Why do alt-right faggots always compare everything to Star Wars?




Because they have to communicate with childish liberals in a way that they can understand.

So what does it mean that he got Trump elected? And why do alt-right faggots love Star Wars analogies so much?

He didn't get Trump elected and anyone who thinks he got Trump elected is a fucking retard.

The analogies in the force are biblical

every bannon thread, same shillposter

What does that even mean?

The force is biblically inspired as a good vs evil paradigm and stories of redemption.

Cuz you're a cock fondling nigger maybe??

There is nothing wrong with fondling cocks. You probably fondle your own cock every day.

I think most nerd right wingers are more into 40K.

Because Breitbart likes to pretend they are some almighty powerful force and sole reason for Trump winning.

Oh okay, Jews. I guess I hate Bannon now because you posted a picture of him next to a Jew.

It's funny how much better things have been going with him out of the white house.

Indeed; 40k is much more ripe with analogies for the modern world than star wars.


>Why do alt-right faggots always compare everything to Star Wars?

Because they are juvenile man-children nerds.

>the guy that runs breitbart runs a story about how awesome he is

Because they aren't intelligent enough for Star Trek.