One Piece

Will Luffy protect his smile?

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>Orochimaru got away with everything
>Mayuri got away with everything
Will One Piece's own lovably immoral scientist get away with everything?

If you consider 'used' perfection

Not as used as Nami or Robin so yeah she is perfect.

Can we talk about how, since the timeskip, Oda has thrown away every single value and theme he wrote in the previous half?

>people die you cant save everyone
>im always serious!
>non-blood relatives, shanks, zeff, tom, koshiro
>anyone can be great

>im gonna save everyone!!
>saves KKG for very last minute
>lol blood relatives, garp, dragon, vinsmokes, vegapunk, moon-birkans
>finite haki supply and CoV predetermines who will be great

>The Hack writes a Hack story.
What else is new

Oda has run out of ideas.

dresrosa = alabasta 2.0
big mom saga = thriller bark 2.0

>people die you cant save everyone
This is the only one you're right about

>saves KKG for very last minute
An attack that immediately exhausted him and knocked him out of Gear 4. That's like asking why Pre-TS didn't spam Gear 3rd

>Blood relatives
What does that even mean? Genetics? Because Sanji's genetics didn't mean shit. They explicitly said he was a dud. It was his training with Zeff that made him what he was.

>anyone can be great
Destiny has been a theme since Lougetown. And do you really believe that Ussop, Chopper, and Nami will never achieve their dreams?

>Oda dicksucker spotted

>Oda shitposter spotted

he's right though

Namis past has yet to be rewritten. She will come from a map making bloodline, similar to kozuki clan.
Chopper probably won't seeing as how Law can already do that.

series was always pretty formulaic

Adding to this, if anything the existence of haki enforces the "anyone can be great" theme. Not everyone can find some rare hax devil fruit, but anyone can potentially become an expert CoA and CoO user.

>Map making bloodline
I hope you understand how fucking stupid that sounds.
This is correct. It's no more formulaic than it was before.

>yfw this is Alabasta from above
>yfw Vivi said the river was 50 km wide
>yfw the capital city is too small in comparison to even see
>yfw you can make out mountain ranges
>yfw you realize Alabasta is the size of fucking Australia
>yfw Alabasta was just a pebble compared to the size of Grand Line and four Blues
>yfw the One Piece world is even more fucking massive than you realized

>dresrosa = alabasta 2.0
G4 = water luffy 2.0

Oda is pretty bad with scale and numbers. Don't take these things too seriously.



Don't shoot the messenger haha you know what im sayin

>Oda dicksuckers BTFO
>don't take it too seriously
Maybe you shouldn't take sucking his dick too seriously and accept he is a hack


I didn't say I liked it.

Wait, how wide is Australia?

How does having a large world detract from the story?
About 4000 km


Wide enough to fill all the shitposters and still have room for kangaroos.

The planet can be bigger but would most likely have less mass,so the gravity is about the same.

kek, odadicksucker fag BTFO

It's a reflection of Japan's justification for Unit 731 getting away with everything, so yes.

I think that it would be a great running gag that Cesar is their permanent prisoner and eventually he sticks with them because he knows that if he escapes he'll be hunted down by other powerful pirate crews for a variety of reasons.

>user shows how the OP world is massive
>therefore Oda dick suckers btfo
what? do you even pay attention to what your shitposting about?

If he wants to stay free and alive he has to either join the SH or the revolutionaries

>we'll never get a decent animated, well-paced OP anime

What a waste of a pretty fun manga.



>Toei handling the One Piece anime.png

>tfw Magellan will never end up with Reiji
>he'll never get a blowjob from her
>he will be foreveralone cursed to think there's noone out there for him

The Strawhats care about Ceasar because __________?

They don't, they just never get around to handing him over to anyone.
That's what makes it a running gag.

They released the Zou OST early, with spoilers in the titles. Sasuga, Toei!

The OST made for the Zou arc sound amazing
Too bad we know how Toei makes Anime


>Weeaboo thinks those measly "war crimes" somehow compare to the mass genocides and barbaric actions of the Japanese military.
>He thinks a few soldiers raping and murdering some citizens, against orders, is somehow comparable to Japanese "comfort women", or the "Rape of Nanjing".
I'm betting you think the Japanese-American Internment Camps were equal to the Nazi Concentration Camps.

You, I like you.

Shitty bait, you obviously didn't put much thought into this.

>im gonna save everyone!!
Literally the only legitimate criticism

>saves KKG for very last minute
Are you autistic? Do you even read OP? Since when has always being serious meant using your strongest attack or technique from the get-go for Luffy? Oh wait, it literally never has. Not with gear second for Blueno, not with gear third for Lucci, both of which were pre-timeskip.

>lol blood relatives, garp, dragon, vinsmokes, vegapunk, moon-birkans
Are you autistic? Did you somehow think Oda wouldn't introduce any of the strawhat's relatives into the story or that they would be irrelevant?

Besides, if you actually paid attention you would realize that non-blood relatives are still more meaningful. Blood relatives are just coming in for plot.

Sanji still looks up to Zeff for shaping him into who he is today, not the Vinsmokes, who he fucking hates

Luffy still looks up to both Garp and Shanks for shaping him into what he is today. He couldn't give two shits about Dragon.

Franky still owes everything to Tom, not his real parents. Same with Nami, Chopper, and Zoro with their respective non-blood related guardians.

>finite haki supply and CoV predetermines who will be great
This doesn't make any sense

Unit 731 was a party resort for chinese prisoners

>mfw tens of thousands vaporized in seconds

>people die you cant save everyone
>im gonna save everyone!!

