Female". This results in an underrepresentation of "Female" crime in the Uniform Crime Report. So, "Males" DO NOT commit more crime: this claim is borne by a statistical, institutional gender bias.

Explain black on white violence in SA and Zimbabwe, where whites are the minority. And don't give me fucking shit about how it's revenge for apartheid. Dutch settled South Africa more than 400 fucking years ago, before Africans/Zulus moved that far South and committed genocide against the Bantu that coexisted with the Dutch. fuck yourself you baiting ass pirate

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick & Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick & Morty's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty & Rick & Morty fans truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick & Morty which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer/television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Probably leftypol bait really

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


hah loser

attacked by the far right when?

I, too, find this to be an issue. Contact theory after all is proved; Republithugs and conservashits never explain how this well documented phenomenon is congruent to their theories.

Essentially, it describes how when individuals live closely, and interact closely with members of another "race," they generally grow much more tolerant, and less aware of their own tribal tendencies. In other words, they become more civilised, more human.

So, while education is important, the forced assimilation of POC into majority "white" communities is important too. In the long run, diversity should eliminate racial stigma.

Okay, my problem with diversity quotas is that I get a handful of people. Let's say 100. For simplicity's sake, I'll say that for every 5 people I hire, 1 must be black.
The top 10% of my applicants all just so happen to be white. The first black I see on my list doesn't meet most of my criteria, and thus he's not suited for the job.
However, Uncle Sam forces me to hire him just because of his skin color.
Is this really fair to that fifth, more qualified person, just because he's white?

That's where you're wrong user, anyone who bases their argument on the fact that a comic said so has no valid points at all. Come back when you're ready to not change your argument every post.

I did it first, but there's built in racism.
Pay up.

yep roody poos must die

I read this post and it literally enlightened me so much that I ascended to the next plane of existence

Either the far right are pussies and virgin losers or they're killing jews on the streets.
Make up your mind!
On the alternative, maybe they're just normal white people tired of being victim to white guilt.

i hate niggers and jews because of how i have to treat them like special snowflakes and how they refuse to be treated like anyone else because of their ancestors bullshit sob story about my ancestors

Take into account for example if they're a doctor you're actually putting someone who less qualified out there. This could actually kill or harm people under many scenarios.

>you do not need to use your intellectual weapons to win
in what kind of insane mentality is one proud of being stupid?



ill take the bait, but fucking hell, the truth of your statement is the exact opposite. Putnam's studies on multiculturalism proved the opposite conclusively, to an extent that he sat on his research for years because it shattered his world view.

fuck out of here retard

nope my argument has been the same since the beginning, you're just a wishy-washy fag