They have a point, ya know

They have a point, ya know.


No they don't


More white men are killed by police than black men, and there are more black mass shooters than whites....completely ill-informed of facts and reality.

Keep spreading this.

In the time it took me to read his post 7 white people got stabbed in the UK


Freedom is more important than security

suck my dick fucking faggot


1 post by this ID

>No god
>Jewish teachings
Someone please tell me Jews still at LEAST worship God

do you own stock in a knife company?


>They have a point,

Let's see if you can articulate what this point is then. Go on, I dare you.

stop replying to gun control threads you faggots

>ywn be a rowdy Texan protected by castle doctrine
>ywn snipe looting nogs during hurricane seasons

anyone adopting


its ilegal to own guns in here and we have the biggest crime rate in the world

get fucked uk fag, oh wait you need a homosexual license and the anal sex license for that, forget i said that

15 years, nigger. 15 motherfucking years.
You think you're free? Sheep.

You're three time more likely to be the victim of a violent crime in the UK than the US even without guns.

>ending with muslims

Oh gee that will end well.

only one short look at US crime statistics will destroy their perception of reality about guns, homicides, blacks and whites.

No, no they don't.

>crime is only bad when it's gun crime

people are still shiggying this BS in the current year, as if homicide by gun is worse than homicide by truck.

No, they really don't.

Fuck off you forum sliding shill.

They say this because they used to live in an ethnostate. Now that they've imported nigger culture they'll be screaming for the ability to defend themselves. At least their shit country are smaller so they'll be under the watchful eye of big blue other but that will only mitigate so much, but will also destroy their white majority faster, though.

>high on molly
opinion disregarded

>big blue other