Nu-male Bugmen BTFO

The "Dirtbag Left" is absolutely eating itself right now over literally nothing.

> Head Berniebro Josh Androsky forced to step down from Democratic Socialists of America Steering Comittee following "contraversial" tweet (pic related)

> Lefty sluts are turning against their beta orbiters, essentially calling them "Brocialists" for not being "woke" to misogony

> Reddit's r/chappotraphouse is eating itself over virtue signaling vs. Irony

It's true, the Left REALY can't meme.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good point, and lets not forget that leftist women go to sleep and have erotic dreams of President Donald J Trump.

delet this

Man FUCK these sexist cis white males. They don't speak for us. DISAVOW CHAPO TRAP HOUSE

The left that are funny get given telly jobs and tv programmes. Check out top 10 satirists

Look at these dudes.

Oh nononono

Die in any myriad of painful ways

We are at a pretty comfy intersection. No matter how low-test these morons may be, they still have a sex drive.

A lot of millennial hipsters are only Leftists, because they believe it will get them laid. If we can push the window further, ostracize them with in their own spaces, we can not only deny them sex further, but push a lot of quasi-normies right.

> Tactics that seem to work is pitting BLM v. White females through accusations of "White Feminism"
> Calling out white allies as being "performative"
> Outing "crypto-misogonysts within their ranks"

This article hits their flaws on the head. They refer to their virtue signaling death spiral as a "vampire" castle". If we can accelerate this, we can secure a perminant alienation of leftist thought over social media.

Take your nig noggery memes and leave

These are the guys behind that Chapo podcast? Guy on the right looks like a pedo.


This is an antiwhite psyop thread. Op is a kike or a kike puppet.

Even at my cringiest stages in middle school, I would still not want to be associated with people like this.
wtf is going on in the left. I can't into their embrace of weakness.

>that eye
>he slips it on
>"imma fill you with pudding"


He broke rule No#1; Never apologize for hurting someones feelings.

He's literally "ironically" pedo.

Last time they had this much eruption within their ranks, it was over defending Subway Jared Foggle... (((ironically))).

For those out of the loop, these faggots are literally the mods and admins of /LeftyPol/ and r/socialism/.

Yes, it is considered e-celeb, but it is still propoganda that works against /us/ and should be attacked and exploited to our advantage.


I'd fucking kill myself if I were married to a lefty girl like that.

They turn on you so quickly.

This is the same thing that happened to occupy wall street. It is why "democratic socialism" can never work. You need patriarchal white supremacist Stalinism if you ever want to have a shot at real socialism. You need to designate women as property, sterilize non-whites, and liquidate fags in the gulags. It's really the only way socialism could ever work.

Out of curiosity- what were they even going for with that tweet? What was the joke they were attempting?

>having friends

That's what makes it beautiful.

From a Feminist lens, Occupy Wall Street failed because they focused "too much" on class struggle and not enough on gender politics.

Not only can they not recognize how they actually fucked up, they think they fucked up because they didn't go Left enough.

There is a lot of blackpilled shit going on over there.


Never understood these guys or like Chapo Trap House. Youre going to be taken to task by the politically correct left at some point.

The idea behind their joke was to compare the right-wing uproar over Confederate statue memorial to Hollywood's protection of Wienstien via Bill Cosby's star on the Walk of Fame.

Where they "fucked up" was the Feminist strain felt that the 'joke' minimalized sexual assault. Sexual assault should not be incorporated into humour in any capacity and the Tumblr crowd had a mass triggering as a result.

Basic gasult is that Cis Heterosexual males are not welcomed into their conversations because they bring inherit misogyny into their spaces, which is wonderful for us that seek to inflame D&C against them.

So good. So right

do you guys actually listen to their show? it is memes dressed up as intellectualism

>this faggot canada is projecting again

>""""dirtbag left"""" trying to be edgy
>now hold on guys hold on please stop you might trigger sexual assault survivors you guys this is really serious


hey guys watch this


Nice Pepe Andre


Oh, I just took it at face value: it looks like a picture of some guys really happy to be at Bill Cosbys star. They look really jazzed about it. Knowing who they are, I think its pretty safe to assume youre right about their intentions taking the picture, but as presented none of that is clear, and it just reads like theyre endorsing it.

