Sargon of Akkad doesn't afraid of anything

>Sargon is a cu-

He makes this little antiwhite faggot chimp out at the audience ina debate and even storm out in a fit of rage. You told me Sargon was a cuck Sup Forums, now I dare say it... he might be /ourguy/

Other urls found in this thread:

Hardon for Mossad thinks that 'racism' should be illegal. He's a purple pill at best.

he is a centrist, not redpilled, but not stupid/crazy either.
good for entry level stuff to give to liberals

Agreed, he's a good first slip on the slope piller

This /thread

No he doesn't, he talks about how retarded hate speech laws are towards the end of the debate

It doesn't matter if he can debate a crazy leftist fag, he is and will remain a LITERAL cuckold

>skip to random part of the video
>"Each person has to take it upon themselves not to racially discriminate. You are someone who racially discriminates therefore you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

really oodles the noodle

He isn't do fuck all either.

14:00 is when he first starts chimping at the crowd

not this thread again
please stop

>hurr if you more of a (quote) "monopolized" group of people in a corporation den the minorities will feel sad
>how did you knowed that
>because i talked to people that told me that
>oh yeah? well i did too but they didn't said that. maybe your just talking to the same dummies all the time?
>well the people you talk to are dummies!
>some members of the audience pipe up making self-conscious ironic remarks

Good lord these people are literal children

Carne of assad is about to woke the masses on vegas

What the fuck is myth con?

I couldn't even listen to this shit. The feminist guy (?) was so fucking cringe inducing it hurt, and I don't even like Sargon of assplay all that much...

I think the far left guy has literally never been in a real debate. He tried some grade school level "verbal traps" (Do you think women are being oppressed in our society? Yes/No? i.e. either you agree with me or you're a bigot). I straight up lol'd when Carl didn't even respond to the quest and the other guy just kept asking it out of desperation.

>lets not threaten people online
Lets just hope the guy on the left hasnt found his way here

His twitter is as annoying as his debate style

Centrist pussy.

He's as milquetoast as it gets.

Wtf i love centrist liberals now.

Sargon is a cunt but, whether he likes it or not, he does dispense entry level redpills for normies. And he shifts the Overton Window for us.

The dilemma is when he says the typical "classical liberal" shit. "The left are the REAL racists these days!" "I don't give a fuck about race!" "I just want to live in a hyper individualist society and the LEFT is stopping us doing that!".

And the normie has to either accept or reject this cuckery. And if they reject it, they become /ourguys/ pretty much instantly.

Sargoy is subversive and has his issues but, he sends fresh blood our way unwittingly so whatever.

The whole concept of YouTube philosophers going on tour making money and shit from retards is so funny

He pulls a lot more people away from the left and towards the right than vice versa. Normies need to be eased into deeper pills and have the conditioning brokwn slowly.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


haha, what a fucking woman

sargon is the worst
this video sums up Sargon cuck non-positions


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sargon of Akkad. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of classical liberalism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sargon's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sargon of Akkad truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sargon's existencial catchphrase "Free Kekistan," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Carl Benjamin's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Sargon of Akkad tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


We should have a sargon vs spencer debate for maximum cringe.

Actually I would pay to see that.

saw the whole video
its pretty funny desu
he just.... rapes that guy

"You made me necessary" Brilliant

whats the latest word on eric clanton? is he going to jail or what?

>Muh sargon bashing, look at me guys check out my virture. Im nazi too heil hitler teehee!

Sargon is pretty much the best solo youtuber on politics and his subs show this.


i dont get why Sup Forumsacks shit on him, he's pretty much a perfect classical liberal. well-read and agrees with (the non-morons among) us on everything, socially and economically

Even ever telling him "I wouldn't even rape you."

The snitch keeps delaying trial, not sure when the next date is. HIs own commie lawyer basically called him a domestic terrorist:

even after^



>made youtube career out of debunking anti whites and still no white nationalist
>isnt cucked

my cyber-bloodlust isnt sated

No, he's pretty stupid. He's just not half as stupid as some of the people he ridicules.