Luffy had no problem with death until both his brothers died
If anything he might relax a little knowing that Sabo is fine

The real issue is a loss of personal connection after the timeskip

It's been kingdom saving, alliance creating, a million tag-along side characters and the crew, ironically, splitting up for longer than they've been together since the timeskip. The great adventure in the world's most dangerous ocean is missing.

and the next thing to look forward to is ANOTHER kingdom with a tyrannical leader the Straw Hats and company overthrow and replace with the original, benevolent family.

Carrot will be the _____ of the Straw Hats.


temporary companion


>Apprentice (Like Buggy/Shanks on Rogers crew)
>Cabin Girl

So people in this thread have said ceaser will stay with the crew under a permanent prisoner kind of deal. Is there any other real believable/acceptable way he would get kept around and join? At this point he doesn't really have anywhere else he can go

He can always go to Impel Down.




I really hope Caesar would be a nakama. Jinbe would be far too ''regular'' and have no interesting dialogue with the rest of the SHs, especially since they kinda wrapped up the entire Arlong thing in Fishman Island. Caesar is an antihero and wouldn't be too overpowered compared to the rest of SHs and he would fill in the logia gap that SHs lack.

>no decent OP anime
>no decent place to discuss OP
What a world we live in.

emergency emergency food supply

>in marineford crocodile want to kill wb, attack navy then interfere with doflaminggo and mihawk

Little sister.

laughing stock

Even their handling of the OST is infuriating. They've significantly turned down the volume on all music after the TS, so the moments that the music could improve on or even save from being utter shit, is ruined by barely hearing the beautiful music.
I kinda understand not spending money on the animation for their greedy reasons, but this is just incompetence.

Token blondie.
That role still needs to be filled. And so does she.

He's only out of options as far as doing his research in the New World.
He can always just retire in the middle of nowhere out of sight, start a family and grow potatoes.

someone like him will always find a place to go.

Because he's obviously going to be integral to their victory against Big Mom, even if his only real goal is to get the hell out of there.

Him and Chopper already have a banter relationship. He has nowhere else to go. He may end up helping to rescue Sanji.

I've been saying Caesar is next nakama before he even got captured and I'm sticking to it.

Reminder that Ceaser had his own Lab, his own island, plenty of funding, complete protection from even Big Mom, his own subordinates and test subjects to test weapons on, a cute assistant and whores every other week- he had a perfect life

Then Luffy showed up, allied with Law, ruined his experiments, beat him unconscious, took his heart, used him as a hostage, defeated his benefactor, then gave him to an Emperor who will kill him in two weeks unless he does something he knows he can't

Bestiality is unacceptable.

Name a single fetish that One Piece hasn't catered to in it's history. I'll wait.

Scat. GG

Caesar seems to realize on some level that he had it coming. I think he's been dragged into so much shit so quickly that he doesn't even blame Luffy for it anymore. He seemed more pissed at Doflamingo for letting himself get beat.

At this point all Caesar wants to do is escape as far away from the action as he can. I think if he got away by himself he'd sail all the way back to one of the Blues and spend the rest of his life curing whooping cough in a tiny village, saving babies.

Not because he's a good person - but because he's piss-scared that if he ever acts up again at all the entire shitstorm will start again.

Basically he's a lovable coward, which is exactly why I think the strawhats are just going to drag him along further and deeper into the adventure while he freaks out but can't do anything to stop it.

That's a running gag I could see working. And, if any of the strawhats are ever going to die, he could finally find his courage and sacrifice himself or something.

There's a lot you could do with him and Vegapunk, for example. A lot of "science" shit is going to happen soon and the crew might just need a scientist to do exposition.
Your move.


Have you all celebrated the pirate god, shichibukai "star clown" buggy-sama's birthday today?

Today is Bellamy's birthday.
Good luck and pillars of massive gold will come to you but only if you post Bellamy abuse in the thread.

post yfw when sanji defeats his entire family and she gets sent to impel down and becomes magellan's bitch



He's only still around if they ever get to Vegapunk, so yes. Probably.

the backgrounds and scenery are pretty good.
too bad the characters are all drawn fucking terribly.

>playstation 1 texture applied on a grid
>backgrounds and scenery are pretty good
Please tell me you're baiting.

bellamy's birthday was yesterday user

today is buggy-sama

>you will never EVER lick Perona's sweaty dirty sour lolita feet after a hot summer day


Well shit.
Oh well, Bellamy abuse is still neat to look at.

everyday is like a birthday for buggy. He's a god afterall. No need to celebrate him more than usual.

I want to click this, but the file size is too large.



When did he do this? I feel like he should do this all the time, at least more often. He looks pretty goofy and not intimidating most of the time.

He probably does it for intimidation status, like Luffy's known as eight meter giant because of his bad reputation, and most powerful characters are large in OPverse, so Buggy does it to maintain his legend status.

That's why I'm saying he should do it more often. He didn't do that when he was broadcasting the war did he? It still looks goofy but being at least huge like that is a bit more intimidating.

Luffy doesn't care about caesar.

I hope not. He seems like a overall worse version of Mayuri. One Piece characters are just so crazy anyways, a mad scientist doesnt fall out the line.

I'd rather lick this beautiful, meaty, sweaty, gladiator's feet after a fight

Seriously though, this pic has sparked my love for Rebecca somehow.

How does odas cock taste?


he does it after the timeskip

>falling for the Sup Forums meme and hating Rebecca
>she has always been great