Why does Naruto shippuden consistently have such better animation than One Piece? There are shit drawn eps, yah...

Why does Naruto shippuden consistently have such better animation than One Piece? There are shit drawn eps, yah, but even those are much better than even average toei eps.

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Pierrot actually cares about the animation and they have more talented animators.

They're all trash anyway, who cares?

Toei was completely trolled by WSJ and trapped in a contract which stated that they have animate One Piece from start to end. [citation needed, but let's admit it this is perfectly make sense]

because toei a shit

when you put it that way it does make sense as to why they don't care about the quality and continue to anime 1 chapter per ep

no it's more like
>use half the budget on the OP
>use the other half to animate the major fight of the in-between-filler episode

>1 chapter per ep
they make 1/2 chapter per ep
and just pad the episode with panning shots of people's mugs.
not to mention how they utterly fucked the KKG by turning a curbstomp to a powerstruggle

>they make 1/2 chapter per ep
Let's not make it worse than it is,
Dressrosa has 102 chapters and 118 episodes.

They may have done 1/2 chapter episodes but it's definitely not the rule.

Which is still better than what most studios do with their long running shows.

How many flashbacks would Toei be able to include in that fight?

Not him but the point still stands that it ran WAY longer than it should have.
100 chapter arcs should not go over 50 episodes.

Pretty sure Toei are more than happy to work on One Piece for a long as they can since it's a steady form of income for them.

Anyway, Toei has been very strict with their animation budget for a long time. They aim for around 3000 drawings an episode which is really little.

sure, i just wanted to point out that the facts are bad enough, no need to exaggerate.

Though 2ch/1ep has never really been the case. East Blue (100/54), Alabasta (119/69), Skypiea (85/52) are the closest.

one piece has the best animation of all time


That time when Gurren Lagann had an episode in the One Piece style and someone got fired over it.

another one

Then what is super's excuse?

>It was like putting my face next to an anus and breathing in deeply

I remember.

And you know what's funny? Toei animators get paid more.

aaand another

>manga is finished yet still makes filler for no reason

>one piece
>anime is catching up to manga yet filler only lasts one short arc.

This one looks alright, it's clearly meant to be somewhat comedic.

It doesn't have one.


Super is trash.

>no energy throwing
>barely used magic
>no action for five seconds followed by five minutes of explaining what just happened

It's a shame that in a story about Ninja this is one of the very few, if not the only, decent fight in the entire thing.

I wish my favorite anime had animation like that. Fuck Naruto.

Budget has little to do with quality animation.

Aside from the few good in-house animators, a number of the good animators who worked on Naruto have been going around the industry so odds are you might have seen their work before.

I thought they were both part of the equation.

It's important in the sense that it allows for a higher drawing allocation, but having enough time and the right talent on hand are key as well.

I'm honestly curious, has the One Piece anime ever had even remotely "great" animation?

Toei only puts effort into their art and prestige works. Their commercial products are the ones they put almost no effort into no matter how popular the source is.

Sunrise is the same way, only their prestige works are stupid shit like Unicorn.

The movies have some impressive stuff. The TV anime has good animation once in a while, usually reserved for the specials these days.

>Toei only puts effort into their art and prestige works.
Not quite true. Digimon movies look like absolute shit but some of their recent projects do look promising.


The only thing that annoys me is that they seem to be trying to move in to 3DCG for good.

enies lobby and some rare moments in marineford had god tier animation

Digimon is a commercial product.

Enies Lobby
Luffy vs Kizaru
Luffy vs Enel
are he moments that come to mind. Stopped watching after Enies Lobby finished.

I want to say pre timeskip and after Skypia. Somewhere between those points when the pacing wasn't so slow it takes a month to throw a punch but is past the very early stages of the anime.

It really showed in the OPs like Share the World and Kokoro no chizu. Ignoring the CG water that is.

How do you even make a 20min episode with 3000 drawings?

It's not difficult of you keep things sparsely-animated.

Wait, that spider guy was in 4th war arc? Or was this a filler?


Why does everyone keep using the Obito vs Kakashi fight as an example of saying that Shippuden had good animation? 95% of the episodes were shit, Pierrot is the studio to save most of their budget for a few special episodes and neglect all of the others.

Yeah, this.

Most Naruto episodes look plain bad. Which is funny because SP also did Bleach and that actually has some consistent animation.

Bleach has lots of mediocre episodes too.

Care to give an example? I recall the animation being pretty great in all fights even filler. Only time I could expect a dip in quality would be the calmer episodes of mostly talking.

The filler fights are better than the canon ones. Kubo sucks at fight choreography.

