REMINDER: "Anarcho Communism" is just tyranny and oppression hiding behind a meme of anarchy...

REMINDER: "Anarcho Communism" is just tyranny and oppression hiding behind a meme of anarchy, freedom and abolishment of authority. it's just a rebranding that relies on a bait and switch that relies on a false promise, so communists and tyrants can dissociate themselves from the evils of Stalin and Mao!

>in order to achieve their "anarchy", "anarcho communists" must rely upon big government to systematically murder and eliminate all those who do not fit into the "anarcho communist" mold (this is the majority of human beings, includes your parents, includes your siblings, includes your friends), and then simply "hope the government will do the right thing" by abolishing itself and treating everyone fairly (cuz we all know that's what governments do!)
>anarcho communists have literally no answer to the question of what they will do once an organized, disciplined and trained army is amassed somewhere outside of their utopian society! literally. no. answer. they claim resistance will "spontaneously organize" in small communities like in the movies (because they are always types who watch too many movies), and beat the well funded, organized and trained armies of thousands! and yet this was tried by native americans and it didn't work out too well for those losers!

DONT fall for the meme, kids. "anarcho communists" are just big government loving oppressors and tyrants who are trying to fool you with false promises of "freedom".

"freedom" does not come from big government! and "big government" does not lead to an abolishment of government! history is very clear on those points!

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Reminder, anarcho capitalism is just as bad. They want to prevent the government helping you when you need it, and if you find a blueberry in the woods, the owner of the woods will shoot you for stealing his blueberry!

i do not think it is even remotely "just as bad" as the evil and depravity of the anarcho communists. it isn't "evil" to recognize that government is inherently flawed and corrupt, and so people must fend for themselves in the world. that's not "evil" at all, IMO.

i am not an anarcho capitalist, but you simply are trying to equate people who want to "let nature run its course" with people who want to murder, maraud, and destroy everything and everyone who doesn't 100% conform to what they think their vision of the world should be and it's not an accurate comparison.

Thats just like, your opinion man.

Communism is the product of medieval jewish voodoo that infected academia under the name "Hegelian Dialectics".

>and if you find a blueberry in the woods, the owner of the woods will shoot you for stealing his blueberry!

If someone "found" your wallet in your house would you be upset with them or do they have some right to take it?

what's my opinion? that without an organized army to defend you (which, by the way, is going to need generals and a chain of command IE HIERARCHY) you'll get overrun by invaders? no. that's not my opinion. that's a stone cold indisputable fact.

Its some real Jew shit. Its for edgelord faggots that dont think Marxism is underground enough.

sure, you unloved child you

>unironically saying something this insane with a straight face
i like how the people who claim not to "own anything" or "believe in ownership" also seem to think they literally "own the woods" though.

it's like you claim not to believe in any ownership, but yet you claim ownership rights over everything you see that you want. hmmmmmmm. it's almost like this is just bullshit and manipulation because you're a tyrant.........or something.

>"Anarcho Communism" is just tyranny and oppression hiding behind a meme of anarchy, freedom and abolishment of authority.

Sounds like libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism.

Both of those "ideologies" are just another word for corporate feudalism, because that is just what happens when you remove all opposition to corporate power and greed.

it's so sad that those are white people. what are they smiling about? they are literally sowing the seeds of their own destruction :(


Anything that has to do with communism is for fags and failures.

i don't support AnCap or anything that the libertarian movement has become, but drawing parallels between the two and saying "one is just as bad as the other" is totally false. the AnCom thing is on a whole 'nother level of evil and depravity.

these people literally believe in roaming in packs and murdering innocent people, including their own parents BTW, because they hold some sort of untoward political view that they disagree with.

no comparison. not even close. not even remotely. it's nothing like the "let nature run its course" mentality of the AnCaps.

and i'm not into any of that shit BTW. im deep into american civics and the vision the founding fathers had for this country. which was a good vision we should still be trying to realize.

Greed? Hahahaha

we win

Yes because smashing your neighborhood's property is such a crushing defeat of 'the system'

yeah you "win", you really did a lot of good for the world and society as a whole with that little display of tantrum. never mind the fact that the greek government could have crushed you like an egg but chose not to because it recognizes you're just a bunch of retards.

my neighbors dont own two legged pigs

little displays of tantrum go a long way in this world

you think marauding in the streets with masks and intimidating the shit out of people because you want communism is akin to the tea party?
those were people fighting for genuine freedom and autonomy. you're literally FIGHTING for a political ideology which by its nature requires you to massacre the majority of the people in the world because they don't fall in line to what your strict political ideals are.
you aren't "the boston tea party" you're much more akin to the people the americans were fighting against.