Why would I ever subject myself to listening to a filthy leftist podcast?

You guys are really getting BTFO

that's the coolest thing I've ever heard of

I've been thinking this for a while. The way to take down the left isn't to try to confront their ideas and reason with them. They can be taken down by boxing them into their own ideology. Instead of presenting resistance to their ideas a contrarian front, reflect back encouragement in certain directions that encourages their own self destruction. Essentially reflect their own bullshit back and hit destructive resonance.

sjws always eat their own, every movement they start will inevitably implode on itself. all we need to do is damage control until their movements fall apart on their own, and then clean up the spilt spaghetti

Hope all you Nazi fucks know DSA will colonize your shitty little board. Wait until we learn how to use this place better. You're all done and will be forced even further underground where your kind belong. Laugh at us now but we are already making moves to take this place over.

I don't know anything about Chapo Trap House, I assume their like a leftwing TRS.... The name pisses me off

why are they discussing it so deeply?

ohhhh noooo. i'm so scareeeeedd.

I listen to it, only in that it is important to understand what we are up against.

Meme-wise, there are none. They have "in-jokes", but it's all self-referential bullshit.

Memes are inclusive. A good meme should be able to be unsterstood by anyone and they will still be able to appreciate the gist.

The Chapo kids are on that Hipster Faggot shit. Slavoj Žižek is right-wing. Marx is entry-level. Grade-A pieces of fuckshit.

They tried radical meme experimentation but there was a tragic meme breach.

>force us deeper underground
>where we thrive
>and grow

u thnk u b fitn NAZIS bt rly u fitn SKAVEN

>He broke rule No#1; Never apologize for hurting someones feelings.
This shit desu

After that you'll be expected to every single time

KEK that's brilliant

>the irony spiral
Top kek

I'm a leftist woman, I hate Drumpf and I only ever have dreams about Biden

Hahaha you are the one who will change.

The holocaust never happened

Communism = Jewish dictatorship

we are at the point where white male tankies (economic socialist authoritarian edgelords) are more welcome on the alt right than the radical left

what the fuck is going on

best part of their show is when they make predictions because they are wrong almost every time. you would think that would make them a bit more humble but no

>Guy on the right looks like a pedo.
Uh... fuck you guys. We are going for the Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing look. It's the hot new style for the younger demographic of college socialist/communists/marxist. Much better look than your "fashy" hair cuts and 3 piece suits.

It's kinda cool that they're determined to drive the last few white men out of the Democrat party, we want them?

because ther're big brained nibbas who need the rock

then why do my pants always end up on some neo-marxist slut's floor?

My dick has turned more women into Nazis than you could possibly fathom.
The Crypto-Fascist Feminist (literal Feminazis) movement is growing and it is all because of my massive throbbing magnum dong.

Communists support Jewish rapists

>The Holocaust never happened
The Holocaust definitely did happen but not on the scale US propoganda had the public believing.

Hi, Nazi. We aren't scared of you guys either. Like what even is this trash?

>doesn't matter
>literally only the benis in bagina one makes any sense or will prevent you from dying

Post pictures of your dick or you're lying.

>"ur fookin NAZIS!!!"
>posts image including a black alt-righter

I'm not afraid of communists because you're so incredibly stupid, but take yourselves to seriously. You're all angry at the world because you're the kids we all made fun of in school, but never realized why.

Yeah for 2020 be sure to preface any positive attributes of white Democratic candidates with the fact that they are white, e.g. an experienced candidate has a lot of white experience.

you caught me, my dick is so small that when women blow me they're actually flossing.

Oral Sex has never been this healthy for your mouth before.

QUICK RUNDOWN - What is ChapoTrapHouse?

>Wait until we learn how to use this place better.
>antifa are really this retarded

Top kek


>Strongly implying you're a girl and not pic related

>The Chapo kids are on that Hipster Faggot shit. Slavoj Žižek is right-wing. Marx is entry-level. Grade-A pieces of fuckshit.
Their whole style is chump!

IEDs made out of chapstick tubes, but like millions of them, an entire house's worth

all rigged to blow if you slow down below 60mph.



what did he mean by this?

