When did you realize that National Socialism is retarded?


funny word for "libertarianism"

When did you realise that putting text on an image for no reason only makes you look retarded?

>muh arbitrary square alignments
fuck off

the compass is a flawed test

GLR believed in the Constitution.

Build roads.

Once I found Sup Forums and realized they're all low IQ LARPers

Always. National socialism is inherently retarded. Any smart person will tell you that

This butthurt lefty again.
Nobody gives a fuck about your left-right label. The only thing that matters is real-world application and the preservation of our people. Keep arguing about your "isms" online.

Fuck rightism, fuck leftist, and fuck you

>anarcho-capitalist calling others retarded

National Socialism cant be proven wrong.

Political right wing is about accepting the fact that people are inequal. Lefties believe in egalitarianism while right wingers believe in a natural order of things and in some people being worth less than others. WIthin the right wing, there are movements that prefer this inequality to be enforced by the state (NatSocs/fascists etc who want the government to keep the nation pure and free of inferior people like non-whites and disabled people) and movements that want this inequality to be enforced by not offering people to be made equal by letting the free market and Darwinism run its course, making lesser unworthy people succumb on their own degeneracy while superior people are free to band together and exclude people they see as harmful in a voluntary manner (AnCaps/libertarians etc.)

National Socialism is not focussed on harming a population only establishing s population, as all states do, establishing a state and helping the people.

Propaganda from paid puppets is not truth nor is self preservationist sources.

Never really thought it wasn't retarded. Used to be a commie in high school and a snek since collage. Once you realize socialism doesn't work there is no reason to be NatSoc.

>helping the people
Except the state is the one that decides what's good for you and in what way they will "help" you weather you like it or not. It could for example decide that it really needs you to invade Poland since it would help you (somehow).


>using a shitty test as the basis for your argument
You lost me there OP


will I meet Hitler in paradise?

National Socialists are indeed retarded, but Libertarianism is more retarded

National Socialism should be center-left Authoritarian, desu, but to be fair, most Sup Forumsacks just want affirmative action to end and rampant political correctness to stop getting in their way from their weekly foodtrip to the gas station