Are niggers inherently evil?

Are niggers inherently evil?

Nah just not very smart and more aggressive.

But women are.

Yes. They have been shown to have less empathy, which is where your conscious comes from.

>are all elements of some arbitrary group of people a subjective quality
unsurprising that the flag is australian tbqh

No, but kikes are.

Aggressive people are inherently evil.

Evil isn't "all elements" it's pretty specific and the answer here is "yes".

You have to full awareness and intelligence ands understanding of what youre doing to be evil.
Blacks have none of that. They are purely instinctual and act on their biological impulses.

Imagine every boner you get without any of the brain or will power to resist. This is what enables them to talk to women, theyre so horny and they act on it. They see a watch, they want it, they steal it. Zero self-control, total impulse. Thats a black person, and of course there are exceptions

Read my post again, you illiterate.

They are dumb as fuck, impulsive, violent, narcissistic, so I guess the answer is yes.

All of mankind is inherently evil thanks to original sin. Only through Christ can man overcome their dark compulsions.

american education everyone

Just as evil as stupid fucking kids who drop rocks from a bridge to a highway.

They find it funny when they see that drivers are afraid of them, but when they accidentally kill someone, they shit their pants and panic.

Too dumb. Still dangerous.

don't listen to the others
yes they're evil: that's why their skin is black and ours is white.


Yeah stay hidden behind your memeflag bitch

No, not true.

You can be aggressive because you are very sensitive, you can use your aggression to protect people, be good at sports and donate the money.
You can fuck your girl good with it. you can put it into art.

What you do with your aggression is the point, but with a low iq and a bad environment there are good chances to use it for bad things.

This. Are animals evil, even if they torture one another in the most horrible ways? No. Blacks are not like Europeans and it's unfair to hold them to same standards.

Yes, and so are old hags.
>Pic related

animals simply aren't evil
BLACK SKIN niggers are

No but gangsta culture and rap and shit makes them think they are hard, turning them violent

no, women, particularly white women are. it's why the pairing of works so well, although many of those women are not white, and they outdo the black male in terms of savagery, although not physical savagery.

Yes their brains are different
They have less empathy and cant do abstract thinking
So evil behaviour

Japanese adults value work more than children.

Watch Grave of the Fireflies. Takahata got in trouble for producing it due to its very real depictions of societal savagery.

lower IQ, and higher testosterone. Basically just hyper aggressive savages.

I agree with this post.

No, just low iq and impulsive.
So yes, actually.

No they are inherently good because they dont think.
White people are the scheming evil one

best goy in the world
someone get him a mug

No, but they are animals. They can't help act on their primal urges.

Typical soft French thinking...did your Mother have any kids who lived?

no. white people may not understand whats going on because white people have the strongest knee jerk reaction

black people think they need to scare every one into doing what they want. at some point they circulated the concept of absolute savagery to be used to coerce other ethnicities into doing what they want. blacks put forward a "front" in which they pretend to be violent tards . most are cowards. they may carry a guin and even kill some one eventually but if you fire at them they scatter even if all of their gang has a gun

so why act like that? wouldnt they just be terrorist? i almost want to give them credit but cant. one of them determined the race didnt have enough money to play big league games so they looked at the bottom of the barrel. and formed a persona they could circulate amongst themselves to try to protect themselves from other groups. its like the short guy syndrome where the little feller just yells and over emotes constantly but this time its because they dont have wealth and know what that means. they are expendable

..when the task of uncucking the white race falls to the christian/commonwealth niggers and the non arabs ... *sees white kid gettin beat down by arabs... steps in*...

They're more like dogs. If you don't educate them, they go apeshit.

Imagine somebody with a German Shepperd saying : "This dog is my equal, I won't try to educate it."
Well of course the dog fucks everything up in the house while you're at work. And then you start hating it.

Now if niggers and dogs are educated by superior races, they behave, because they fear the whip of the master, and everybody likes em, and they like everybody, because sympathy tends to reciprocate.

This. Keeping women in check is million times more important then muh race war.


Evil is human conception. In the animal world there is no evil. The only sinners are men. Niggers are monkeys they cant sin therefore they are not evil.

Humanity, like Wolves, is a species with numerous sub-species. While all are capable of inter-breeding and creating hybrid, each distinct strain exhibits its own unique social and survival behaviors.

Most Africans are Bantu's. The Batu were a highly aggressive form of hunter gatherer humans that literally killed and ate the competition. Like the Khoisan peoples. The Tropical climate of their native land also insured they would not need to form complex societies or develop advanced technology in order to survive effectively. Suitability became less about social behavior, and more about how strong you were, and how good you were at procuring from the ample bounty of your environment at that very moment. This meant things like rules based tribes, and planning ahead were actively selected against in favor of immediate gratification.

Compare this to the White people, who are descended primarily from a interbreeding of northern caucosoids and neanderthals. Winter came every year and you had to plan ahead constantly. Instant gratification over long term spacial concept of time was actively selected against, as well as anti-social behavior. To be abandoned by the group in Winter is a death sentence.

We see the results of the divergent evolution of these sub species play out today. Caucasoid humans have an almost pathological relationship with time. Constantly planning for the future, making lists of what they need to get done today, tomorrow, next week, next year, next 30 years. This mindset naturally trends itself into adherenece to a rules based society. White people can biologically project out cause and effect. If I steal X, get caught stealing X by Y, then Z will happen after a certain amount of time, causing me to lose years in prison. By contrast, Bantu humans never developed this trait, indeed it was actually selected against. Their natural environment rewarded immediate gratification, and anyone who was cautious got outmuscled.