Can't wait til Clanton and Felarca are both in prison where they can try and bash some real nazis

we should petition louis theroux to make a documentary about their time in jail
id buy that for a dollar

Stop shilling yourselves on Sup Forums you fucking niggers

Yea he is a cuck. Still think he drops decent redpills.

intro tier... never liked him since he was a non commie leftist since forever on pol, and broke throu because of the void jim created by leaving.

>By leaving.

That's a polite way of saying fucked his gf on a live stream like a drunk retard.

hehehe yeah, but yeah jim left and even he is a banon tier libertarian who fucks gooks...

i like his humor and pursuit for novelty

He is great at shitting on SJWs but he's a civic nationalist hedonistic nihilist. His way leads to death and he doesn't care, he's said he doesn't care what happens after he dies. For caring about outcomes I am a "social engineer" which he considers a slur. His god is liberty, I don't care about your liberty or mine except as a means for maintaining and advancing life and love. Liberty is useful but it's not the reason we are here.

Louis would have a field day interviewing Antifaggots


>the definition of a cuckold is when a male moves in, steals a female from a rival male, and fucks/impregnates her

He is literally the exact opposite of a cuckold, you uneducated ignorant dumb ass.


it seems to me that you dont quite understand the long-term benefits of free-market capitalism. hes an advocate of a self-regulating market with minimal state interference; same as America's founding fathers, and john stuart mill, and all these smart fuckers from the age of enlightenment. the idea of equality under the law (i.e. as a process) and the idea that no individual (or group of individuals) is capable of managing an economy better than an economy can manage itself. its a long rant, and i can explain this more elaborately if you wish, but honestly, you kinda should already know this. its sad that public schooling in the west is almost indoctrinating us into hating the very structure that has given us all of these liberties in the first place

The word cuckold comes from the cuckoo bird who lays its egg in another birds nest, forcing the other bird to raise its own offspring.
But I expect nothing less from a retarded memeflag.

>google's cuckoo bird

So every person who adopted an orphan child is a cuck? Every man who marries a widow with a fatherless child because he died fighting for our country and raises that dead soldiers child for him is a cuck?

You are fucking idiots. That's like saying every person who swims is a fish, because fish swim in water.


yes, yes, yes yes.

all of that is being cuckolded if you are a man.

Biologically, yes.
If he literally marries a widow, raises her child and doesn't breed any of his own, he's a cuck through and through.
Are you denying science?

>being this insecure

Liberty as the ultimate ideal is not the same as free market capitalism. You can have free market capitalism and ethnic nationalism with "social engineering" programs to get kids into sports instead of drugs as a simple example that I know has worked incredibly well here.

Liberty as the ultimate ideal blinds you and encourages hedonistic consumption which helps capitalism grow but it also results in the short termed thinking that results in destruction of resources, M.A.D, open borders and youtube cucks saying "nothing that happens after I die matters". In short Sargon is an idolater, the only ultimate ideal that actually leads to life is Christ.

Stage was rigged just like Donald J. Trump (Not My President) rigged the election

Hillary won by 3 million votes, the people obviously chose her with whom I stand

Only idiots who enjoy getting conned voted for the orange man


>Sargon of Akkad doesn't afraid of anything
Has he done Videos on Jews in America or race realism?
No, since that would obviously killed his channel.


>the only ultimate ideal that actually leads to life is Christ
you werent saying anything that goes against what sargon or classical liberalism in general stands for (some government, not TOO much government), but there, at the end, you kinda ruined it all. dont mix your religion with politics. keep that shit separate my dude

>sargon is centrist
Fucking kill yourself faggot. He is a fucking liberal. he's not even slightly left of center.

What's the best response when liberals ask if I agree that women are being oppressed in society?


financially, he is right-wing; anti-authoritarian. only thing that matters, honestly.

He's just another sane guy. Shocking, right.


>starter for liberals
Absolutely this.
You gotta ease people into it. Forcing it to people just makes them instantly oppose it.
An atheist centrist is perfect for that.


Get of Sup Forums Carl. You aren't a nazi are you?


