The right and left must forgive each other

In mystic enlightenment, kundalini is achieved by synchronizing both brain hemispheres and pulling your sexual energy up through the base of your spinal chord.

The left is female energy. And they right is male energy. Instead of destroying each other, we need to embrace one and other to propel the human race exponentially.

Do not underestimate female energy. It is the power of life itself. Your balls were once ovaries.

Instead of seeing females as a means to an end, they should be encouraged to grow and be strong. Strong mothers will make strong sons.

Don't you want to be the best version of yourself? Realize the duality of nature. Realize the cosmic balance.

We can reunited when reals come before feels

Do you think you sound smart?
I hope you do not.

After we kill the commies.

this is total fucking bullshit. the lies on cnn are not the "left side of my brain"
you are a fucking rube

Good thread

This. We can get all lubby dubby later, when the communists and socialists of the world are hanging from lampposts.

There can't ever be any acceptance of the left because their ideology isn't sustainable or valid. Liberalism's entire existence is a marxist plot to undermine the west. They they will destroy civilization if given the power to do so, if their ideas are allowed to come to fruition. There aren't two equal sides who happen to disagree. There is one side trying to protect everything good in the world that so many humans had to fight and die for to make, and another side that wants to destroy it.

OP go talk to the people who want to punch Nazi's and ask them if they forgive Hitler.
Honestly bro, you are living in a fantasy world.

Reconciliation is gay. We want blood, guts, and bonemeal.

Sacrifice Sarah Silverman in the middle of Times Square by drawing, quartering, and burning, and we may entertain negotiations.

When good and evil compromise, evil wins.

Also, Indians aren't fucking enlightened. Their mystics are just dirty, diseased street shitters who have no spiritual knowledge to share with you.

Buddha was Aryan. He has blue eyes and skin the color of the moon. He was the son of an Aryan king that had invaded NW India/Nepal during that historical time period. His people set up the caste system to keep the dravidian shitskins separate. Fast forward 1000 years and the shitskins are claiming his legacy while they swim in sewage literal sewage, and the idiot dregs of human society - like yourself - are begging to suck their shit-encrusted 4 inch dicks clean.

long overdue for that cunt.

The reason you are not a robot doing tasks without a second thought is because you are two minds sharing the same vessel. Your heart is like an engine and your true power comes from the blood that circles through it.

I'm not gonna jack off my spine, that could kill me.

No. Execute all leftists.

You're sexual energy incarnate. The need to breed. Think about how powerful that energy is really. It can be harassed.

Wow look its an american who pretends to know things he doesnt.

The female energy has been driving the West for at least 60 years. It's just the natural time for that to correct and turn back towards the male

Great argument pajeet. Care to offer a specific refutation?

>Your balls were once ovaries.

Its because the pendelum swang for so long the other way. If Im going to be honest. Karnically more is coming. The pendelum will keep swinging. Or we can turn that pendulum into an arrow.

The commie blood and tears will fill my chalice someday

Triangle swirl is the astral worm in the triangular bone at the base of the spine. Three and a half spirals.

Triangle swirl is a sign of waking the kundalini. Elites use children and rape them in order to shatter them and enhance their and the rapists power.

Even some "good" new agers do this. Remember they believe the left hand path can be a road to enlightenment. Do not trust them.

>c'mon guys, we just need to take a thesis, and an antithesis, and form a synthesis!

Fuck off, commie scum

The only way to win in an artificial forever war created by the elites is not to play.