Thats not even a tantrum lmao, that was a planned and carefully executed act of rebellion. They were there to destroy the tea shipments, which is why they didn't literally destroy the entire surrounding streets of boston like you faggots would.


another difference is that people in the colonies actually WANTED to be free from britain and the tea partiers were willing to go to war and fight and die to PROTECT THEM.
ANTIFA is like a gang that people want to be protected FROM. they are thugs that intimidate and throw violent fits not because they have a well reasoned ideology of freedom and individual rights and liberty, but because they angrily and blindly believe in the OPPOSITE of those ideals.

Communists are anarchists. Stalin and Mao were socialists. Socialism is, according to Marxist theory, SUPPOSED to lead to communism, but it doesn't because Marxism is fucking stupid and doesn't work.

Also any marxist saying any tribal group was doing communism are either completely retarded or completely disingenuous.

when you are ANTIFA you are unironically opposed to the ideas of freedom, low taxes, small government, individual autonomy or even the idea of there being any kind of inherent value to human life, since they openly want to massacre droves of people who disagree with them.

who are you kidding? "requires you to massacre the majority of the people" you really belive this shit? you really think Lenin and Stalin in under those masks? get your head out of your ass. here, this is what we do when we dont fight, we set up free health care you dumbfuck

and we make meals for poor people to eat with little or no charge, fucking moron 1:16

Can't wait until Golden Dawn exterminates these fags.

>look at muh PR for muh political movement of violence and tyranny
dude i don't think there's a single person that's been fooled by that.
yeah do you want to massacre the majority of people. that's how "anarcho communism" is supposed to work by its very definition. that's literally the center of your ideology, to kill off everyone who disagrees with you until only people ideologically inclined with you are left, so that "communism happens naturally". it's the most fucking batshit insane, homocidal and genocidal idea on the earth.

>we're being taxed unfairly by British cunts on tea
>target only their tea in protest

>we're being treated unfairly by police
>loot the nearest liqour store and shoe store
>set a few cars on fire

There's a pretty big difference there senpai. If these niggers just did sit ins infront of police stations and didn't fucking chimp out, they'd have a lot more support

Its literally impossible to be an ancom. The more you slide left on the politcal compass, the less you will slide in to libertarianism/minarchism.
It's also impossible to implement such a system beyond a few hundred people without having social heiarchies. The United States especially is a country founded on individualist ideals- it would never work.
Fantasy ideologies like ancomm deserve the utmost scrutiny, they aren't feasible in contemporary society.

>There's a pretty big difference there senpai. If these niggers just did sit ins infront of police stations and didn't fucking chimp out, they'd have a lot more support
normies are stupid. they can't really think in terms of why this political ideology is broken and pure evil at its center.
BUT they sure can see the evil in the hearts and minds of the people who practice it.
the greatest fucking PR tool capitalism and the right-wing has is ANTIFA.
after all, nazism only ever came into existence as a reactionary movement to communism. communists made nazis, apparently they still haven't learned the lesson.

>what we do when we don't fight
Your ideology requires a small obscure band of people who fight outside influences and nature out of necessity for survival. There would never be a time where you'd even have the opportunity to set up free healthcare because your best doctors would be preoccupied with tending to the wounded within your own group. What incentive would they have to treat you as an individual in a socialist collective?

friendship you miserable atomized cuck? you have friends or you only doxx people all day on /po/ and snitch to the police. "What incentive"? love, generosity, solidarity, friendship.

i feel pity for you for even asking me this shit

srsly do you know what LITERALLY provided the best standard of healthcare of anywhere in the world throughout all of history?
do you know?
i'll give you one guess?
yeah! that's right! CAPITALISM!!