I fucking hate these people that want to act like their opinions are the result of some kind of research
youre not better
nobodys looking up to you

i prefer my intellectualism dressed up as memes

"The joke was bad and not funny" is their go to every time these fags get trigged over a joke.

This. If we didn't disagree so much on economics, I'd probably be cool with National Bolshevism. It's the only leftism with actual balls!

It's quite simple: Weinstein was a big Clinton donor. Hillary lost the election.


The Left are having a purge. All those associated with the failed Clinton campaign are either to be smeared or bullied into submission. All the actresses who stayed silent for years are now denouncing him and declaring their allegiance to the new power structure.

I might not have had the most friends in school but I was far from some loser who got picked on.

I knew you were lying.

We've been "lurking" for months now. We are almost ready to make a FULL move to this board from Reddit. I'll be looking forward to future conversations.

Yes, I prefer her as a pronoun. Thanks.

thats a vagina going into a penis

So then let's keep their purge going as long as possible. A purity spiral is the best way to crush the left.

>all the wit of a Sup Forums meme

we have MANY of the top memes

>The Holocaust definitely did happen but not on the scale US propoganda had the public believing.

whoa there comrade we can't have you spreading this kind of wrongthink, i think you need a few weeks in the coalmines to chill out

Chapo guys are funny as fuck and the only people on the left who were willing to be truly subversive and edgy.

Of course the shitfuck SJW left is trying to destroy them. The SJW left is somehow more self destructive than Richard Spencer.

this picture is pretty funny desu I don't get what the left is chimping out over

like it's obvious that they're making fun of the fact that Bill Cosby is a known sexual abuser who still has a star

anyway the left can't help but eat itself alive with virtue signaling. even the irony-bro shtick is a form of virtue signaling. the whole thing is a big purity spiral.


This. I remember not long ago the LGBT bashed gay men because they're still white, so less oppressed than other groups


Thompson loved freedom you faggots don't attatch him to your commie bullshit

>like it's obvious that they're making fun of the fact that Bill Cosby is a known sexual abuser who still has a star
*accused sexual abuser

Chapo is a Lefty podcast attempt at a TRS podcast gone wrong.

Liberals are their "Cuckservatives" and they attempt to be 'edgy' and contrarian, but they cant go full Sup Forums without alienating their trigger-happy userbase.

The issue is that they became wildly financially successful ($40-$80k month via crowdfunding), very quickly because they have ties with WaPo, Vice and A/V Club etc.

Them, "Dry Boys" and "Cum Town" are essentially hipster, elitest leftwing bullshit that tries to make Socialism "dangerous" again. (But not too dangerous).

I have friends that have been wrong about everything since the primaries while I have been right about nearly everything. They are still smug as shit and condescending. Talk about their feelings and predictions like they are fact. We aren't as good of friends as we used to be.

audible kek

>implying a nigger didn't sexually abuse someone

nogs are guilty until proven innocent

This is one of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals

November 4th will consist of a bunch of low functioning antifaggots making a complete ass of themselves. I hope the rumors are true and that you are trying to step foot on the presidents lawn.

I cant wait to see the livestreams of you guys getting mowed down.


This is why leftist are fucked. They cant be funny because they dont have any sort of edge to their humor, because the moment they try to make a joke thats not a pun, people will question their morals. These faggots are so boring. If lefties really wanted to win, theyd do what we do and make jokes about gulags and sending intellectuals to rice farms.

Why would you shitpost to offend the people you want to give free shit to?
Everyone left of me must be absolutely crackhead retarded.

Chapo are fucking privileged white males, they are soo disgusting, ugh. Why do they never have women or diverse guests on I'm not listening to a podcast by a FUCKING white male

Amen bro I know this place inside and out. We will run this site by next year. Trump is fucking stupid and people will realize that when it's no longer funny to defend him or w/e

Anyone with a brain knows the numbers are exaggerated for US propaganda purposes. Just like the Holodomor.

Doesn't matter. He's ours now.

Nice meme, cool guy. Only that one old Antifa guy had a feces fetish.

which was I lying about?
having a massive dong or having a tiny weewee?

you'll never know
but that girl you orbit? she knows.
go ask her about who turned her into a nazi