Just grab any random episode. The animation will be mediocre as expected of any long-running series. The show had bursts of good animation of course, but it didn't have really great ones save for the end of the last filler arc directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa.

>toei eps
You just answered your question.

>Why does everyone keep using the Obito vs Kakashi fight as an example of saying that Shippuden had good animation?

Because that's one of the well known scene. It doesn't mean they don't have other well animated sequences.

>95% of the episodes were shit

Except 50% of the episode was their fight you moron.

>Pierrot is the studio to save most of their budget for a few special episodes and neglect all of the others.

That's literally what all studios do for their long running shows idiot and yet they still deliver better than most. I dare you to find me something half as good as Gaara vs Lee, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain or even some of Tetsuya Nishio's work on episode 85 in other long running series.

Stop talking out of your ass and link some examples.

>but it didn't have really great ones save for the end of the last filler arc directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa.

Tachikawa only directed 3 episodes you moron.

To be fair, Naruto has unremarkable production values as a whole. That is inevitable for any show that goes on for a long time. Credit should be given for the occasions when good staff are brought on to work on an episode though. Norio Matsumoto's work on Naruto, especially on Atsushi Wakabayashi's episodes is the stuff of legends.

>Naruto vs Pain

Not this fucking meme again.

It's really simple, just go find a random episode and you'll see the stilted animation right off the bat. I ain't going to waste my time for that. I can understand why some people would think Bleach has better animation though. The show has more detailed designs and distinct shading unlike Naruto's which is plainer, not to mention the former anime uses filters more so it does give an impression of higher production values. The reality is that both are generally mediocre.

>Tachikawa only directed 3 episodes you moron.
I probably should've phrased my sentence better, I was saying Tachikawa directed the finale of the last filler arc. That's the only Bleach episode what I would regard as being genuinely outstanding in terms of animation.


these scenes, especially the marco one, have more frames than the rest of the entire arc put together
it's an exaggeration, which I needed to point out for you autists

It's good animation, just bad choice of art direction

>sound fx and ost during the second clip is amazing

I wouldn't say great at all. Fights in Bleach are overall incredibly boring. There are fights with fluid animation, but there's barely any choreography. 90% of the fights are just teleporting around, sword clash, drawn out pointless dialogue, power up, explosion, dust cloud. Only really good fight is Ichigo vs Grimmjow in mexico, and that still doesn't come close to some of the best stuff Naruto has produced.

Huh, all three videos feature Naotoshi Shida's animation.


You're right. It's just that putting it with Naruto vs Sasuke and Gaara vs Lee as examples as good fights makes me cringe.

Still not posting any examples? Typical.

The episode objectively is the best animated episode in all long running anime. The art direction is subjective because I liked how expressive it was compared to their previous episodes.

I liked that fight. It had a rough, web-animator quality akin to Birdy Decode 2's fights which also had the same animators working on it.

>I dare you to find me something half as good as Gaara vs Lee, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain or even some of Tetsuya Nishio's work on episode 85 in other long running series.
Does FMAB (64 Episodes) count?

I'm going off memory honestly. Naruto has a bit more need for more active combat because magic ninjas. Bleach focuses more on fantasy swords and isn't exactly Sword of the Stranger in writing.

I'm actually not a fan of this. Everything just wobbles a lot at a high frame rate.

The fights in FMA:B have a different sort of appeal. There isn't really any interesting martial arts choreography to go around but Yoshimichi Kameda's scenes in particular have a lot of energy in them. The exaggerated poses, raw line art, and stylish effects bring their own unique charm to the table.

Speaking of FMA. I really liked Ed vs Greed from 2003. There was always a focus on Ed's kicks and movement when he fought hand to hand. Made for that 10/10 trailer adult swim would use.


What do you understand for long running series?

that has to be the worst powerup transformation in shonen MC history.

>There isn't really any interesting martial arts choreography to go around
but there is for Naruto vs Pain?

Because Toei dont give a fuck since One Piece literally prints money no matter how badly they animate it.

This may not count since it's filler, but I've always thought this fight was amazing.


it's supposed to be exaggerated, to give it a sense of scale/power. epecially because the scenes animated by Naotoshi Shida are usually key events

what are the chances of One Piece Kai after OP ends?

Also, which studio would do it the most justice?

more like best.
it's silly, which fits luffy's character and its power and concept are worthy of being its own Gear.
Gear 2nd = Speed
Gear 3rd = Power
Gear 4th = Temporary Powerᵖᵒʷᵉʳ

Devil fruits can hardly compare to a good power system like HxH's nen but I think Oda does a good job making up for it in sheer creativity using otherwise bland powers.

>The way he says "fourth"

Who thought that was a good idea?

madhouse, if they manage to do it weekly instead of 6 episode a year