>unironically believing healthcare can be paid for with friendship and willing to brutally murder anyone who says differently - AnComs

we dont need to buy nothing, we made it all. the bosses have nothing to give us but stupid pieces of paper you demented idiot. there is no fucking money in communism. doctors fix you because thats what they chose to do in life, help peaple

boo hoo bro life sucks, it fucks with all of our heads but the difference between us is that we don't go out and try to brutally slay everyone who makes us feel insecure or confronts us with sad truths about the world around us :(

you are literally advocating for the wholesale slaughter of millions, probably billions, and you're trying to post some SOB story of peopel who don't have healthcare as a justification. nice.

so it is exactly like i said, you unironically believe that friendship will pay for healthcare

You're out of touch with the social games mass society plays. You can't force somebody to be your friend. An ancom society would require egoist individuals to agree to redistribute resources out of altruism. The majority of people wouldn't subscribe to that. Your ideologies only logical conclusion is strife with outsiders who mutally agree to be aligned and have incentive to take what you have by force. You might win a few battles, you might lose a few battles, but prolonged war is detrimental to any society.

i have a serious question for you. what if the doctor doesn't want to work for free? what if he decides he doesn't care and doesn't want to spend his life fixing people up "becuz friendship". you slaughter him, right? that is the basic tenant of your political philosophy, even if you deny it here, you know full well that the basic tenants of your "moralistic" political philosophy demand that you slaughter him.

some friendship. doesn't even sound as strong as normal friendship, never mind friendship that can magically pay for healthcare food and other vital goods :(

it sounds much more like you're holding a gun to peoples heads and saying "be a slave and do as i say or else you'll get your fucking throat cut, faggot!". sure is some bright future you want to build!

>about the world around us

did you have a say in how this world should be? no, you just conform out of fear, and life will always "suck" for conformists, they will go though is silently, like tourists in a foreigner country, without ever taking a stand and they will resent the people that do take one, "if im not free nobody should be" call 911.

look bro on a personal level. it's pretty clear to me that you have personal emotional difficulty in dealing with the world and accepting it as it is. that's your PERSONAL PROBLEM. you would be AMAZED the lengths that people like me would ACTUALLY go to help you deal with these problems out of pure decency and human empathy, but when they get to a point where you want to LITERALLY GENOCIDE AND MURDER MILLIONS OF PEOPLE just BECAUSE they're well adjusted to life on planet earth then you're entering into a whole new ballgame and a whole new territory, i'm sorry.

Ancoms are cute :) you'll reach puberty someday xo

you think doctors are businessman? doctors fix bodies. we dont kill doctors you idiot. the aim is to destroy the historical movement of capitalism not to drop an A bomb on a city.

another thing is that not everybody feels as powerless and confined as you bro. there are still those of us out here that are free and feel free, and we see a lot of beauty and joy in life. people like you only want to hurt us and take that away from us for no other reason than that we are happy and you are not.
i am not a rich person. not "the 1%". i was actually homeless for a long time. lived in the woods eating squirrels and berries and shit. i am an anti-materialist person by my nature. and even now i only make the money i need to survive and pay a few bills. but i don't look at the world and see all of negativity you do. i see a lot of negativity, but a lot of positivity too.

i'm sorry, you prob had a bad upbringing. prob brought up in a middle to upper class household with parents who were kind of slavish, didn't know how to do things for themselves, weren't free. maybe dad and mom were a little too authoritarian. a little too hard on you. expected too much and told you too much what to do.

i feel bad for you, that's the truth. i feel true sympathy. but you want to SLAUGHTER PEOPLE just because THEY ARE BETTER ADJUSTED AND DON'T SEE THE WORLD IN SUCH NEGATIVE, HATEFUL TERMS AS YOU DO.

no if it was just a PERSONAL problem i would be throwing them fire bottles alone, but this is not the case, is it..? adjusting is nothing, slaves adjust, free people MAKE the world, TRANSFORM it.

what? yes doctors are businessmen, what do you think the doctors at the hospitals don't get paid? the ones who own their own practices are LITERALLY businessmen. they literally OWN the business. how can you even say something this ignorant??

and you deny that you would kill a doctor that refused to work for free but the basic principle of your political ideology is that anyone who dissents from the communist mindset must be murdered off and you KNOW that's the reality. so deny all you want but you know you would murder them.

you poor fuck, you cant even imagine freedom so you say you are free. cant even imagine a world outside this open skye prison

