Should I go for it?

Should I go for it?

ya user im going for it early 2018"
cant wait to jump out of a fucking plane

Sounds like your heart was set on it.

Rangers are like snickers without the nuts.

USMC for life Devil Dogs!


Aren't they just discount Seals?

Have fun at hell week.

Yes good goy join the US military and fight for (((our))) policies



Not unless Trump changes the bitches in combat units and open faggotry. Why would you join a military that doesn't care enough about you to ensure you have good men serving by your side?
>Go fight for you country, boy, here...take this bitch and this faggot. Good luck!

aww i think he's hungry
here ya go lil fella

i just joined
go israel!
went 12d hopefully i won't wash out of diver school

So basically the US shouldn't have an armed forces anymore? Or are you just waiting until it "stops serving Israel" or whatever to endorse it?

You will.

If you're physically fit enough, hell yeah. Eternal bragging rights and storytelling

No soldier fights for anything more than the Constitution and the people he cares about. Here's the thing, if we don't act like world police, who will? Who will keep those niggers and camel niggers in line? Not fucking kikes, so you right only in so far as we do their dirty work. I have always been against the occupation of Iraq/Afghanistan, but damn does it feel good knowing we have the means to fuck shit up.

That is the mindset i have.
i am perfectly fine being reclassed as a cook

t. Fat ass

i just wish we could stop faffing about as world police and retake our proper role on the world stage.


You can't compare Ranger Reg. to a SEAL team. Totally different mission sets.

They will win future wars with their tolerance and gay-acceptance alone.

Yeah definitely, SEAL is for real men and Ranger's are for men who couldn't make SEALs

Honestly, I am looking for branches that take their shit seriously and not give in to libral bull crap.

So, none of them, then.

Every branch, and every unit has to put up with that shit. It's NOT fucking worth it. If you wan't to do something for your country than join a shooting club and train 3 gun, that way, when the shit breaks out, you'll be ready to fight the real enemies of the U.S., which are already here inside our borders.

is this a rare?


An autonomous region of Finland.

funny story, back in the day, I opposed bush and the iraq war, and american hegemony, I even supported 9/11
now, this is quite unlike other people's motives though for why, as in my mind 9/11 was a wakeup call, not just to go out and bomb more people, but to pay attention to what the government does in citizens' name

the point has been lost on many detractors of the USA, and has been picked up by many supporters of the USA, so my alignment has switched, since I find this to be a primary concern of mine

it's definitely good to know the anglo world still has teeth, because there's a lot of stupid fucked up shit out there and I for one have no agreement to the proposition that one should be powerless to fuck it up

for further consideration, remember that back in the day there was no consideration of weakness of america, it was the ultimate hegemon, so the usual comparing between america or some other retards wasn't actually a realistic proposition although I may have decided the constant wars also weakened other western powers relative capabilities, which is another reason I wanted the american system hurt as fast as possible before it could negatively impact western hegemony as a whole....

but hey you've already figured this out for yourselves, just wanted to say you've got people of like mind outside and prior to the USA of now