You are muddling things by bringing the wider concept of "classical liberalism" into it, an abstract label you will never nail down except from context. I'm just talking about what Sargon says. His worldview is all about almost unchecked nihilistic hedonism and he promotes civic nationalism. Liberty is great but it's what Sargon places above anything else, it's his god. What he's doing is precisely what the concept of idolatry is warning about. It's the best description of his problem and the problem with the west in general whether you're Christian or not. He thinks he has it all figured out and enshrined in his golden concept that magically solves everything, buy liberty now and get his collection of gay nigger porn free on twitter. Act fast before the inevitable nuclear apocalypse.




he's a faggot, but one of dem cool faggots

when he's just condescending to camera I can't watch him, but when he's contrasted with some sjw "feminist" faggot cuck gets debated he looks really good

Who was it that did the "fact-checking paper" over SoA's content for like the last 2-3 years? Apparently he's only made around 2 substantial argumentative blunders in that entire length of time.

I hate to say it to you guys, but if the man follows logic that closely on the debate stage, then I think I would be more inclined to listen to him when it comes to politics/economics too. Yeah, I know with the kekistan shit and what not...

>kill me

But you can tell he's bullshitting whenever he makes those jokes anyway. As for all the people who actually hate him on the basis of that, well... considering the meme was made to poke fun at literal nazis and ethnostate supremacists, I can't say much in your defense.

Follow the logic trail, boys. Always keep your brain in your back pocket. You never know when you may actually need to use it.

Utilitarianism says we should make decisions based on 'what does the most good for the most amount of people.'

I don't think racism is included in that.

We need people like Sargon keeping the SJW retards in line

oh, wow, sargon defeted this little cuck in a impressed...not.

My fucking 6 year old nephew could destroy that SJW cuck in an argument.

>Hardon for Mossad

He's good against SJWs and a useless empty wreck against reasonable ethnic nationalists.

>I don't think racism is included in that.
Race realism and not accepting international elements controlling the fate of your nation is what does the most good for the most amount of people. In general rational self interest is what works both when it comes to people and nations. The proven most successful strategy is tit-for-tat, cooperate until betrayed then punish and continue cooperating, but you have to be able to punish or the game breaks down.

I mean, think of it this way: given that you realize this life is the only one that you have, and thusly choose to throttle it to the fullest extent, then given that you are satisfied with the impact that you made you shouldn't really be bothered by the abyss. The thing about death that scares people is not that nothing comes afterwards, but that when it's their time they will regret not having done anything with their life. You don't get a second chance.


Maybe we can get someone to dress up as pepe and get antifags to chase them around the block like a bunch of loons, while we move in and do what we need to do.

And what use is a dead soldier to the army? Literally accomplishes absolutely nothing by doing that. He'd be as bad as a suicide bomber.

I don't remember where he said it or how he worded it but I took it as "I don't care what happens to earth after I'm dead because I'll be gone" not anything about an afterlife. He can't logically justify caring about human life as a nihilist so he says silly stuff like that. I'm not afraid of death and don't expect some literal afterlife, it's possible but I don't expect it. I'm afraid of the death of human life or it not reaching its full potential.

Let's face it, the only reason he even did it was to kick the cuck around like a soccer ball. It's comedy.

True, although in his defense it would be hard to care about something if you couldn't be around to experience it. Here's hoping there IS an afterlife or, better yet, reincarnation.

He's a pretty good way for commie leftists to reconsider their beliefs. KKK loving faggots like most of the people on Sup Forums aren't exactly going to do it. What the fuck are you guys thinking...

Unlike animals the human mind doesn't normally exist in the present, it occupies the past and all possible futures. Thanks to all our human tools we remember 13.7 billion years of history and our minds live in horrific futures like nuclear holocausts and race wars. I want to die with my mind occupying inspiring futures that I know are inspiring the kids growing up as well, not futures filled with death that we try to avoid thinking about through gay porn and cheetos because "nothing matters morty".

>freedom allows white men to control everything
He's not wrong

>the only reason he even did it was to kick the cuck around like a soccer ball

>anti white faggot
what's that?

shills need to fuck off back to plebbit. Centrism is sane and unironic politics.