>adjusting is nothing, slaves adjust, free people MAKE the world, TRANSFORM it.
so this is really telling. it's all about power for you people. it's all about having the power to turn the world into what you see it as. so you don't feel sad and frightened.
just like serial killers. serial killers need to feel power so they can feel like they are above death and above their fears.
it's pure sociopathy. you want to control everything and everyone around you that's why you're a tyrant.

dude i am very happy and fulfilled. i work for myself, make my own hours. i make a very positive impact on the environment in my line of work. i am very pleased with things. got a girlfriend, hoping to have children eventually. i want to make sure there is a free and open world for them to live and thrive in.
i see people like you and you are just sociopaths. you only want to destroy the happy and the well-adjusted. you only yearn for power over others that's fucked up and frightening.

lol nice try hahahha.

so what? you some kind of moralfag?

in a million years i've never wanted POWER over other people. i've only ever wanted to be free and independent and strong, and i've been able to do that with my life but people like you seem to HATE that because it makes you feel personally insecure. you want NOTHING other than TOTAL CONTROL OVER OTHER PEOPLE. that's it. that's why you are tyrants, plain and simple.

oh you fucking normies make me sick

I agree completely, it's easily the memest "ideology" around, even An-Cap has more truth to it than the delusion that is An-Com

so you equate anyone who puts down serial killers and tyrants who want to control others as "moralfags"?

i guess that little article you posted earlier about the peopel who threw themselves off of the building because they didn't have healthcare was just BS then huh? you didn't really care about them. you were just using them as a means to elicit emotional reactions from others and control them :(

you are not independent or free. you dont even know what those words mean. you are an atomized consumer-producer. you are like a poor chicken in a chicken coop. you are domesticated

yes i know i make you sick, that's the point. i live and work and love and create things with my life and all you want to do is harm me for that. all you want to do is tear me down and people like me. all AnComs want to do is destroy things because they hate themselves.

and yet still there is empathy for people like you in people like me. still we try to reach out our hands and help you out but you are just so full of ugliness and hatred that you slap it away and try to LITERALLY MURDER US FOR IT. that's the ugliness and hideousness of "Anarcho Communism" and ANTIFA.

dude i already told you i spent like 5 years in the woods killing squirrels and eating them and living totally on my own. don't tell me i am not free lol, you don't know what freedom is, i don't think you know what life is.

your larp fell apart here, doofus

here is the thing with people like you, who have this mentality. you come from upper class households. you come from parents who embody these traits you deride. you were raised to embody them yourselves. most of you come from single mom households, the others had overbearing authoritarian dads. so you perceive everything as being "slavery". everything is about "authority". you've never been free in life so you can't imagine that anyone else around you is free.

look kid i'm sorry you've had a poor ride, but you don't get the right to fuck everyone elses life up just because you were miserable and unhappy, that's the truth.

i know, earlier in the thread he is saying "doctors will provide healthcare because of friendship and love!" and self-righteously posting links to stories about people who couldn't get healthcare, and saying "ANTIFA sets up clinics to give people free healthcare!" but now the LARP has fallen apart. now he's shown for what he really is.

an angry person who hates himself and wants total sociopathic control over others. he basically already said he wants to totally control and mold his environment to his will too. he is a tyrant. that's how tyrants feel and think :(

i fell pity for you people, nothing will ever happen in your life, its really sad. you do through life gently, like tourists in a strange world, in a Disneyland, being constantly said "dont touch that" like a museum. here. this is the perfect analogy for your life, those tourists in Venice

ok dude well have fun murdering and slaughtering untold millions, possibly billions of people just because you're angry at life and want total control over the people around you who make you feel insecure. if i'm reading your comments right this is basically what you're telling me your motivations are. no surprise. that's what all ANTIFA motivations are. and all of the moral preening and the "look at the people who don't have healthcare" memes you posted earlier were just manipulations designed to prey on peoples emotions.

what the fuck do you even know about us? "upper class", "single parent" - this is horseshit. and yeah we gonna fuck with you, thats the way humanity is, we are connected

lol you're just a gang of angry, sociopathic thugs, most of whom were overprivileged growing up :(

and here i am, having been more-or-less nothing but nice to you in this thread, telling you i am sympathetic to you and other stuff, and still you can't help but get angry and threaten me with you gang of violent thugs. typical. what separates you from someone like MS13?

i would talk seriously actually but the allegations of me being a serial killer are a troll game.

i never alleged you were a serial killer and you know that, i alleged that your thought process and many of your motivations, as well of the motivations of your ilk and those who fly your flag, are very similar to those of serial killers in that you seek power over others so that you yourself no longer feel powerless :(

>To any moral preoccupation, to any concern for
purity, we substitute the collective working out
of a strategy.
Only that which impedes the increase of our
strength is bad.
It follows from this resolution that economics and
politics are no longer to be distinguished.
We are not afraid of forming gangs; and can only
laugh at those who will decry us as a mafia.

If the doctor hires an assistant, you kill him.

you know what anarchists are? you ever head of an anarchist state? where did anarchist commited genocide?

>you ever head of an anarchist state?
Plenty of "anarchist" states have existed such as the CNT.

lets not play this game. you know the very core of your fundamental philosophy is that you must violently slaughter all those that dissent and all those that don't see the world exactly as you do, so that "communism can happen naturally".

what is this anyway? some kind of Ted kazynsky Leftist analysis? he was /our/ guy

that wasn't a state. and they sure as shit didnt commit genocide

It was an organized group with militias who killed those who opposed them.

Successful "anarchists" are always statists because to overthrow the existing order, you need organized force.

what are revolutions about? insurrections? civil wars? those are not liberal democratic processes, you cant vote anarchy into office, anarchy is the end of the office

t. Literally shaking faggot who has never been in a fight, and never will. Suicide by 30 years old.

fuck yeah it was a civil war. so what? america had one.

The participants in the US civil war weren't pretending to be notstates.

32 and still hanging

well, we are.

whats your point?

Tyrants pretending to be anarchists are not to be trusted. They will set up laws like "don't try to hire anyone or we'll shoot you."

ok so just to be clear you are full out admitting that you want to wholesale slaughter anyone who doesn't agree with your worldview, which would ostensibly be the majority of human beings on the planet earth, including many parents, siblings, friends, philanthropists, scientists, humanitarians, and people who actually do real good on this planet.

we dont hire no one as it is. did you see the clip about the health care center? nobody hired that doctor. of course, we dont hire and we dont have those types of relations. we want to abolish salary relations, abolish money, abolish cops, private property, state offices, bureaucracy, banks.....

That's a bit of an exaggeration; most people aren't outright killed but are terrorized with the threat of force, kind of like what a state does, only most states are less tyrannical.

i think that's the other anons point. if anyone does decide to hire someone you will shoot him. so it's exactly as he said :(

It's all well and good if you don't hire anyone. But what ancoms do when they get power is use force to prevent anyone else from hiring people.

oh it's a "bit of an exaggeration" huh? well even if it were a "bit of an exaggeration" that would still be incalculably insane. but it's not an "exaggeration" at all and you know it. anyone who does not conform will be put to the sword under this ideology and that will be the majority of the human beings on earth and you know it. that's why they're violent thugs out in the street only seeking to cause damage and hurt everything and everyone around them :(

look, if people are ready to pick up arms, to figth along with the police inorder to preserve this system they are partisans in civil war.


dont pick up a gun and then while if you get shot

>anyone who does not conform
This is correct, the previous
>anyone who doesn't agree
was a bit of an exaggeration.

It's the walking dead.

the way communists work is that they seek to thin the herd over generations. they want to kill of the ones who don't outright conform first. then they go for the ones who say they conform, but still have free thought. that's why in the soviet union everyone was terrified of their neighbors. if they weren't doing or saying something exactly right they could be reported and then secreted out of the house in the middle of the night, sent off to gulags.

AnComs freely admit they want to use this model until there is nothing left but perfect, mindless, farming zombies who do exactly what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it, and share everything that is produced by their labor with everyone else.
this is called eternal human slavery and it's nothing "pleasant" or "idealistic"

we're anarchist, we dont occupy the state like bannon, we abolish it. if we get to abolish it those relations lose validity. salary relations exist only under particular historical conditions

>was a bit of an exaggeration.
no that's the point, it's only an exaggeration in their first round of brutal murders. once they're in power they systematically seek to weed out all of the "non communist thinkers" they freely admit as much themselves. so that a "communist society can happen naturaly". of course it's only accomplished and labeled "natural" after they basically use a big government to practice eugenics to create a mindless slave race. not even exaggerating one bit here and you know, this is literally what these animals believe and want to do.